Well-Known Member
Ya think man i could have told you that. Yeah it is small right now but itll come up when i get the right stuff. Will the plant still be ok?
O ya man, no worries at this point.

Ya think man i could have told you that. Yeah it is small right now but itll come up when i get the right stuff. Will the plant still be ok?
The picture was about 3 and a half weeks. still small but i will try to fix my mistakes and come up with a good plant. I thought i read somewhere that the more good light your plant gets it will more likely be a female? true or no?
What do you mean hydro? Ive never grown or done any of this dude. Whats up with those lowryder plants they seem quick and easy
I read that stuff i would like too but im tight with cash right now. How much do they run for?
Look like good setups i just have mine in a 2 by 2 foot box lined with foil with my light on top reflecting the light down onto the plant. Like i said im just trying to keep it simple its fun and all but I dont know about throwing a bunch of money into all this stuff. Results are good i know but hopefully i can make it workout by making my own little setup