Well-Known Member
I haven't read the whole post but man you just have to think a little from their prospective. Atleast they kinda made it funny telling you to chill with the note. In a lot of states still, they will take your newborn baby if you piss bad on a piss test, which all women get tested like crazy while being pregnant and giving birth. Then they have to go to classes and shit just to get their child back all the while they don't even smoke. Isn't none of my business, just another point of view.
A lot of women actually don't take drug tests while pregnant. If the baby comes out acting funny (if you've ever heard a dope baby, they make a distinct sound,) or the mother is a known drug addict, they are given tests.
I'm not saying right or wrong, but I have personally known women whos doctors have basically told them that a mother occasionally smoking is no worse than them having an occasional glass of wine. Hell, they prescribe heroin addicted mothers methadone through their pregnancy, knowing the baby is going to come out opiate addicted.
edit: Of course with the ongoing heroin epidemic I wouldn't be surprised if more hospitals did start mandatory tests.