Neigbor that (Possibly) doesn't know I'm growing, gave me a courtesy warning.

You're missing my point. If they didn't like the smell of something legal, such as dog shit, or curry, they wouldn't be allowed to call the police. The fact that it's pot smell really is arbitrary.

Sure, they can call the police when they get annoyed, but that's only because they can!! Most minor annoyances in life, you can't call the police for. Sure, we should be respectful of each other, but should the punishment really be imprisonment or large fines? Let's say indian food was illegal for health reasons, don't you think it would be manipulative to call the police just because of the smell rather than health concerns?

(Btw, that original comic was from a blog. I made the hypothetical response to post here)

The woman upstairs rang the police cus she is sick of the smell and tbh there seems little point in asking you politely it seems so maybe she felt she had no choice , altho i also agree that some people just ring the police cus that what there like , but the person across the hall is doing you a favor imo .... they could of said nothing and reported you to police or landlord etc .....
I'm convinced now that the only reason weed is still illegal is because some miserable bitches don't like the smell.

It's always the same argument with these people. "You can't just go polluting your neighbors air with smells they don't like. How would you like it if they polluted your air space with smells you don't like?". The reason this argument is flawed is because nobody comes and takes them to prison when their dog takes a shit on the sidewalk and the whole front lawn smells like shit.

I'm sure everyone can agree that dog doo doo does not justify for a federal law where people are taken to jail, but since pot is already illegal and people like to complain and bitch about things, they manipulate the system just to get their way.

It's always nagging about how "potheads are inconsiderate people! They don't care if other people have to smell their pot!" What a complete load of horse shit. (that you don't go to jail for)

Anything that smells bad to someone should be a schedule 1 drug, and you should go to jail for using it. Got it. Light some incense? Jail time!! Fart? Secret anti-fart police! Indian food? Auschwitz! I think it's the people who are willing to call the police to have people arrested when they aren't in danger and haven't been robbed are teh ones who are inconsiderate, and as soon as it's legal, I will take pleasure in getting my revenge. Oh it will be smelly.

(just look up "what to do about neighbor who smokes pot" and you'll see how unreasonable and warped these people think)

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Pregnant wife? Really? Do you really think I care what your pregnant wife likes and doesn't like to smell? Once weed is fully legal, I ain't putting a towel under my door anymore, bruh. Your pregnant wife is gonna get high as fuck (yeah right) and the baby is going to die. AWww yeah.

It's all about respect.
You guys talk about "mutual respect", but since I don't have a pregnant wife, I can't play the "i have a pregnant wife" card. That hardly sounds like mutual respect.

So you only get the right to a smell free apartment when you have a pregnant wike that says "yuk!!" ?
Good idea removing all the personal threats. Very respectful of you. I'll reply to them anyway. If you were my neighbor and you attempted to beat my ass, I'd shoot you legally. Intruding into my property is VERY disrespectful.

It's all about respect.
Bro I am not missing your fucking point but YOU ARE ...... It IS ILLEGAL END OF !
While IM AGREEING with you its petty as fuck to ring the police YOU have to realise that ITS ILLEGAL so she has every rite to call the cops!
She hasnt rang the police because she doesnt like the smell , she has rang them cus she doesnt like you doing something ILLEGAL ...

Now i 100% agree with you man , id be pissed off aswell if its my neighbor BUT at end of the day what your doing is ILLEGAL so thats all there is too it .... Conversation over imo

You're missing my point. If they didn't like the smell of something legal, such as dog shit, or curry, they wouldn't be allowed to call the police. The fact that it's pot smell really is arbitrary.

Sure, they can call the police when they get annoyed, but that's only because they can!! Most minor annoyances in life, you can't call the police for. Sure, we should be respectful of each other, but should the punishment really be imprisonment or large fines? Let's say indian food was illegal for health reasons, don't you think it would be manipulative to call the police just because of the smell rather than health concerns?

(Btw, that original comic was from a blog. I made the hypothetical response to post here)
You guys talk about "mutual respect", but since I don't have a pregnant wife, I can't play the "i have a pregnant wife" card. That hardly sounds like mutual respect.

So you only get the right to a smell free apartment when you have a pregnant wike that says "yuk!!" ?

One day if you have kids or a pregnant wife you'll understand that you'll do anything to keep them happy.

Even if it's finding some balls to confront the neighbor about that irritating smell.
This is exactly what I was saying IS NOT true. She doesn't care if it's legal or not, she's using its legal status to get rid of a smell!

Her reason for calling the cops had nothing to do with it being illegal, or she wouldn't have complained about the smell. Sure, this is within her rights. I'm just pointing it out.

She hasnt rang the police because she doesnt like the smell , she has rang them cus she doesnt like you doing something ILLEGAL ...
One day you'll understand that it's not my job to please your wife and kids. You'd find your balls alright. Balls to the wall, literally.

You're also wrong to assume everyone has or will one day have kids. I will never have kids. One day maybe you'll give a shit about "those" types. You know, the ones who don't use "pregnant wife" as an excuse for everything.

One day if you have kids or a pregnant wife you'll understand that you'll do anything to keep them happy.

Even if it's finding some balls to confront the neighbor about that irritating smell.
all this is simple leave the tent fan on low at night so it will keep pulling in air and putting out clean air put a towel under your door. send a regular plant to your neighbor saying thanks for letting me know maybe a cherry tomatoes get a cheap lamp the can adjust with cfl light for him also. The cops could have been their and he is cool so show him respect. then show them how to use the light and grow plant to. they will love it and you. then they always have your back.
i give up ...
do what you like man , but when the cops come knocking cus a neighbors tipped them off about a smell , dont come crying on here .... Just reports of a smell can lead to cops sniffing around , getting a warrent and fucking you over ..... but hey whats just a smell ???
Yeah, im with you about the curry smell churchhaze.

Thats annoying as hell, used to live down wind from an indian restaurant.

But your right, cant complain to a farmer you has spread 2ton of shit over his field, cant complain about the woman who puts here nappie bin outside her flat so when you walk past you smell that, As she got a,
can't complain about the brewery,etc, i guess it comes down to its another form of pollution when it isnt wanted,, Shit im goin to go off on one soon. I need to go for a smoke.

Take it easy
Good idea removing all the personal threats. Very respectful of you. I'll reply to them anyway. If you were my neighbor and you attempted to beat my ass, I'd shoot you legally. Intruding into my property is VERY disrespectful.

Your immature way of thinking momentarily put me in that mindset.

Whatever you say John Wayne. Have some respect, you were brought on this earth with the same process.

Clearly your father did not teach you about respect. Not everything in this world benefits you.
This makes no sense. I already got rid of the plants after the police showed up and left us tickets. They can get all the warrants in the world now if they want and it won't mean jack shit.

Because of the shit she put us through, we hide in the closet, blow into a 2 foot carbon filter, and use a vaporizer, and we're afraid we may screw up and she'll call teh police again. We're refugees in our own apartment. I was talking about the HYPOTHETICAL situation where weed finally becomes legal.

i give up ...
do what you like man , but when the cops come knocking cus a neighbors tipped them off about a smell , dont come crying on here .... Just reports of a smell can lead to cops sniffing around , getting a warrent and fucking you over ..... but hey whats just a smell ???
You have some respect for me. If you don't like the smell your neighbors are making, deal with it or move. Don't disrespect me by making threats and insults. You're the one who thinks he can always get his way if you think you can force your neighbors to stop making smells. People walk their dogs in the front lawn all the time and sometimes people don't pick up the shit. I don't like your loud and obnoxious kids, but I have to deal with them anyway. (that was the point of my green drawing) Sometimes I just can't have things my way.

Seriously guys, this forum should be renamed to "don't roll it up". Self-loathing potheads? Perhaps you have a bad case of stockholm syndrome?

Embrace the smell.

Your immature way of thinking momentarily put me in that mindset.

Whatever you say John Wayne. Have some respect, you were brought on this earth with the same process.

Clearly your father did not teach you about respect. Not everything in this world benefits you.
You have some respect for me. If you don't like the smell your neighbors are making, deal with it or move. Don't disrespect me by making threats and insults. You're the one who thinks he can always get his way if you think you can force your neighbors to stop making smells. People walk their dogs in the front lawn all the time and sometimes people don't pick up the shit. Sometimes I just can't have things my way.

Seriously guys, this forum should be renamed to "don't roll it up". Self-loathing potheads? Perhaps you have a bad case of stockholm syndrome?

Embrace the smell.

I have enough respect for you to modify my response. When I lived in a apartment I put a towel under the door so my neighbors didn't have to smell. I only started growing when I bought my own house.

Apartments have tenant contracts for this reason. Excessive noise, late parties...etc. I used to smell curry in the hallway. Didn't always like the smell but it didn't make it into my apartment.

If I noticed someone not picking up dog shit I'd say something.
church, your a fool in the way you "think" you have rights when smoking weed. its ILLEGAL!!!! no matter how you spin it. I just had my 1st kid, my wife used to smoke, and I still do. when she was prego I would go outside as to not have any smoke effect my wife or unborn boy. now if I had asked you politely a few times to refrain from smoking or to manage your pot smoke in a more controllable manner as to not effect my family and you repeatedly chose not to, then we would have a huge problem. and I don't involve the cops either.

grow the fuck up bro. if you cant responsibly smoke weed and NOT have it effect others who don't want to be bothered with it, then don't smoke. im glad you got rid of your garden. your too immature to be a responsible grower and smoker.
You go to jail for breaking a tenant contract? You get evicted for having a late party?

Do you sweat in fear when the police show up for a noise complaint? I doubt it. What if the cops showed up asking why it smells like weed?

Sure, you'd "say something" if you saw somebody not picking up dog shit, but the most they'd get is a small fine. and you'd end up with a pissed off neighbor.

Apartments have tenant contracts for this reason. Excessive noise, late parties...etc. I used to smell curry in the hallway. Didn't always like the smell but it didn't make it into my apartment.

If I noticed someone not picking up dog shit I'd say something.
I acknowledged it's illegal. Read what I wrote more clearly. You must be reading other people's assumptions and not my own writing if you think I don't get that it's illegal.

I was just theorizing why it's still illegal (people don't like the smell rather than health or social reasons). I really can't understand why you're telling me it's illegal and to deal with it. I already am dealing with it. I got caught by ACCIDENT the first time. I was talking about what i WOULD do if it became legal!

church, your a fool in the way you "think" you have rights when smoking weed. its ILLEGAL!!!! no matter how you spin it. I just had my 1st kid, my wife used to smoke, and I still do. when she was prego I would go outside as to not have any smoke effect my wife or unborn boy. now if I had asked you politely a few times to refrain from smoking or to manage your pot smoke in a more controllable manner as to not effect my family and you repeatedly chose not to, then we would have a huge problem. and I don't involve the cops either.

grow the fuck up bro. if you cant responsibly smoke weed and NOT have it effect others who don't want to be bothered with it, then don't smoke. im glad you got rid of your garden. your too immature to be a responsible grower and smoker.
What's it with all these internet threats? If you said these things to me in real life, you'd be shaking where you stand, but nobody says things like this in real life for petty arguments.

Maybe you should grow up.

now if I had asked you politely a few times to refrain from smoking or to manage your pot smoke in a more controllable manner as to not effect my family and you repeatedly chose not to, then we would have a huge problem. and I don't involve the cops either.