New Stealth Grow Cab and Super Lemon Haze and Blueberry Grow with pix

So last year I had my first 2 grows. I only grow for my wife and I so no need to go big so I grew in a closet we already had. I struggled with high temps since the room it was in has poor ventilation, lack of stealth due to loud noise from the blowers I bought by accident, and lack of stealth due to lack of odor control. However, I still managed to pull some great bud from it for my wife and I. Last year I grew Lowryder 2's, Northern Lights, Blue Hash, and Royal Kush and pulled more than enough for our limited smoking needs.

Over the past year I purchased things here and there to build the cab I thought would be a good next step. My goals were to have it be stealth, light proof, smell proof, safer, and quiet while cool. I think I've accomplished all of those goals with the cab I recently finished.

Before I explain what I have, please remember, I'm a newb at this, I'm not an accomplished builder, and while I'm open and appreciative of constructive feedback, lets keep things nice as I'm sharing to possibly help other newbs.

You'll notice I used lots of duct tape, thats because I don't have a lot of tools and I only used in places where I needed a bit of sealing up. I didn't use it for structural items. So here was my assembly method:

1. Created DIY Cool Tube based on plan found googling, google DIY Cool tube and your all set. I had a large 6 inch cool tube but this cab was far to small for it.
2. Created Screen for my Screen of Green by cutting out a large part of each side of the shelf and stapling in the chicken wire.
3. Drilled hooks to hold up Cool Tube, Carbon Filter, and Fan.
4. Used thick bungie cords to place carbon filter and fan up, used chain to place cool tube up.
5. Venting - Drilled lots of holes, 2 at very top of cab, 3 in panel of cab separating electrical area from gro area, 2 in back of electrical area, then three holes in bottom of cab. Air flow is separated into two distinct areas; grow and light. Air for my grow comes in the bottom, through carbon filter, up through top of cab into fan, then blown out very top of cab. Air for light tube comes from back of cab, through light tube then through fan and blown out of top. Both of these out vents are located near each other and have box on top to act as a muffler.
6. Used weather stripping to seal up all of grow portion of cab. Made wife get in to test if light proof :)
7. Drilled Small holes next to each of the vent holes to zip tie venting to cab then used duct tape to seal up gaps.
8. Connected all items and setup electrical at the top
9. Set up 2 automatic fire extinguishers, one in top, one in bottom, either will pop if temp gets above 155.
10. Ran test for light and temp. Temp never went over 81, light never got out.

Here will be my growing method and items:

1. Fox Farms Soil mixed with Perlite. 2/3rds FF Soil to 1/3 Perlite
2. Fox Farms Trio of Nutes following their directions and of course watching how plants react.
3. Water PH balanced each time I feed to whatever its supposed to be, can't remember right now but its on the bottle. I let my water sit for 24 hours as well.
4. Starting with 1 gallon pots then upgrading to 5 gallon pots for rest of grow.
5. Light is 250 HPS throughout entire grow, starting with 20/4 then switching to 12/12
6. Grow Area is as follows, Pots are 11.5 inches tall, then 8 inches to top of screen(worked for me last year), then at maximum height with 4 inches of clearance between light and plants it gives me 22 inches of growing room, 20 inches deep, and 28 1/2 inches wide.
7. Goal is to get 1/2-1 ounce from each plant. I'm more than happy with half from each as 2 grows a year gets my wife and I plenty of weed.

Growing 1 Feminized Green House Super Lemon Haze and 1 Feminized Dutch Passion BlueBerry. Seeds were germinated using just a cup of water each and letting sit for a few days. Both germinated. Planted in soil on 9/21 late at night. Today on 9/23 they both popped out of the soil. Will update about every 3 days and updates will be less wordy ;) I'll also take better pix as I go, just not much to capture right now.


OMG Help!!!

Temps are over 100.

Spots are all over my seedling's leaves.

There are little bugs crawling every where.

The Smell is crazy strong outside the cab.

Cops are parked outside.

Ok none of that is true, its Day 2 and everything is boring.


Well-Known Member
OMG Help!!!

Temps are over 100.

Spots are all over my seedling's leaves.

There are little bugs crawling every where.

The Smell is crazy strong outside the cab.

Cops are parked outside.
haha i was like "oh mah gawddd. thats some baddddddd luck" haha


Well-Known Member
OMG Help!!!

Temps are over 100.

Spots are all over my seedling's leaves.

There are little bugs crawling every where.

The Smell is crazy strong outside the cab.

Cops are parked outside.

Ok none of that is true, its Day 2 and everything is boring.
LMAO! You had me with this. Subbed.
Glad to have made someone laugh. Lets hope I didn't predict anything by accident. I'll throw up some pix tonight, but they'll be boring as they'll look like 99.9999999% of all other 3 day old seedlings. Don't get me wrong, i like boring when it comes to growing. So far its much better than last year when I had high heat and almost zero stealth.
So first real leaves are in effect, second real set is just peaking out at the center. Haven't watered again since first day. All's well, nothing much going on.

whole-cab-day-3.jpgbluebery-front-lemon-haze-back-day-3.jpgblueberry-day-3.jpglemon haze-day-3.jpg
Oh, one thing I didn't list in my "saftey/stealth" setup for this cab versus my closet grow in the past is that I added a tot lock to the cab. Its basically a hidden lock that unlocks using a strong magnet. You keep the magnet hidden and when needed just press firmly against the spot on the door where the lock is behind it.

I love this for a couple of reasons. First, having a lock on the outside of a cabinet begs the question, "why is there a lock there?" which could cause other questions to arise. Secondly, because its hidden, people even if they tried to open it wouldn't know how it was locked unless they knew about the magnetic lock and even then would have to have access to a strong magnet.

Downside, if you lose your lock you better be able to either go buy strong magnet pretty quickly or willing to break your doors. Upside, the magnet has a convient storage location, top of the fridge behind some junk:)
So I am bored just waiting for stuff to happen. I know it takes time but when you are a 2 time a year grower and don't have endless grows going it is kinda boring at first waiting for your girls to grow up.

So I decided to laminate some grow schedules and the fox farms feeding schedule. Last year I kept forgetting what I had done the last watering and so I figured I'd make my life easier. Plus this way I can put a note if I see something and then will know the next time if a problem has gotten worse or better based on my last note.

And of course when your really bored you don't just laminate, you take pix of your lamination creation!



Well-Known Member
Haha, I know the feeling--waiting is definitely the hardest part. I ended up printing out half-a-years worth of calendars to help me keep track of when certain things happen and how much nutes are currently in their respective nute soups.

Setup is looking nice though--looks like a mini warehouse with the chains and ducting lol
Yeah it looks pretty industrial, but it reminds me more of Robby the Robot with all the tubing every where. In fact people name their girls all the time, I'm naming my cabinet, Robby!

Tested with moisture tester today to see how dry soil was (I use it since I'm still a relative newb and don't trust my over watering instinct). Since I'll be out till like midnight today I decided to give the girls some water as the tester said they were nearing dry. All is still boring.
End of week one and the growth looks pretty good to me. Blueberry plant is a bit ahead of the Lemon Haze. Watered again today on both plants as they were both dry. Blueberry looks droopy for about 3-5 hours after waking up every day, but after that it starts perking up. I have my plants setup so night time happens during the day. It keeps my temps lower since during the hottest part of the day I have my lights off.

This grow I'm starting a mother cab doing 2 permanent bonsai's. I just don't want to keep ordering seeds. From this grow I'll take clones off of each plant, and turn them into mothers. Then from next grow I'll take clones off of each plant. The best 2 out of all four will become my mothers.

Cab Info. Light Proofed, Temp at 85 with 2 exhaust fans at medium speed with carbon scrubbers on them. My growing space for the mothers is as follows: Height up to light 17 inches (pot height 6.5 inches, 2 inches from light, leaves 9.5 inches of grow height), Width 23 inches, Depth 10 inches. I'll be growing under 2 26 watt cfls, which for my minimal needs should keep the plants alive and healthy. Whenever I need clones 2 times a year I'll throw it under the HPS.

Enjoy, comment, smoke.



Well-Known Member
Hi Closet,
Yea, I grow indoors too.
I dont know if you have seen my setup but your Robby the robot comment reminded me of a post in the cabinet build journal:

" I now have the thermostat wired up and the ventilation done.

OK time for a break.​

Is it just me or do you hear "Danger Will Robinson!""

I like your design, It's much safer with the electric up top.
BTW Heres a LINK to my cabinet build if you are interested. (its not in my sig)


Well-Known Member
Ha, The Forbiden planet, ah yes.

Did you know you can embed the files here with a code?

Like this;


The code is bracket youtube bracket, Link number then bracket forward slash youtube bracket

By the way, if you want bonzi moms use a smaller pot like a 4in
So left for a bit since updating is a pain when there isn't much to show but I'll to keep it regular from here on out.

The blueberry and super lemon haze both came out female (they were feminized but you never really know). Both are growing well but the blueberry is really kicking ass. I've been late a few times on watering by a day, but the girls seemed to have not noticed.

I'll be including my feeding schedule in the images tomorrow night. I've read lots of places how the super lemon haze is a picky girl when it comes to nutes but to be honest I've fed both of them nutes every feeding with zero signs that they are getting to much.

Lastly the clones I took are doing ok. I took them out of the humidity dome too soon but they have bounced back. The blueberries I just trimmed off the top cola to start working on the bonsai mother technique. The lemon haze are still too small to do this.

Can't upload pix till tomorrow night but will do so tomorrow for sure.
Notes for this post are listed on yesterday's post.

You'll notice the Super lemon Haze on the left stretched quite a bit, only because I had to raise the light due to the BlueBerry growing so vigorously. Tis what it Tis.

2closetgrowers this looks awesome good job! I'm trying to set up a stealth cab right now and from the looks of it I have the exact cabinet you're using for your mother chamber. Is there any way you could post some more pics of how you light-proofed the cabinet (particularly in the vertical gap between the doors) and where you placed the shelf? I've been a member of Rollitup for a while but this is my first actual post. I love the tot lok idea and I think I'm going to get one for mine as well. Thanks!