Neigbor that (Possibly) doesn't know I'm growing, gave me a courtesy warning.

Wow, and this title says he "possibly" doesn't know????

What gives you the idea that he possibly doesnt know?

It is pretty clear everyone around you knows what you are doing.

You are not as sneaky as you think you are. You are public knowledge.
This is just great.

We live in an age where some people think you need to be of a certain maturity level to garden. YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT KID! Son, I've been growing weed for over 15 years now, mostly in apartments.

I take it we're not measuring maturity in age, because I'm not that young. I'm probably older than those just having their first kid. You're probably older if you have grandchildren.

Relax and MYOB. Your wife is safe. Go getting arrested (by not involving the cops) and your kids will have a father in jail or underground. Very mature. Maybe you're not of the maturity level to have kids yet? Do you really think anyone would respond kindly to somebody asserting their dominance at their own doorstep? Nope. I'd greet you with my gun. I'm not interested in getting beat up. Go back to your own apartment.

Gotta love how these guys are rubbing in my face that smoking weed is illegal on a weed forum while condoning violence, something way more illegal and disrespectful. I know that weed is illegal.

I'm a supporter of Marijuana Legalization. No amount of someone else's wife nagging will change that. And once it's legal, you better ask really fucking nicely if you want me to try reducing the smell. I'll gladly pay the small ticket for weed smells and continue doing it once it's legal, unless you ask nicely.
You go to jail for breaking a tenant contract? You get evicted for having a late party?

Do you sweat in fear when the police show up for a noise complaint? I doubt it. What if the cops showed up asking why it smells like weed?

Sure, you'd "say something" if you saw somebody not picking up dog shit, but the most they'd get is a small fine. and you'd end up with a pissed off neighbor.

I would tell the cop it's not his/her problem and fix the smell issue after I kindly asked him to leave my property. If he came back with a warrant I would show him my medical marijuana my crop? Officer I'm in full legal compliance with my grow.

See how my situation benefits me? But yet doesn't cause problems for neighbors, friends, my wife and kids?
I meant if your grow was illegal... you know that I didn't mean for legal growers. Not everyone grows legally unfortunately. You know there was a time (not long ago) when it wasn't legal for you to grow either. It's still not legal to grow in most places.

I meant if the cops showed up at your door asking about pot AND it was illegal. You know what I meant. Wouldn't you be more worried than if they were there for noise or some other complaint?

I would tell the cop it's not his/her problem and fix the smell issue after I kindly asked him to leave my property. If he came back with a warrant I would show him my medical marijuana my crop? Officer I'm in full legal compliance with my grow.

See how my situation benefits me? But yet doesn't cause problems for neighbors, friends, my wife and kids?
Here's the bottom line. Anyone who thinks you should be arrested for possession is a fascist.

If you think a neighbor should be able to call the police over weed and have you arrested, you're a dirty fascist.

Sure, it's what we have right now in my state, but that doesn't change the fact that if you AGREE with these laws, you're just another fascist fuckwad.

This has nothing to do with whether you should respect your neighbors or not. You want respect, you gotta give it. You come here bitching and insulting me, you won't get my respect. None of that has to do with what you think about possession laws.

You see, I wasn't afraid of getting a ticket for smell, I was afraid of getting arrested for possession and trafficking.


When you "let someone know" about someone not picking up dog shit, they don't get arrested for possession.
if the neighbors are talking about it, i would be very paranoid right now.
better hope you haven't pissed off any of them.

this thread made me go spray fabreeze all over the house and make sure the carbon filter was on. :)

get some fabreeze plug ins, and some in spray cans, and spray it the house down whenever you think of it. and a towel under the door never hurt.
when i lived in the barracks in the military, we would put a towel under the door and masking tape all around the door to seal it as much as possible. you could tell where the pot heads were because when you opened the door, there would be this loud noise of the tape pealing off the wood.

as long as it's illegal, you need to be smart about things.

me personally, i'd cut em and move before i grew again.

life is too good to go to jail.
Ah 6 pages to read, just a heads up I did read every single post since seeing this thread an hour ago.
I appreciate the discussion even if some people were very derailing to the topic and ended up in some petty arguments, but it was in the sake of the discussion so I don't mind.

The person that talked to me was the son of my closest neighbor, they are very laid back and very nice people. The son I knew since I moved into the area, we don't talk much but were still cool. I know his family, he knows mine, we say hi to each others family, the basic stuff.

The people that he overheard talking about the smell was "New" neighbors, people who haven't been in the area for long. I just found out they have 2 small children and they are a young couple that just moved in. Probably early 30s or late 20s. I have an idea of why they haven't complained yet (Assuming they didn't report me already) is because they are new, and being new, they don't want problems. This neighborhood isn't the suburbs or a nice place to live at all. You could call it the ghetto. The people that end up with problems here are usually alienated pretty damn quick. Regardless I'm assuming they didn't complain already.

He overheard them talking about the smell, and he said he heard them say something like "The reason why he has those dogs is to protect all that weed"
Personally I found that funny, as I had my dogs before I started anything. They are not violent dogs either, kind of the house type dogs. I personally knew it smelled a little but I noticed it more and more over the last 2 weeks. It went from smelling just near the tent, to my room door, to my hallway, and to a point where a friend came over and said "damn you just smoke without me?"

Now I believe I found the problem though. My tent isn't sealed, it has small pin holes and a small opening on the top and bottom (Not passive vents) I had a very high powered fan intaking fresh air. Now the problem I think was that there was a little more air being pushed in than taken out by the filter. This leading to those unsealed holes to push out very smelly air. I now took the fan out the vent, left the ducting the same but without a fan pushing air in, only air being sucked in from low pressure. I don't smell it much if at all now, but it has only been 2 days. We'll see when I have friends and family over.

I still don't believe anyone thinks I grow, but regardless I only grow 1-2 a year and I wouldn't have been growing after this one anyway. I think my neighbor just thinks I have a open bag of weed that smells dank, as I use to get sour D that would stink up to 2-3 ft when the bag was closed and I was on my way home with it. Anyone I came in contact with on the bus ride home or walking around knew I smelled like weed because that's how strong it was even in the bag, and secured in my coat. So imagine it open on a table or being smoked 24/7.

To answer a few questions.

My humidity doesn't even reach 50%, so I don't think it's the humidity.
I told my neighbor (Who knows I smoke, since he saw me a few times outside smoking, and he smoked 1-2 twice when we were young) that it's probably my clothes since I haven't done laundry yet. (Stupid lie but better than admitting to anything)
I don't intend on growing after this one, but I also don't intend on taking them down early regardless of smell. If the couple has been smelling it for 2 weeks or more, they can wait till I'm done to get over it.
I agree some people get really paranoid in a situation like this, personally I'm not harming anyone, 90% of the people in my neighborhood smoke weed, and I already bended to their will a few years ago. I use to smoke outside in the open, neighbors didn't like it and they told me to please not do it. I haven't done it since. I just assume they think I smoke in the house now, which is what I do.
Dude, your neighbor overheard them saying your protecting you weed with your dogs.... they know, it is what it is. Spend the money an fix smell and if you cannot you will get a knock. I have been there but without the knock and guns in my face and then beatup by them for not unlocking my doors to let them in. LEGAL garden they found after being punched/choked/slapped.

As for the other guy on here church something... dude, re-read some of your posts. People saying your too immature to grow because of how you sound. Even if weed was 100% legal all the way around the world you think its unreasonable for a pregnant neighbor to ask you fix the smell abit? Seriously speaking cigarettes are legal and if your smoke was coming into my pregnant wife/girlfriends place i would still be knocking on your door asking for some curticy
Seriously speaking, if you didn't sound like a complete asshole, I'd probably try harder to get all the smoke out the window, but if you started complaining about the smell outside coming from my window, I can't help you anymore.

If you came to me insulting and threatening me to knock off the cigarette smoke, I'd probably ignore you. The whole thing with the pregnant wife is based on a blog comic i found on the internet. The woman upstairs is just some fat single bitch who sounds like a heard of elephants.

But back to your original point, you say that people who act "immature" shouldn't be able to have a garden, even if it was legal? How do you make that judgement? How should we test for maturity? Multiple choice quiz? Therapist screening? Do you really think I care if someone thinks I'm mature enough to run a garden? That just sounds silly.

Seriously speaking cigarettes are legal and if your smoke was coming into my pregnant wife/girlfriends place i would still be knocking on your door asking for some curticy
Must be massive this plant to have the neighbours complaining of he smell, how big is it?
About 4-5 ft and 4-5ft wide its just one plant in a big tent

" Spend the money an fix smell"

I already did. I have a carbon filter that is brand new running 24/7.
I haven't smelled the weed in 2 days personally but I'm pretty use to it so I can't say for sure if it's working till friends and family come over next week.
By then I'll be one week from harvest and another week from jarring so they won't smell it anymore for a long time.

The issue is the tent leaks which I'm currently fixing by duct taping and I might even get another filter for double exhaust.

I would have appreciated if instead of the neighbors that are complaining to just complain without me knowing, to actually tell me they smell it, like to my face. That way I can fix the problem to their liking and not have this problem again.

While you may think they know I'm growing and they may very well do, I don't think it's the case. They may just think I hold a lot around or smoke too much.
Regardless I'm looking for several fixes to this problem, as even though they are new to the neighborhood and don't talk to anyone, I don't want them getting the wrong idea.
I have respect for anyone and everyone who deserves it, they have done nothing wrong, but living in this neighborhood they should know weed isn't a rare smell.
You can walk down the street and smell it from people smoking outside in the open, they sell everywhere around this neighborhood (I don't sell at all), they smoke in front of the liquor store, and in the summer they smoke any damn where they please.
Anyone living in an apartment is forfeiting certain aspects of their privacy and inheriting new responsibilities when it comes to noise, smells, etc.

If you smoke a lot of weed or grow in an apartment you need to spend more time and money on odor control than the average grower. Buy an extra large carbon scrubber and an air purifier for the smoke - whatever it takes to keep the smells contained.

Making an enemy out of an apartment neighbor is asking for trouble.
Sounds like you got the right idea. if your intake is more than your exhaust you're creating positive pressure which pushes the stank air back out your tent through any openings. If you switch it and have your exhaust > intake you've got negative pressure so the air is sucking in through openings and then through your filter so you have no smell.
My wife hasnt been pregnant in years, you need to learn respect for yourself and others.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret, when your buddys say ; i told that mf this and that' it isnt true and if it is they are talking to people who are as big a pos as they are. You will never, ever get respect from anyone worth the powder to blow them up with this attitude.

As far as final let me help you out again.

Theres a young stupid bull [ that's you ] and there's a old wise bull [that's me] sitting on top of a hill, as they look down the young bull is jumping all over the place , cant sit still, just being a pain to deal with and hes saying stupid things like [ lets run down thee and screw one of those cows] The old bulls just looks at him and says ' Lets walk down and screw them all. '

Learn to think, seriously, most people cant, but you cant with so much contempt for people just because they would like to live their life without smelling you.
Your being inconsiderate and worse

Good luck if it's legal. What do you do when your neighbor smokes cigarettes and you have a pregnant wife? Absolutely nothing, and you know it. Quit whining about your pregnant wife. She's fine.

By the way, I'm not too young to have a pregnant wife at all. I'm old enough to see people using "pregnant wife" as a blanket excuse to get what they want.

If weed was legal, you'd have to come across the hall and have a fistfight with me before I'd stop smoking in my apartment, and then I'd be the one calling the police. Your "abrupt" attempt would likely be asking again nicely. I'd be a lot more likely to mask the smell if you didn't try to come off like you were on moral high grounds. The minute you start expressing dominance, I don't give a rats ass what you'd like me to do.

Keep in mind, even with it being illegal, there's nothing "Final" about calling the police. I'd be out of the station in a few hours and back to being your neighbor.
If weed was legal, you'd have to come across the hall and have a fistfight with me before I'd stop smoking in my apartment, and then I'd be the one calling the police. Your "abrupt" attempt would likely be asking again nicely. I'd be a lot more likely to mask the smell if you didn't try to come off like you were on moral high grounds. The minute you start expressing dominance, I don't give a rats ass what you'd like me to do.

Keep in mind, even with it being illegal, there's nothing "Final" about calling the police. I'd be out of the station in a few hours and back to being your neighbor.

At first I thought you were kinda being a Richard... However I gotta say I agree with your ideas (although I may have worded it differently.) As a father who's dealt with many a pregnant woman, if your woman don't like the smell of your neighbor, you go out and get one of those expensive UV light/Ionized air shit/Hepa filter and plug it next to her swollen feet ass.

You pay for your space, I pay for mine. I used to hate opening my door and smelling my neighbors cigarettes, they probably hated smelling my blunts.. We would still smile and say hello on our way to work. As long as you're not a prick, people usually just mind their own damn business and close their apartment doors.
So what's your plan going to be when the time comes to chop that girl down? That's at least a few days of the smell being 10x what it is right now lol. I'll probably end up building myself 2 of the DIY box fan carbon filter things I spotted on a thread here recently just for the drying process. Whatever cuts down on the smell you know?
Have you tried saying hi to the new people?
This is basically what I've been saying. They're not really concerned about health hazards or risks, they're just using the law to get their way whenever possible. Someone's wife doesn't like the smell? What can we do to remedy that.. Oh good, it's illegal! I can call the police and have them arrested and my wife will stop nagging!!

I agree that I can't just piss them off .... yet.. We have a carbon filter, blow out the window, and do whatever we can, but our upstairs neighbor kept calling the cops. You just can't please some women.
I haven't read the whole post but man you just have to think a little from their prospective. Atleast they kinda made it funny telling you to chill with the note. In a lot of states still, they will take your newborn baby if you piss bad on a piss test, which all women get tested like crazy while being pregnant and giving birth. Then they have to go to classes and shit just to get their child back all the while they don't even smoke. Isn't none of my business, just another point of view.