Neigbor that (Possibly) doesn't know I'm growing, gave me a courtesy warning.

I haven't read the whole post but man you just have to think a little from their prospective. Atleast they kinda made it funny telling you to chill with the note. In a lot of states still, they will take your newborn baby if you piss bad on a piss test, which all women get tested like crazy while being pregnant and giving birth. Then they have to go to classes and shit just to get their child back all the while they don't even smoke. Isn't none of my business, just another point of view.

A lot of women actually don't take drug tests while pregnant. If the baby comes out acting funny (if you've ever heard a dope baby, they make a distinct sound,) or the mother is a known drug addict, they are given tests.

I'm not saying right or wrong, but I have personally known women whos doctors have basically told them that a mother occasionally smoking is no worse than them having an occasional glass of wine. Hell, they prescribe heroin addicted mothers methadone through their pregnancy, knowing the baby is going to come out opiate addicted.

edit: Of course with the ongoing heroin epidemic I wouldn't be surprised if more hospitals did start mandatory tests.
I had a problem with smell (the misses can't stand the smell of weed) so I moved my tent into my furnace room and vented it into my chimney. She still whines if it's open too long while I'm trimming or watering but it's my house so I don't care.

A friend of mine has a large veg room and larger flower room and there is no smell at all even inside his house. He mounted a 6" inline fan on top of a carbon scrubber and set in on the ground near his staircase.
@northofengland, and some people will fuck with your head cause they know they can. But by all means get over-paranoid and cut your plant now, in the last prime week or two of budding... Lol!

It'd take them more than 2 weeks to investigate and get a warrant to begin with.

what they would do is try to find an "in", simply knocking on the door to claim they are looking for a pperson....or something of that sort.
Put a pot of boiling cabbage on the stove for a couple weeks...they won't smell any dope


i figure that if everything else falls apart, i'll open up a bunch of sardine cans. takes about 5 minutes to overpower any other smell in the home. short term solution for when someone wants to pop over.
@northofengland, and some people will fuck with your head cause they know they can. But by all means get over-paranoid and cut your plant now, in the last prime week or two of budding... Lol!

It'd take them more than 2 weeks to investigate and get a warrant to begin with.

what they would do is try to find an "in", simply knocking on the door to claim they are looking for a pperson....or something of that sort.

You just said.... 2 weeks to investigate and get a warrant.... BAD ADVISE.

Holy shit, if you can smell his weed rolling out of his apartment that is ALL they need.
I read most but not all of the thread so sorry if this is repeat advice. The positive pressure from intake could have been the only issue.

I am not clear on if you are pushing or pulling air through your filter?

If you are pushing it there is also positive pressure in the exhaust duct, on all seams, and even in the fan itself. You could be pushing unscrubbed air out a seam or even the fan housing.

IF this is the case I would set the fan up to pull air through the filter (might be the case already, couldn't tell)
I fixed the issue I believe, there is a minor lingering smell when I open the tent to water for about 5-10minutes that goes away shortly after I close the tent.
It was most definitely the positive pressure which I didn't think was much of an issue. It was blowing too much air in making the plants move quite a bit more, letting off more aroma, then that air being pushed out made my area smell completely dank.
Since removing that fan and just opening all possible vents and putting a direct ducting from the tent to outside with no fan, the scrubber has been doing it's job.
Now there is enough negative pressure to insure no smell is being pushed out, and enough to suck air from the ducting from outside in the tent keeps the tent a little cool.
I'll make mostly change to double exhaust my next time around regardless, as there will be too much heat without a A/c.
Why dont anyone use a carbon filter and fan and let it keep blowing air back in to the tent and would never have a smell problem quit blowing it out recirculate it and never have any smell. I have a grow room w 2 big filters in it and cant smell anything
Why dont anyone use a carbon filter and fan and let it keep blowing air back in to the tent and would never have a smell problem quit blowing it out recirculate it and never have any smell. I have a grow room w 2 big filters in it and cant smell anything

Because that makes absolutely no sense.
The point of extracting air and not recirculating it is to keep humidity down, and to keep the grow area from getting too hot.
If you're just recirculating all the air your hot air just keeps going in and out, and humidity just builds up.

I've fixed the problem so I don't need anymore suggestions but I appreciate your feedback. Just for most if not all people, your statement is what we want to avoid.
I do have a sealed room ac dehumidifier etc and not a tent in my closet. If you had a extraction fan cut on and off every 15 minutes and a continous recirculatiin filter and fan then that would leave you with no smells but hey I aint that smart. Your way smarter then me I forgot.
No one said I was smarter than you, it's arrogant people like you that make people like us seem smarter than you.

This thread is about a tent, not a grow room. Tent and grow room two completely different things.

As said by me above

"I'll make mostly change to double exhaust my next time around regardless, as there will be too much heat without a A/c."

I don't have an A/c, it's not summer, it's winter where I'm at. It would be very stupid to recirculate hot air into a hot tent.

End of thread.
I think this thread should be closed. DON'T TELL DON'T SMELL DON'T SELL I don't know were the pregnant lady came from but you are obviously all children