Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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What is underneath? All the rivers that flow into the earths oceans annually produce enough water to cover the earth over 500 times. Yet the oceans never flood. Where does all this water go? Experiments show only a small percentage is evaporated. Only 10% of the ocean floor has been mapped out. If there were fathomless depths would the public be told? The public is fed so many lies about outer space, moon walks and mars rovers what makes you think they would be honest about a ocean hundreds of miles deep? Get Woke Globetards bongsmilie
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Dude. Again. You’re insane and babbling. All that you dispute has been clearly and universally understood for centuries.

I realize you have a delusional condition, but jesus man
bongsmilieCenturies? Antarctica was found to be a impassable circumference in the mid 1800's. Gleason's map of 1892 was issued in seven countries and reflects that discovery. The map has longitude, time calculator and is scientifically and practically correct to this very day. Delusional is some one who believes the oceans curve into a ball which is so f'n STUPID. :dunce:
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What is underneath? All the rivers that flow into the earths oceans annually produce enough water to cover the earth over 500 times. Yet the oceans never flood. Where does all this water go? Experiments show only a small percentage is evaporated. Only 10% of the ocean floor has been mapped out. If there were fathomless depths would the public be told? The public is fed so many lies about outer space, moon walks and mars rovers what makes you think they would be honest about a ocean hundreds of miles deep? Get Woke Globetards bongsmilie
How does 332,500 cubic miles of water fill 260 billion cubic miles 500 times?

Evaporation rates are different from one location to the other how did you get 10%?

Why are you leaving your math incomplete?
Intelligent design by a creator. Precise repetitive motion to count the days, months, seasons and years. There is order. Not cosmic chaos of a big bang. Water does not flow up hill. The oceans don't curve into a ball and men in space suits did not walk on the moon 50 years ago. :roll: Gathering data on the evaporation experiment would be a waste of time. It would not change your feeble indoctrinated minds. :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce: Maybe you fear the wrath of God for being a sodomite? :spew:
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And we have videos of those similarly afflicted. Joy

mental illness isn’t exclusive to Retread. That’s all we’re seeing here.
you do realize thats a pisstake out of you lot dont you?
I think I watched that vid a long while back. Doesnt he disprove flat earth the whole video? Lol

Intelligent design by a creator. Precise repetitive motion to count the days, months, seasons and years. There is order. Not cosmic chaos of a big bang. Water does not flow up hill. The oceans don't curve into a ball and men in space suits did not walk on the moon 50 years ago. :roll: Gathering data on the evaporation experiment would be a waste of time. It would not change your feeble indoctrinated minds. :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce: Maybe you fear the wrath of God for being a sodomite? :spew:
Rivers can only flow down a gradient. Therefore there is no curvature and evidence of said curvature can not be proven. It can't ever be proven because it does not exist. This undoubtedly shows how dumb downed Americans are. They can be fooled by cartoons and fake news. Very sad actually. bongsmilie
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