GOOD LUCK! I ran twin 400's.... Got close to 3/4 lb... Have fun!Great job you're doing there butterbudface. I also started my grow with one 400 qatt mh for vegg and then added another 400 watt hps for flowering. Im definitely following this one. Im on my 3rd independent grow myself
I agree. If its only one or two areas it could bestrain specific. I would wait it like Nugs1 says. And if new growth is looking fine than most likely you're in the greenYeah your growing hydro, they tend to grow much faster than soil because of the constant supply of nutes.
Again, I don't' think it has to do with needing a flush but can't hurt. The only time I gave my ladies a flush was when I switched them to 12's, gave them a 24 hr period of fresh water.
If your gonna flush do 24 hour of fresh water, then add new water and nutes. Don't deprive them too long of their food, they are dependent on it now.
If your sure its not pests then it may be in the genes, I had 2 plants that would randomly have a spot or two come up or some discoloring. I knew it was nothing because it was only on 1-2 leaves and the rest of the plants were just fine. Sometimes you just have to wait these things out, last thing you wanna do is start changing a bunch of stuff and make the problem worse than it was.
Good to hear that bro. But hopefully you do get it to be a sexy female!butterbudface said:I think it was just in the genes of the plant, she is still very healthy and growing like a boss, we had a power outage for 14 hours, i hope they didnt go male now.View attachment 3213423 View attachment 3213424