neem oil being stopped in canada


If anyone uses neem oil you will want to stockpile some. I was at my local hydro shop and they had no neem oil and told me it is no longer going to be availabe in canada untill they can register it as a insecticide, as it is only registered as a leaf shine. I went to all hydro shops in town and only found 3 big bottles. The price on the 3 bottles was already put up to $50. Just a heads up
Out of simple curiosity can I ask what it's used for? DO you put it on the plants to kill bug infestations? Does it work?
And it's no longer allowed in Canada? That sucks man! Thanks for telling me what it's used for!
I don't know what I would do without it, glad I am not in Canada. You may still be able to order it online though, from Amazon or ebay maybe. Good luck canucks.:leaf:
maybe it's just the horticultural grade/brands? the lady i get my lotion-making supplies carries it and hasn't said anything about discontinuing it. she charges me less than i used to pay for einstein oil too.
Banned all around. It has to go through testing to prove it's safety (despite thousands of years of safe use) because other chemicals had to. I was told by a local organic farmer that he had a great source and it would never dry up and that I was crazy when I mentioned it. Next time I come back he's like "Yeah, can't get neem anymore".

Maybe ask your lady. I'll drive to Seattle and bring it back if I have to. I'm sure it will make it through the mail. Don't pay 50 bucks a bottle, tell the hydro stores to shove up their asses respectively.

The other thing I considered was trying to get some neem seed and growing it out myself.
you nailed it. I like the idea of growing it, maybe i'll try that. 50 bucks was pretty steep for the big bottles but when you have a program that works an extra 10 a bottle is not that bad. If they tried to sell the small bottles for 50 i would definetly tell them to shove it.
I found out a month ago,my local store had some 1 liter bottles for a really high price,can't remember.
but I drove a little farther,found 500ml botanicare neem oil for 7.99 I bought three.

i have only ever needed the stuff once but it saved my ass when I used it in veg,don't know how it works in bloom.
i would try to avoid any spraying in bloom
great natural product that doesnt kill beneficials. canada sucks once again. my usa friends can grow next yr and they will get there neem oil. oh for 1/2 the prices normally. the dual citizen guys get it all lol
I use Green Light brand Neem Oil concentrate. Wettable Sulphur is also a good option. During veg and early flower I use Bonide Fruit Tree Spray and near harvest I use a weak solution of Captan.
Where in Canada can you order neem oil concentrate please and is that what I need to use on plants outdoors if bugs are eating holes in my leaves? Thank you!