Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

i'd still rather listen to his music than joe rogan's stupid ass rambling lies
Hear hear!! I agree with you 100% Most of us never even write one good song and Neil has written a bunch.

I saw NY once and it started raining in the first song. By the middle of the set it was raining cats and dogs, the entire lawn cleared out, and there was so much wind that even people under the center of the shed's roof were getting rained on. Torrents of water were running down the lawn and the aisles towards the stage. Then the power went out for everything but the instruments on stage. As long as Neil's amp still worked he was going to keep playing and if it failed too I'm sure he would have busted out an acoustic. The ushers gave up so everyone that was left just moved as close to the stage as they could so they could hear. People in the pit were standing in knee deep water. For sure one of the coolest concert experiences I've had but as soon as there was a break in the rain we split and didn't stick around for the end. I was more worried about my recording equipment getting wet.

So yeah, Neil Young rocks but he's still a hypocritical snake oil salesman. Is spreading audiophile bullshit as bad as spreading antivax bullshit? Of course not, and thank goodness NY isn't an antivax idiot too but I can still rag on him for being a hypocrite about spreading misinfo and trashing Spotify audio quality.
"You're an asshole" is the best you can do? Pathetic.

I'm not talking about perfection, just not about getting up on your soap box and complaining about someone else spreading misinformation when you're running around spreading misinformation in an attempt to get people to buy your snake oil.

Why you so upset? What Neil Young did is set an example that other music stars are following. Do you have a problem with people exercising their rights to choose who distributes their music?
Yes it is. That's besides the point though. For me, this is more about Spotify, who contends to be for Artists and musicians, choosing to relinquish the artistic aspect to misinformation and hate bating diatribe from Rogan. You work in the field, so you know exactly what I'm talking about PJ. These fucks at Spotify have been ripping people off for years.
LMFAO, the entire industry has been ripping off artists for DECADES! Then again, the artists wouldn't have the same exposure without the industry, so it's a real push-me-pull-you situation.

Really no one has been able to change the industry for the betterment of artists the way Peter Grant was able to do for Led Zeppelin back in the day.
Ogg is not a codec or "compression format" like MP3 it is a container format. Ogg files could contain MP3, AAC or uncompressed PCM but they usually contain Vorbis.
Fair, enough, but that's semantics for the most part. It's pretty rare for an .ogg file to contain anything other than vorbis.
LMFAO, the entire industry has been ripping off artists for DECADES! Then again, the artists wouldn't have the same exposure without the industry, so it's a real push-me-pull-you situation.

Really no one has been able to change the industry for the betterment of artists the way Peter Grant was able to do for Led Zeppelin back in the day.

I know man. I just want to razz one of the industry biggy's. Let me have my fun.
Shit needs to get real for Spotify at some point.
The CEO says that he doesn't tell rappers what they can say in their songs so as an extension of that he doesn't tell people what they can say in their podcasts, even though they do remove content when lawsuits become imminent.
They lost 4 million off their share price after Neil's declaration and for mine I would like to see a whole host of people remove their content from this platform.
Bob Dylan, David Crosby, Ry Cooder.
And we the audience should remove ourselves as well.
Lets take a stand against the rise of fascism and ultra-right ideologies.

Calling Neil Young a sell out is probably the wrongest thing I have heard for a while.
That is straight tea party malignancy.
Do you have a problem with people exercising their rights to choose who distributes their music?
No, Neil can do whatever he wants. I couldn't care less about the availability of NY or any other has-been musician on Spotify. I also don't waste my time listening to nobodies like Joe Rogan when there isn't even enough to time listen to podcasts by people that are 100% for sure smarter, better educated, and more accomplished than me. However, if Neil Young wants to criticize people for spreading misinformation I'm going to point out that Neil Young is all about spreading misinformation to sell his snake oil garbage.

Since Vorbis has come up several times recently in this thread... when Neil was looking for shills for his Pono snake oil he asked the creator of the Vorbis codec for help. Monty told him that going to high sample rates and sample sizes wont do anything to improve sound quality. That wasn't want Neil wanted to hear so he went ahead anyway promoting his music service as some revolution in audio. Monty wrote this great article in response. There is also a superb follow up video that busts a lot of audiophile myths. Did you know digital audio is just as smooth and continuous as analog?

No, Neil can do whatever he wants. I couldn't care less about the availability of NY or any other has-been musician on Spotify. I also don't waste my time listening to nobodies like Joe Rogan when there isn't even enough to time listen to podcasts by people that are 100% for sure smarter, better educated, and more accomplished than me. However, if Neil Young wants to criticize people for spreading misinformation I'm going to point out that Neil Young is all about spreading misinformation to sell his snake oil garbage.

Since Vorbis has come up several times recently in this thread... when Neil was looking for shills for his Pono snake oil he asked the creator of the Vorbis codec for help. Monty told him that going to high sample rates and sample sizes wont do anything to improve sound quality. That wasn't want Neil wanted to hear so he went ahead anyway promoting his music service as some revolution in audio. Monty wrote this great article in response. There is also a superb follow up video that busts a lot of audiophile myths. Did you know digital audio is just as smooth and continuous as analog?


The symbolic act Neil Young took by stripping rights to his music from Spotify because they support murderous lies has gotten right wing INCELS worked up. At the cost of what? Five bucks per year?

Not that INCELS will admit their undies are in a bunch. But their many posts are telling.
Shit needs to get real for Spotify at some point.
The CEO says that he doesn't tell rappers what they can say in their songs so as an extension of that he doesn't tell people what they can say in their podcasts, even though they do remove content when lawsuits become imminent.
They lost 4 million off their share price after Neil's declaration and for mine I would like to see a whole host of people remove their content from this platform.
Bob Dylan, David Crosby, Ry Cooder.
And we the audience should remove ourselves as well.
Lets take a stand against the rise of fascism and ultra-right ideologies.

Calling Neil Young a sell out is probably the wrongest thing I have heard for a while.
That is straight tea party malignancy.
fucking ry cooder, into the purple valley...that was some good shit when i heard it...still good shit. how can you keep moving, unless you migrate too?
No, Neil can do whatever he wants. I couldn't care less about the availability of NY or any other has-been musician on Spotify. I also don't waste my time listening to nobodies like Joe Rogan when there isn't even enough to time listen to podcasts by people that are 100% for sure smarter, better educated, and more accomplished than me. However, if Neil Young wants to criticize people for spreading misinformation I'm going to point out that Neil Young is all about spreading misinformation to sell his snake oil garbage.

Since Vorbis has come up several times recently in this thread... when Neil was looking for shills for his Pono snake oil he asked the creator of the Vorbis codec for help. Monty told him that going to high sample rates and sample sizes wont do anything to improve sound quality. That wasn't want Neil wanted to hear so he went ahead anyway promoting his music service as some revolution in audio. Monty wrote this great article in response. There is also a superb follow up video that busts a lot of audiophile myths. Did you know digital audio is just as smooth and continuous as analog?

It's easy to be a knocker, but if I had a choice of meeting you or a strand of hair from Neil Youngs head I know what I would choose. Especially if I could keep that strand of hair. As has been mentioned Neil young is not a perfect person and neither are you.
It's easy to be a knocker, but if I had a choice of meeting you or a strand of hair from Neil Youngs head I know what I would choose. Especially if I could keep that strand of hair.
Well, it's a good thing then that I had no interest in meeting you!

Yes, it is possible to produce award winning albums and still be ignorant about digital signals. That is very common in the music industry and contributes to the persistence of myths about analog magic.