Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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You big bang evolutionists have obviously not evolved , you are as arrogant as the DNC/RNC people in the Divided/Conquered(Politics) threads :bigjoint:
Science so falsely called @Rrog. Modern astronomy is a joke. Astronomers just make up a bunch of BS and don't have to prove anything. Gravity and a heliocentric solar system are born out of ancient Jewish mysticism from their Babylonian captivity . Sir Issac Newton was a free mason and occultist who studied the kabbalah. Astronomers are nothing but modern day witch doctors talking a bunch of hocus pocus BS. :fire:The Jewish elite torture young christian boys and harvest their adrenal chrome infused blood during Passover :fire:. It's a battle between good/truth and evil/lies. The education of the Globetard's continues...... bongsmilie
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I see the Boeing Starliner musta hit the firmament. That’ll leave a mark. When you see the Big Dipper without the dipper, know that they haven’t gotten around to replacing the bulbs quite yet
The suns concentric motion with Polaris has it currently in the deep southern hemisphere where it is summer in New Zealand, South Africa, Chile and Australia. This explains why it is so low in the sky to us in the north and the shadows are longer. It will move a 1/4 of a degree (also 15 miles) per day north until it reaches the tropic of cancer on June 20th. The next day it will began working it's way south 15 miles per day until it reaches the tropic of capricorn on Dec. 20th then repeat the process. During the first day of both fall and spring the sun is 90 degrees above the equator. bongsmilie

A stationary Polaris makes your cherished heliocentric doctrine an impossibility considering the earth is revolving around the sun and flying through the universe simultaneously. According to modern astronomers the stars are at varying distances yet there has NEVER in the history of the world been a change in their position relative to each other. The heavenly bodies are locked into a cycle of precise repetitive motion. That's why all cosmic events are easily predicted. Meteor showers, eclipses etc. Time lapse video centered on Polaris shows the star trails perfect concentric motion around Polaris and the North Pole. Work the puzzle @Rrog. :p
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The suns concentric motion with Polaris has it currently in the deep southern hemisphere where it is summer in New Zealand, South Africa, Chile and Australia. This explains why it is so low in the sky to us in the north and the shadows are longer. It will move a 1/4 of a degree (also 15 miles) per day north until it reaches the tropic of cancer on June 20th. The next day it will began working it's way south 15 miles per day until it reaches the tropic of capricorn on Dec. 20th then repeat the process. During the first day of both fall and spring the sun is 90 degrees above the equator. bongsmilie

A stationary Polaris makes your cherished heliocentric doctrine an impossibility considering the earth is revolving around the sun and flying through the universe simultaneously. According to modern astronomers the stars are at varying distances yet there has NEVER in the history of the world been a change in their position relative to each other. The heavenly bodies are locked into a cycle of precise repetitive motion. That's why all cosmic events are easily predicted. Meteor showers, eclipses etc. Time lapse video centered on Polaris shows the star trails perfect concentric motion around Polaris and the North Pole. Work the puzzle @Rrog. :p
Blah blah blah blebity blah. ;-)

The world keeps spinning.
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has no one watched Behind The Curve documentary on Netflix? very interesting, especially the flat earth experiments proving their theory.

@Rrog , please... Don't get me started on them cretin. Your words are kind to them. I'm not as generous to them.

I have a buddy who claims to have 'definitive proof' on a flat Earth. He says if the world were round and rotating, when one jumps the land should rotate under-foot and one should end up in another village or city... He also says that he does not trust NASA's photos. So I ask, "What of everyone else's Space Programs - South Africa, Israel, China, Russia, et al? Surely they have their own reference material!?!"

I can't believe I just repeated that - I won't delete or edit it as folks clearly need guidance. You can't see with your eyes closed or your brain on pre-retirement leave.

Chill out on this F.E.s:

Pigeon Point, Tobago
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Now that the winter solstice is past, and days are getting longer, I’m wondering how that works. Did they shift firmament gears so now it’s going back the other way? Do these gears need repair and lubrication ? Who does the repairs? Are they unionized?

Them guys need to smoke & grow. Growing is addictive - bu'n t'ing to balance their wacky gyroscope. I can lead a capybara to the river, but will he drink? Not necessarily.

I'm 51 and don't have years, months or minutes to fritter away on them guys. I already have a flesh & blood cretin to tolerate. Peace OUT, mate.
Have them suck on some of these - it just might cure Doodie-Mouth.
Toilet Roll Orientation.jpg
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