Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Looks like we got rid of retarded gorilla, unless hes just ignoring all the proof and waiting for someone he can brainwash.
This is what happens when you get him cornered with actual facts. He will go MIA or start babbling gibberish. Took another L...
0 - 4,428. He's never going to catch up ;-).

I am very much looking forward to reading over your credentials and mathematics.

I've heard the arithmetic of fake news is...... the theorem of Pythagoras a2 = 39632 + 12 = 15705370 and thus a = 3963.000126 miles. Thus your position is 3963.000126 - 3963 = 0.000126 miles above the surface of the earth. 0.000126 miles = 12*5280*0.000126 = 7.98 inches

Freshman physics teaches us that water flows because of GRAVITY. NOT because of gradients. Which is a word you clearly don't understand. Nor can prove otherwise mathematically.
bongsmilieGravity? So powerful to hold the oceans to a 1,000 mph spinning ball but so weak to allow birds and bugs to escape it. You must be referring to density and buoyancy? Why do helium balloons float away and escape the all mighty grip of this imaginary gravity? It's because helium has a lower density than the surrounding air. Now apply that same rule to everything in nature. What the hell they teaching you young sheeple at Cornhole? Don't you know that the oceans curving into a ball defies the most BASIC laws of physics? I hope you get a degree in theoretical propaganda Globetard. :dunce: Because that's all gravity and the heliocentric solar system is.....THEORIES. Your education is worthless.
bongsmilieThe next time you take a gander at the stars just know you are not looking into outer space. You are looking at God's clock and guide to navigating the flat earth. The stars move as one mass concentric with the North Star/Polaris. There is zero parallax in the heliocentric sci fi fantasy. The North Star is STATIONARY above the magnetic North Pole. Globetards believe in the insane idea that Polaris is in perfect synchronization with the earth as it revolves around the sun. Oh yeah, and all the space junk comes along for the ride too !! HAHAHAHA idiots !!! :dunce:
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bongsmilieThe next time you take a gander at the stars just know you are not looking into outer space. You are looking at God's clock and guide to navigating the flat earth. The stars move as one mass concentric with the North Star/Polaris. There is zero parallax in this sci fi fantasy. This star is STATIONARY above the magnetic North Pole. Globetards believe in the insane idea that Polaris is in perfect synchronization with the earth as it revolves around the sun. Oh yeah, and all the space junk comes along for the ride too !! HAHAHAHA idiots !!! :dunce:
That doesn't explain why native polynesians/hawaiians who navigated sea primarily by stars had seasonal star maps. Must have been fake huh?
bongsmilieThe next time you take a gander at the stars just know you are not looking into outer space. You are looking at God's clock and guide to navigating the flat earth. The stars move as one mass concentric with the North Star/Polaris. There is zero parallax in the heliocentric sci fi fantasy. The North Star is STATIONARY above the magnetic North Pole. Globetards believe in the insane idea that Polaris is in perfect synchronization with the earth as it revolves around the sun. Oh yeah, and all the space junk comes along for the ride too !! HAHAHAHA idiots !!! :dunce:

What exactly is god?
Could you please explain.

Having an aneurysm while taking a shit, isn't the same thing.
So you believe in god, but ignore the possibility gravity exists. Then you go on and on about shit running downhill.
When you jump, how come you fall back downward to where you were standing?
Please explain what this force is. Give it a name...

Then there's your flat earth theory. That's just all kinds of messed up.
You believe in some fairy-tale, about a divine entity and some silly man written book is your evidence?
Yet your ignorance denies the possibility it is false and it contradicts what you suggest about man made conspiracy.

If God is a simple explanation for you and makes you feel better, then good on you!
But don't use it as proof to dispel all evidence and experimentation, that flat earth theory is undeniably false.
That's being moronic.
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