New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

And this was dinner. Grilled boneless teriyaki chicken thighs, veggies from the garden, and jasmine rice.

That plating is tight.
I could see the veggies pickled and cold as an offset to the steaming chicken and rice.
They almost look it.
Could eat that 2-3 times a week.

1 can of sliced peaches in syrup. I only used about 1/3 the syrup. Put into a food processor. 8 jalapeños. Roast on the grill, put in a bowl and cover so they steam in there for a few minutes. Take the skins off and take out as many seeds and ribs as you want. More is more heat, less is milder. Put them in the food processor with garlic, onion, mustard, paprika, chili and cumin powders. Honey, brown sugar a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Crushed coriander. Blend and salt to taste. I think that's it. It's really, really good :blsmoke:
qazy and qarta.jpg
Qazy and qarta

I Ate Horse Ass in Kazakhstan

I realized I had unwittingly consumed qarta: boiled and pan-fried horse rectum, served unspiced and unadorned.
