My first class with the golden teacher

Well some good and bad news...

the good news is that the ones that have started fruiting are doubling by the day.

the bad news is i have contam in almost everything except the one pan thats fruiting....:( green penicilin mold....scooped it out and hit the area with a strong bleach water solution and im hoping for the best...figure its too late to start over now...put them into fruiting and hopefully the mycelium wins out..

I do have one queastion. will the mushrooms be poisonous because of this green mold? i mean i want to grow them out but if im risking growing something that could be harmfull when people eat them i dont want to take the risk.

I am blaming myself for not taking more cleanlyness into my work while doing certain things....from now on everything is going to be nice n clean when i work...i started gettin cocky and its my own fault. will be setting up a mushroom work station where i can disenfect it and go in and work in a clean flow hood but it will be like i had mentioned above....pretty much a box with plastic around it.

anyways heres some pics..

yeah, not sure how good of an idea the strong bleach water solution was but i figure it will kill anything present and evaporate afterwards leaving the medium good for mycelium to grow into
Gyms are much weaker than cubes. Over at the Shroomery there is a thread in
which cultivators (and wild gatherers) are trying to nail down exactly how much
one needs, but it is easily several times that of cubes.

Pans are consistently recognized as being around 3 X cubes, though this varies somewhat.

Well some good and bad news...

the good news is that the ones that have started fruiting are doubling by the day.

the bad news is i have contam in almost everything except the one pan thats fruiting....:( green penicilin mold....scooped it out and hit the area with a strong bleach water solution and im hoping for the best...figure its too late to start over now...put them into fruiting and hopefully the mycelium wins out..

I do have one queastion. will the mushrooms be poisonous because of this green mold? i mean i want to grow them out but if im risking growing something that could be harmfull when people eat them i dont want to take the risk.

I am blaming myself for not taking more cleanlyness into my work while doing certain things....from now on everything is going to be nice n clean when i work...i started gettin cocky and its my own fault. will be setting up a mushroom work station where i can disenfect it and go in and work in a clean flow hood but it will be like i had mentioned above....pretty much a box with plastic around it.

anyways heres some pics..

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Contams on the top - look for over humidification, stagnant air, your ph and your timing. Remember that pasteurization gives you about a two week window.

You have some weighing of choices now - you can hold fast to your methods in control or you can chuck your contaminated grows.

It is said that some molds will contaminate your fruit but I have never wanted to feed my friends anything that I wouldn't eat myself. I love every edible mold I have encountered from truffles to whatever the hell is in blue cheese or on camenbert but I am not going to take the chance, however remote it may be.
"When in doubt, throw it out."

:spew: blue cheese is absolutely disgusting.:spew:

It has nothing on Casu Marzu. The first time I saw it, I threw it out whereupon my father yelled at me . . . a lot.
The second time I tried to eat it.
Sorry, I missed this:
will the mushrooms be poisonous because of this green mold?

Absolutely not. Trich is probably good for us too, and we all know about penicillin.

Seriously, when you get a burst up of trick like that, you can usually point the blame
at the spawn used. Molds have a way of hiding.

There is no proven way of beating the green monster. It is like "the borg" of plants.

The best bet is to try to fruit is outdoors, away from your other efforts.

These are P. cubensis Quila, dumped into a pot of chives:

Good luck,

I buried a tray out in a garden at the house I lived at when I was growing shrooms. Nothing came up while I lived there but I've wondered if anything has come up since. I've read its possible for the myc to lay dormant for awhile outside? I've always thought it would be really funny to go back and visit in a few years and find them in the garden.
i really dont want to chuck it...maybe i didnt pasturize the medium long enough...i had it in there at 170 (so the dial on the stove said) for around 35 min...maybe i will crank up the heat a bit next time.

i was thinking maybe the salt based nutes in the MG were allowing the green mold to build up faster...maybe next time ill also flush the peat out really well or buy some non nuted medium to case with
i did pasturize...well at least what i though was pasturizing....going to make sure next time i do it 100% correct...hopefully it dosent turn into full blown contam as i really was looking foward to fruiting these...
Ugh...TBH, I am not sure where to begin.

Do not oven pasteurize.

Hydrate your substrate or casing soil to "field capacity", pack it into
water tight containers* with one having a candy thermometer stuck
into it. Put these containers in a vessel of water, off the bottom, and
raise the water temps to boiling. When the temp inside the sub gets
to 115 F** turn off the heat, move the vessel to a different stove element,
and watch the temps. The should get to the right range, and, if your
vessel is large enough (i.e. a large "heat sink") then it is likely that
you will not need to heat the water again to get to the 60-90 minute window.

* The vessels can be mason jars, oven bags, or any autoclavable sack.

** 115 F works for me. I use a Johnson Controls A-419 to do the shut off for me.

Good luck,

yeah java dog is right oven pasteurization works well. but field cap works better.
but it takes a lot longer to do a lot more. in my thread pasteurization of about 3 gal straw verm in pillow case on the stove took about 3-4 hours.
im actually gonna do what java dog suggests next time. it makes more sense placing it inside jars in a water bath to pasteurize.
So put the casing in quart jars and then put in a boiling pot of water until the internal temp is 115? Then what? Im still kinda lost but im new to growing mushrooms.