• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

NEW NFT (nutrient film technique) SOG SETUP


New Member
That would be good, but res at 65 with room temp at 75 would be better.

Higher on reservoir temps, say 65 to cause less shock to the roots due to temperature differences. There would be less than a 3% differences in DO between 60 and 65 so you should consider the root temp shock difference more important than the DO level difference.


New Member
off topic, but this whole thread is...

you should put up a pic of tesla instead.

einstein bowed to tesla. They ended up working together later in life and tesla was full of insults towards einstein earlier on...

and the crazy part... einstein never denied that teslas insults werent correct, and einstein ended up admitting that tesla had him beat mentally over 10 fold.

tesla is surpressed from history as much as possible because he makes our current "system" of life, religion, govt,... everythign obsolete.

his later inventions and understanding of science were unreal.

his first inventions only created the 20th century

AC electricity
ac generators (plus installed the ones at niagra falls for the first time)
edison wouldnt let him use his light bulbs to light the first lit worlds fair, so tesla invented better ones IN A WEEK.
the cruise missle
one of the 4 computer gates (and, or, not, etc)
tesla coil (who knew :)
and many technologies that are currently being used by HAARP (controlling the weather)
had an electric car that exceeded 100mph back when cars didnt go that fast
wirelss electricity (some jap guy is just finally figuring out how to do it)

and the most important of all if you want to compare him to einstein.

there are 4 sciences in which equations dont overlap

kenetic energy
electro magnatism
atomic physics

e=mc2 links kenetic and atomic.. thats why it is so profound.

but guess what, tesla wrote einstein a letter and said, yeah, you figured out one... but ive linked the other 3 together as well

shortly after they started working together, and then our navy MADE THEM work for the military under lock and key due to the begining of ww2.

tesla said he could cloak things, and he did, the war ship in the bay, and many witnesses saw it happen, him and einstein worked together on this.

the bullshit cover story is they sent the ship back in time... to make it sound rediculous... but the reality is they cloaked it.

he could speak before he was a year old, and he could read by the time he was 2, and he could speak 3 languages by the time he was 3.

the dude HATED the rest of the human race because he was so beyond us.

he invented everything he ventured into. holds over 1000 patents. and over half his shit is still classified.

einstein was nsync, and tesla was elvis


New Member
I just posted the Eienstein Avaita as I knew it would draw comments. Einstein was a strange bird. He never learned to tie his own shoes. He loved drugs and alcohol and kept a cot in his laboratory as he frequently was too wacked to do any work. He hated the U.S. government, but hated Hitler more. Beiing a German born jew was not an asset at that time in history. His homes front door was painted bright read so he could find it. He frequently spents days in whore houses. He was a brilliant amn though. Tesla did only one thing well, electrical engineering, he claimed to also be an mechanical enginerr but was quite ineot oustide of all fields ec xcept electrical. Eienstein had a much broader thinking mind and was a physicist. I have a few engineering degrees and a physicist's amaze me. They have a braodunderstanding of the world around us while enginerrs are much mor limited. Tessla was not brillant enough to be a physicist so he became an engineer. Brillance is broad reaching not confining. Engineers learning knowledge and, mental gifts are usually much more confined to smaller more specific areas of science. Simply put in academia Eiensein would be considered a wall crawler. tessla was just a gifted electrical enginerr. A wall crao wler ois a person so into thinking that they walking along walls and darg their fingers on them while walking to j keep enough contact with reality to maange in the physical world. eienstein could spend a full day working in a room full of people and never talk to anyone, acknowledge their presensce, He would just walk around them if they stood in his path. they might as well as been a post or a tree. Tessle was an ego maniac with an inferiority complex that always talked and seldom listened to those around him. They were very different from each other. Comparing them by IQ's Eienstein would have left Tessla in the shadows easily.

Tessla was an ass hole. Tessla was a copier and a reinventor or an user of others theories and thoughts. He would merely build what others thought up. Sorta like The U.S. enginners designing huge numbers of things then the asians and now the chinese just building them more cheaply. We are deso igners they are better at manafacturing cheaply. Eienstein was a great inventor and thinker. Tessla was really more of an engineer/manfacturer of others ideas. Tessla outside of Ethe electrical field had few original thoughts he just physically developed what other thought up in theory. Thessla was a builder and not a theeorizer. He was not brilliant enough to do that in any field but electrical. Outside electrical he k just was not good enough to have any original thoughts of any value.


New Member
wow, way wrong on tesla bro... you read a book with edison influence...

when tesla was over in croatia or wherever he was from, his techers wrote edison a letter and said "this young man may very well be the most intelligent person on the planet."

teslas MOM was an inventor as well.

when edison brought tesla over to the US he made him a deal...

he had 20 inventions that his ENTIRE EDISON SCHOOL OF GENIUSES... couldnt get to work, including edison himself.

EDISON WAS THE FAKE, once you attended his schools, he would steal your ideas and claim them as his own.

Edison was in the mob... hands down, documented fact, study hollywood and its beginings and youll find out why it ended up in CA was to escape edisons thugs.

anyway... guess how many inventions tesla got working fo the 20...

half? 3/4? every one... he got them all working, all 20... and the deal was edison was supposed to pay him on those...

and edisons quote afterwards was "for as smart as you are you are perhaps the dumbest man because you forgot to sign a contract, welcome to america"

tesla then walked... and started screwing with ac electricity.

tesla and edison battled royaly in the public eye from then on out, bashing eachtoher.

the problem is edison was established, tesla was not, so its much harder to overcome that.

tesla invented radio... hands down.

edison was a key part in voting that marconi got the patent and that tesla didnt get a dime off it while he was alive.

as soon as tesla died, the us govt had no problem awarding tesla with the patent.

key officials in the us govt dont mind giving him credit, ut they were scared shitless if he had a good income of what he could come up with.

read the facts about colorado springs, his tower, and how the people ran him out when he started creating lightning bolts MILES long... its documented history in the towns paper.

all his shit is surpressed.... because it ends war.

it makes war obsolete.

and the world leaders understand earth does not hold infinite humans... so let the wars continue via the people who want to solve problems via violence... and isolate those individuals on a battlefield, and let them kill eachother off.

thats the global system. the teams are illusions for the apes... teams based on location of birth, skin color, and name of god...

think about that for a second and realize thats what wars are fought over, and then realize the world leaders dont like individuals who think that simple... and would rather that kind of person be the one to die... if someone has to die.

tesla's inventions were his own.


New Member
The only thing I am truly sure of is they were both a lot more gifted than me.

But, as I said there are thinkers/creators and doers. Tesla was not an original thinker but he could put to physical reality anything others thought up. Eienstein had difficulty figuring out the blade end from the handle end of a screw driver. He would b able to spout out metalurgy without ever studying the field. The crystalline structure of steel alloys would just be intuitive to him. Tesla would have to read about metalugy to have any understanding of the subject, but could easily forge out of steel anything need as described by a creator like Einstein without having been taught to do so. Cute story about Tessla and Eienstein not paying him. Fits right in with the fabricated Washington "Cherry Tree Story" or the Betsy Ross American flag story. They are just false creations of writers also. We have many of those created folk lore stories in our felonious American history books.

Tessla was a good learner!! Not many original ideas ever came out of Tessla's head outside the field of electrical engineering and magnetic field work. I have a few engineering degrees but could never be a physicist or an electrical engineer. I think there are many people as smart and gifted as was Tessla. There are few in the past that compared with Eienstein. Likely there will be few in the future. Most inventors are seldom capable of building what they invent. I have worked with hundreds of brillant engineers who work in research that have scores of patents but few are capable of fixing a dripping kitchen faucet or change the oil in their car. Many can not balance a check book. Few are capable of tying a tie. I know a nationally acclaimed bridge designer that is mechanically inept. Eienstein was mechanically inept but a great thinker in all fields of science. Tessla was no where as good of a creative thinker but he was mechanically gifted. He was a builder/engineer not a creater.


Well-Known Member
Einstein affected the world more than Tesla could ever dream!

fatman what do you think of these demand/delivery water pumps?
They can run intermittently, the flow is low ~1GPM at 40-60psi I believe... plus they have John Guest fittings built in!


New Member
I have a few of their smaller 12 volt booster pumps for some small RO systems. They are pretty noisy for small pumps. If they are starved for water because of a small feed line and low feed pressure they get down right loud as they will clatter. If I was to use a diaphragm pump for say a high pressure aero I would get a Sureflow instead. They have a much better track record amongst the high pressure aero chamber crowd. They use them with regular captive air pressure tanks as used with a well system. With the sureflows they pressurize to 100 psi and use water through low flow misters using solenoids and timers. The pumps then ony run a few minutes per hour.


New Member
got my pump today. Just to make sure... its not submersible correct? haha, i dont think it is, but you never know :)

im going to be running 30 sprayers with it.

I noticed one of the sprayers out of the many didnt vaporize the water and it stayed in stream more... should i just trash it?

also, can i hang the sprayers from the top, pointed down, or is that a no no?



New Member
im in the pvc world... 3/4 inch to be exact...

im looking for a quick release setup so that i can attach and detach fence posts from the system.

i remember seeing some not too long ago... like a male and female with the 2 little bars on the female that you pull down and it locks them together. I have no idea what the fitting is called tho. Thanks

edit: nevermind i found them, and they are 10 bucks a piece, too expensive for my blood.... they are called quick release couplings


New Member
im thinking about using the solenoid setup to alternate between the mist, and then the rest of the time, have it go a different path, to the top of the fence post, and do a little drinking fountain flow of water up there at the top of each post, and have it nft in the meantime until the next spray.

what do you think fatman, too much? should i just spray and let the roots dry and then spray again in 5 min?

btw, the screw in sprayers came today as well, and i just got done putting 5 into each pvc pipe that will be inside the post, which will each hold 5 plants (1 sprayer per plant)

they went in well, i used a 11/64 bit, and worked like a charm.

see you in the morning


Well-Known Member
im thinking about using the solenoid setup to alternate between the mist, and then the rest of the time, have it go a different path, to the top of the fence post, and do a little drinking fountain flow of water up there at the top of each post, and have it nft in the meantime until the next spray.

what do you think fatman, too much? should i just spray and let the roots dry and then spray again in 5 min?

btw, the screw in sprayers came today as well, and i just got done putting 5 into each pvc pipe that will be inside the post, which will each hold 5 plants (1 sprayer per plant)

they went in well, i used a 11/64 bit, and worked like a charm.

see you in the morning
hey SB, wot strain u got vegging? wot have u got them in? have u sexed yet? how old are they?.. SL:joint:


New Member
The main thing with your watering is to always maintainn at most no more than a very thin film of water o your roots. They root mass should never receive so much water as to have a build up of water at the up hill side of the root mass (ponding). Netting will only allow as much addition depth as the thickness of the netting Basically you want everthing to remain wet but you want to come as close as possible to eliminate all standing water (not rapidle moving water) and limit te rapidly moving water to a thin layer 1/10 inch deep, plus any netting thickness.

No the pump is defintely not submersible. If a miser is spraying a stream rather than a mist it is trash. Hang the misters or even using them side ways or upside down is all fine.

If your talking about disconnecting 3/4" pipe, I just use standard plumbing unions. The pressure is low enough simple hand tightening is enough to prevent leakage. Unions are quite cheap. http://www.flexpvc.com/cart/agora.cgi?product=PVCUnionsUnrated Thes compression couplings work real well also: http://www.flexpvc.com/cart/agora.cgi?cart_id=5171999.32004*5f0FP8&product=PVC-Compression-Couples They are also just hand tightened.


New Member
so im thinking about doing polyester on the bottoms... any better advice?

the silk screen strikes me as too thin to serve much purpose.. thoughts?


New Member
The silk screen just breaks the "seal" so to speak between the roots and the trough allowing water to more readily flow under the roots rather than just between and around them. It becomes double thin filnm ystem. One thin film pplied from the top and one from the bottom. It just would mean you would have a thin film the thickness of the silk screen readily and freely flowing under the root mass. A some what thicker poyester layer would be better but more expensive. A thick layer of polyester would not work any better than a relatively thin layer as there is still the problem that oxygen diffuses poorly. Regardless of waht is used anything over about 1/10 and inch will provide no more DO to the roots, it would just be more a matter of cost and availability and the ablity to clean and reuse.


Well-Known Member
so im thinking about doing polyester on the bottoms... any better advice?

the silk screen strikes me as too thin to serve much purpose.. thoughts?
Home improvement stores have a fabric type of wrap for trees..
usually in the outdoor section. It's nice because it's 4" wide so no need to cut really...

It's really thin. Soon as I can find something that is 1/4" I will switch to that. Will probably use lava rock or something, then cover with this wrap or silk screen.. which I think will be perfect ;) but to each his own!

You may not even need a spreader mat, since you have sprayers which will get everywhere. Still, everyone agrees roots more suspended in air are better.

Keep us updated on whatever solenoid type solution you come up with!