off topic, but this whole thread is...
you should put up a pic of tesla instead.
einstein bowed to tesla. They ended up working together later in life and tesla was full of insults towards einstein earlier on...
and the crazy part... einstein never denied that teslas insults werent correct, and einstein ended up admitting that tesla had him beat mentally over 10 fold.
tesla is surpressed from history as much as possible because he makes our current "system" of life, religion, govt,... everythign obsolete.
his later inventions and understanding of science were unreal.
his first inventions only created the 20th century
AC electricity
ac generators (plus installed the ones at niagra falls for the first time)
edison wouldnt let him use his light bulbs to light the first lit worlds fair, so tesla invented better ones IN A WEEK.
the cruise missle
one of the 4 computer gates (and, or, not, etc)
tesla coil (who knew

and many technologies that are currently being used by HAARP (controlling the weather)
had an electric car that exceeded 100mph back when cars didnt go that fast
wirelss electricity (some jap guy is just finally figuring out how to do it)
and the most important of all if you want to compare him to einstein.
there are 4 sciences in which equations dont overlap
kenetic energy
electro magnatism
atomic physics
e=mc2 links kenetic and atomic.. thats why it is so profound.
but guess what, tesla wrote einstein a letter and said, yeah, you figured out one... but ive linked the other 3 together as well
shortly after they started working together, and then our navy MADE THEM work for the military under lock and key due to the begining of ww2.
tesla said he could cloak things, and he did, the war ship in the bay, and many witnesses saw it happen, him and einstein worked together on this.
the bullshit cover story is they sent the ship back in time... to make it sound rediculous... but the reality is they cloaked it.
he could speak before he was a year old, and he could read by the time he was 2, and he could speak 3 languages by the time he was 3.
the dude HATED the rest of the human race because he was so beyond us.
he invented everything he ventured into. holds over 1000 patents. and over half his shit is still classified.
einstein was nsync, and tesla was elvis