My first class with the golden teacher

If he's feeling anything off of 2g wet, that is really good sign. See if you can put him into the laughing stage, so you know it's not just the placebo effect. 2g wet isn't much at all. Shrooms are like 70%? water.
oh he was fine when i talked to him...he just said he could see some nice enhanced colors...nothing great and definatly not tripping balls...he did start giggling at some chubby dude on TV for a bit lol
and yeah i know 2g wet isnt shit but he said he could def feel it..i dont see why he would lie to me.

I wasn't trying insinuate that he would lie, I just know how strong the placebo effect can be.

Are you just gonna eat em'? Any special preparations? I'm a big fan of eating with something very acidic and on an empty stomach.
i didnt mean that as a comeback man...

i have a coup[le big ones sitting in frontof drunk, and stoned....not sure if i want to take that dive....but i really want to take the dive....
my plan is to do a light dose first (im a virgin) then this summer take a super heavy dose (like 4 grams dry) and trip sack....then be done with eating them..

im just looking for the experience really...hitting 30 this year fig why not right?
I think I have seen others say fresh shrooms are 90% water by mass so you can neatly reduce by a factor of 10 (30 grams wet= 3 grams dry) but I have not made it far enough to know if that is accurate.
fresh is much stronger. if you eat about 9-14g youll have a really good time. personally i would just dry it out eating fresh mushies is a gag fest.
I found about 85 % water when I dried most of mine, some higher some lower. I've never ate as little as 2g wet, but I'd be very surprised with my body size if I felt anything. I'd eaten as little as 1.5g dried and only got light effects. Typically for my size(6'5" 220lbs) I eat between 3-4gs dry(or about 30-35g wet) for a good night, 2g if I just want to feel it and chill.

I usually suggest most people eat about 2g dry (20g wet) to get a nice idea what its all about the first time. I've never gave someone 2g there first time and not had them wanting more the next time.

My favorite method for fresh mushrooms is to chop them up and put them on a cheeseburger.

Also prepare some blunts they are the best when tripping for me!