My first class with the golden teacher

Congrats man its a great feeling to get that first flush!

Nice I personally like eating them fresh, they have psiliocyn in them when fresh along with the psiliocybin. When they dry it is just the psiliocybin, and the trip is definitely different. Not bad different, just different. If you are gonna have the chance to eat them in the next 2-3 days I'd keep them in the fridge, if not then get em drying.
Congrats man its a great feeling to get that first flush!

Nice I personally like eating them fresh, they have psiliocyn in them when fresh along with the psiliocybin. When they dry it is just the psiliocybin, and the trip is definitely different. Not bad different, just different. If you are gonna have the chance to eat them in the next 2-3 days I'd keep them in the fridge, if not then get em drying.

I'll let Matt talk about it, I just got the pictures from him on my phone, so I asked him if I can upload them pictures to the thread.
Well some good and bad news...

the good news is that the ones that have started fruiting are doubling by the day.

the bad news is i have contam in almost everything except the one pan thats fruiting....:( green penicilin mold....scooped it out and hit the area with a strong bleach water solution and im hoping for the best...figure its too late to start over now...put them into fruiting and hopefully the mycelium wins out..

I do have one queastion. will the mushrooms be poisonous because of this green mold? i mean i want to grow them out but if im risking growing something that could be harmfull when people eat them i dont want to take the risk.

I am blaming myself for not taking more cleanlyness into my work while doing certain things....from now on everything is going to be nice n clean when i work...i started gettin cocky and its my own fault. will be setting up a mushroom work station where i can disenfect it and go in and work in a clean flow hood but it will be like i had mentioned above....pretty much a box with plastic around it.

anyways heres some pics..

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Guys? study the contamination closely. Note that it looks a bit like a paint chip laying on the surface - just before it begins, roughly from the center, to turn green. Get to know this dense tufty quality and you will often be able to correct Trich outbreaks albeit small ones BEFORE they sporeulate. That is the biggest problem with contaminaion, most can't really know it IS contamination until is spores out and shows color but if you are careful you will often be able to differentiate mold by the structure of the mycelium of he contaminate alone. There is something to learn even in this nasty nasty situation. Tric is the spider mites of mushrooms.
Mr. Canndo shit!! seems so much quicker!! no all we need from Matt is a "trip report" ;)

Now mind, most people think that it is quicker because they only think of the speed of the fruit - 3 - 5 days but they tend not to take into account all that must happen before. A Spawned straw to friut cycle can take two months if you go from spores to agar, isolate your likely culture, let the isolate colonize the dish, transfer the dish to grain, grain to grain, grain spawn to substrate and then colonized casing.
Oh, and there is a contamination primer in the How to grow mushrooms the easy way if you all havn't seen it yet.
wow guys this thread is poppin!!

yep got my first fruits today... i was there for a couple hours and by the end ended up plucking a few more that hadnt quite broken the veils when i first harvested but had done so by the time i left...

i cant belive how tiny these things are!!!! but i also cant believe how fast they grow once starting to pin.

as far as the contams go i dont see any more green trich today which is a hoping it stays at bay for a bit. on the 2 larger FC' s the mycelium has pretty much reached the top of the casing layer so im hoping anytime i see some pinning.

also on a side not...the CO2 from these things is making his Mj plants grow insanely fast with the temps being inmid 70's and CO2 levels up there its crazy, can we say symbiotic relationship between the green and the black sides?? (maybe the green dosent help the black but the black defo contributes to the green) i 1/2 way thinking of getting edible spores and doing some edible non cubensi mushies in my Mj grow just for the CO2 letoff!!

going to attempt some spore prints today and dry these things out!!

heres a couple harvest pics...small but im just reallt really happy i acomplished this.. 12.2 g right now i think they have dried out a little over the past couple hours..

Time to call upon Javadog (java? did you get your name because you like coffee? I'm curious as I am a home roaster).

I find that multispore inoculations tend to flush irregularly and at times yield differing sorts of fruit depending upon the flush. I had always supposed that it was possible that each of the sexualy mature mycelium took turns in flushing. So my first flush might be very small and squat. My second might be far more tall with different color caps.

BUT, I have seen monocultures give off what one would call immature fruit - funny looking, somewhat odd, and the next - after the mycelium "matures" it will produce a robust and perfect second flush, almost as though it were perfecting it's fruiting as it goes.

But I never looked into it. It could be that my monoculture was not actually. It could be that in the situation of competing mycelial dna only one dominates and the others do not get a chance to fruit at all.

I really have no idea and perhaps Javadog can shed some light on this.

My point here is that you have no reason to expect that your second flush will not be larger, and even, in your case more prolific. I have found that small fruit is usually the result of less nutrient but I can't really say for sure. What I DO know is that aborts are, given that your environment is ideal, a function of depth of substrate. In some of the pictures I posted there were, count them... NO aborts, each pin stage mushroom grew to full maturity.


Now look at how tiny those are, yet the second flush yielded far larger mushooms - sorry I don't have pics of those - the one on the left was multispore, the one on the right was a monoculture.
lastly, for those who are wondering why these musrhooms are over ripe - they were for my own consumption and appreciation. I typicaly will wait until most of the fruit have opened before I pick any and I will level the filed, not taking them as they mature but all at once - I love to see them open and broaden and when I was doing this I just accepted that even if it resulted in tremendous spore load that gets everywhere. also the air entrainment tends to concentrate the spores into 1/4 inch cakes in places. What you see is NOT how it should be ordinarily done.
dam i hope my flushes look like that one hopinf once i get into full swing i wont be so hasty to fruit and will have much better mycelium development before going into fruiting.. I am happy with my results right now but i know they could be better.
yes i agre matt you did fruit too fast and too early but its a learning exp. you are on the right track. dense colonized mycelium, usualy it good after full colonization to allow the mycelium to condense for a day or 2.
yeah, and i knew this. I was just hasty as this is my first grow and im impatient. the grows following this one will be much better i assure you. i already have many plans on improving my sterile tek. One of my plans is to build a full sized sterile room (not fully sterile but dam close) that i can sterilize before i work and and sterilize my clothing as well (or wear a poncho like i did with the g2g and sterilize that)

i also plan on setting up a room that will be nice and cleanto fruit and incubate my FC's in after bulk sub is done and casing layer is applied.

right now im sitting here watching 2 caps sit on tin foil hoping for a decent spore print..and i also plan on buying some more spores soon. i am satisfied with these GT's but i would like a strain a little more potent and a little larger in size..any suggestions are appreciated.
My puerto ricans were very potent with extreme visuals. The most potent alongside b+, gt, and alacabenzi. Just my experience though.
yeah, and i knew this. I was just hasty as this is my first grow and im impatient. the grows following this one will be much better i assure you. i already have many plans on improving my sterile tek. One of my plans is to build a full sized sterile room (not fully sterile but dam close) that i can sterilize before i work and and sterilize my clothing as well (or wear a poncho like i did with the g2g and sterilize that)

i also plan on setting up a room that will be nice and cleanto fruit and incubate my FC's in after bulk sub is done and casing layer is applied.

right now im sitting here watching 2 caps sit on tin foil hoping for a decent spore print..and i also plan on buying some more spores soon. i am satisfied with these GT's but i would like a strain a little more potent and a little larger in size..any suggestions are appreciated.

spore print inside something sterile! hope you read a few teks im sure you did its pretty easy to get spore prints.

rooms are fine glove box is much easier. you could save the room to use for more fruiting. a sterile room would be best for fruiting.

bigger fruits? get a clone from the biggest fruit or attempt agar isolation. or let them go on longer and sporolate all over the place :/
the most important factor to good flushes and big fruits is a good substrate. add some more exotic ingredients to you sub, compact you sub as tightly as possible, and also the more depth to the sub the larger the fruits.
yeah, and i knew this. I was just hasty as this is my first grow and im impatient. the grows following this one will be much better i assure you. i already have many plans on improving my sterile tek. One of my plans is to build a full sized sterile room (not fully sterile but dam close) that i can sterilize before i work and and sterilize my clothing as well (or wear a poncho like i did with the g2g and sterilize that)

i also plan on setting up a room that will be nice and cleanto fruit and incubate my FC's in after bulk sub is done and casing layer is applied.

right now im sitting here watching 2 caps sit on tin foil hoping for a decent spore print..and i also plan on buying some more spores soon. i am satisfied with these GT's but i would like a strain a little more potent and a little larger in size..any suggestions are appreciated.

When you finally understand the unseen, when you are able to estimate the sporeload in your working area and you are capable of chucking those things that don't work I think you will find that sterility will become second nature. Beyond that you may find what I have been preaching - that it isn't your sterility that is important so much as your inoculation teqcnique.

I have been able to do my tissue culture work in open air with about 30 percent failure, remember that your contamination falls through the air slowly and if you are careful to have your work covered and your movements quick and deliberate but not induce micro currents you can do amazing things.

I only get my hood out now when I am uncertain of what I am doing or if I am taking cuttings from a prolific plantlet.
i sterilized 2 mason jars and a few pieces of foil, kept the mason jars upside down and quickly removed sterilez foil and placed cap on it then covered in mason jar....thats about all i seen for a tek...

im not really overly concerned with wether they are going to be viable or not right now as this is just to get a feel for it and to check out the prints...probabally just trash them when im done....or save them for a rainy day and see how well it worked out.

they say mycelium will eat through aluminum....does the aluminum give any nutritional value to the mycelium? lol i know its a pretty dumb question but if they eat it is it good or bad for the mycelium?
dam i hope my flushes look like that one hopinf once i get into full swing i wont be so hasty to fruit and will have much better mycelium development before going into fruiting.. I am happy with my results right now but i know they could be better.

Excercise a true pinning strategy and you will get that sort of result, orchestration of light, temperature, co2 change and growth will get you there.

I know what everyone says and they are right - you don't need casing, you don't need temperature change - you will get mushrooms anyway but if you DO it the right way then your flushes are huge AND you will understand the mushroom. While Cubes don't need all of those other things - other mushrooms do, this is good practice for those sorts.
well bob gave the mushies a test drive... did 2g of wet fresh picked and said he was seeing light visuals and feeling good...a good sign i suppose.