also... where do i get a "manifold"?
ive seen some brass ones on ebay, but i have no clue if they are the right size fittings?
also, how do you kill spider mites?
ive looked for neam oil all over, and cant find it anywhere... and using other shit that says it kills them... but here we are and i still have a mild case of them.
ick sorry. fatman will probably beat me with a better answer

the manifold I was referring to was homemade from the pump, then feeding the sprayer lines. I'm not good with visualising flow rates and how it divides up...
spider mites are a bitch, but only because the eggs aren't killed like the adults, then they hatch in 5 days.. so you need to treat once, then again in 5 days. Do that at least twice, three times if it's really bad or you feel it's necessary.
Neam oil is ok stuff. Home improvement stores have the bactericidal/insecticidal soap, and other "spectracide" type products for plant pests, they may even have an organic one. Find one that kills spider mites. I have had good luck following the package directions, mixing up a 5 gal bucket, and a second bucket as a plaint water rinse. If you had the neem oil, you would mix some of that with some antibacterial soap in a sprayer. You can make a bucket solution for a dip too, but the pressure sprayer will knock off most adult mites. Then you can dip in the insecticide solution, and give her a rinse. If the plants are big, you can omit the rinse. Smaller plants and clones--definitely give a rinse.
Hopefully your roots aren't grown together.. can easily pluck a plant out, spray it off into a garbage, dip it and go. If you can't do the easy dip method you will be stuck using a sprayer and making a huge mess.
As you know, mites like to live on the underside of leaves. You might call it excessive, but wherever I have seen a mite (when I have had them before, with dirt) I cut off the whole leaf. Fuck it. It's a challenge just to get rid of these bastards.. I don't want any eggs hanging around.
They also have foggers and chemical sprays that you can get. BTW my cat was the culprit one time--spreaded mites like wildfire pretty randomly--was so pissed.