My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm new to this forum. In fact, I hadn't smoked anything in five years until February of this year. I went back to my hometown for a visit for 10 days. I spent the night with a friend I'd only seen for a couple of hours here and there for the past 15 years. Wouldn't you know, the night I'm there, in walks their friend with a big ass shopping bag full of weed! Before I knew it I was sitting up to the table with a mountain of dank in front of me watching the bong go by. Finally I's couldn't stands it no more and I reached out and took that bong, daring anyone to try and stop me. lol I forgot how much fun getting high was. I quit in order to find a job. I stayed off it cause I want a better job. I decided to stay in my crappy job and go ahead and get high for a while. lol
I have pretty painless ways around those piss test!! Let me know if ya want some info!


Well-Known Member
lol nice!!!!! faggots really are fantastic!! man that pic is so funny~!! I have seen many scenes like that in the quarter!! there is a lil think down here called southern decadence its like a gay celebration, Im not sure, but the parade they have is fucking hilarious!! I don't get it, but they sure know how to have fun!!!


Well-Known Member
I just knew there had to be a crowd like this on here somewhere. Just what I've been hoping for. Way cool. You all have made my day/week...

Oh, I've been meaning to mention that the photos you took when you said your flash wasn't working, were very nice. I thought they were very rich looking, glamour shots.


Well-Known Member
lol yes bud glamour shots! I like that!!! I can just hear the sales pitch now! "when ya just dont have the flash to make that top quality bud porn that you love so much, go glamour shots!"


Active Member
I wish there was a way to take a pic of your growroom showing the nice white light thats actually there instead of it turning into ugly yellow like a cigarette stain


Well-Known Member
I wish there was a way to take a pic of your growroom showing the nice white light thats actually there instead of it turning into ugly yellow like a cigarette stain
I always just took pics just after the lights went out... I had a green bulb in the room (supposed to not bother ladies while sleeping) and a regular lamp. Just made sure I was quick about taking the pics.. used flash the whole bit.. honestly I didn't see harm done to the plants.. there may be those that disagree but I didn't have any "bad" results due to having done it. the sun itself doesn't just snap off! the light fades slowly...


Well-Known Member

You guys are a riot! I don't know who you people are, or how old you are, but you have the old school charm of my generation, acceptance and humor. Remind me to show you some of my family pictures. Then you'll know I fit right in.


Well-Known Member

You guys are a riot! I don't know who you people are, or how old you are, but you have the old school charm of my generation, acceptance and humor. Remind me to show you some of my family pictures. Then you'll know I fit right in.
Just wait till ya get a chance to meet the rest of the krewe!


Well-Known Member
I couldnt beleive these results man!!

Ok the weights are in!!!

I weighed all this up on my tripple beam, just to much for my lil digi!

ok plant one, I refered to as abused

9 days curing -- 122.0 grams

plant two I called spice

8 days curing -- 130.5

and plant three, I called cheese (because of smell not genetics)

19 hours curing --194.5 grams

total from first grow of 3 plants 447.0 grams!

Ok so I know the weights will shrink a bit but I am super surprised at the weights even with that in mind! The cheese is smelling incredible and got me and 3 heavy smoking freinds VERY high while we where weighing it up. and long lasting! Even tasted great when the other plants had a grassy taste first hours into cure. one proud rookie! Cant wait to this again!

kiss-assI kiss the ass of riu and the tlb for getting me here!! I play a good robot!
