Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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What exactly is god?
Could you please explain.

Having an aneurysm while taking a shit, isn't the same thing.
So you believe in god, but ignore the possibility gravity exists. Then you go on and on about shit running downhill.
When you jump, how come you fall back downward to where you were standing?
Please explain what this force is. Give it a name...

Then there's your flat earth theory. That's just all kinds of messed up.
You believe in some fairy-tale, about a divine entity and some silly man written book is your evidence?
Yet your ignorance denies the possibility it is false and it contradicts what you suggest about man made conspiracy.

If God is a simple explanation for you and makes you feel better, then good on you!
But don't use it as proof to dispel all evidence and experimentation, that flat earth theory is undeniably false.
That's being moronic.
Your body is simply more dense than air you ignorant dorito eating mouth breather. :dunce:
Your body is simply more dense than air you ignorant dorito eating mouth breather. :dunce:

Lol, that's a good one! XD

Ignorance? Maybe.
At least I don't believe in fairys...

Why does density matter and why does it feel heavier the denser it is?
What force is determining this?
Doesn't mass and gravity have a direct relationship with one another?

What is God?
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139 pages of this.. you guys know flat earthers are just trolling right? Almost none of them actually believe that shit..

Lol so true. Gotta say it's amusing seeing them go on and on about it, though right? Even if we get trolled in the first place.
It's a good laugh and I'm sure he gets a kick out of it, as much as the next guy.
Lol, that's a good one! XD

Ignorance? Maybe.
At least I don't believe in fairys...

Why does density matter and why does it feel heavier the denser it is?
What force is determining this?
Doesn't mass and gravity have a direct relationship with one another?

What is God?
We experience density & buoyancy everyday. Gravity DOES NOT EXIST. Our realm is made up of liquids, metals and gases and all three can be rated in levels of density. Pseudo-science tells you the earth curves at 8 inches per mile squared. The lighthouses of the world prove this is a lie. Standing water is perfectly level. So how do we get to the point of the oceans curving into a ball? Insanely stupid. :dunce: The great rivers of the earth that are 1,000's of miles long must negotiate the earths rotundity. There is no two ways about it this means water would have to flow UP. AGAIN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. You could just say there is zero evidence of curvature because the gradient of rivers can be measured. Rivers only flow DOWN. Antarctica was discovered to in fact be a impassable frozen circumference in the mid 1800's. One minute...bongsmilie OK SO WE HAVE 1-6.

1. Polaris is stationary and the stars all rotate around it as one mass with no parallax whatsoever detected in the history of the world.
2. Standing water is level. The earth is 72% ocean. Navigators use plane trigonometry NOT SPHERICAL TRIG for oceanic navigation.
3. Rivers only flow down a gradient that is measured without evidence of curvature.
4. Operation Dominic and Operation Fish Bowl was high altitude nuclear testing in 1962 that proved the existence of a firmament with a electromagnetic field. A Thor missile created a aura at the blast site in the firmament and another aura simultaneously in the conjugate area of the electromagnetic field. OTH radar also uses the firmament to relay signals as well as satellite TV and radio. This is old technology BTW. Very sickening that the ole U.S.A. tried to blast through God's firmament with a powerful nuclear weapon. One particular nuke blast knocked out power a 1,000 miles north in Hawaii.
5. Antarctica is a frozen circumference with no plant or animal life or native human population. It is not meant to be inhabited or capable of supporting life. It was mapped out as a circumference in the late 1800's
6. Genesis explains how the sun, moon and firmament is there for mans use to guide him night and day. It's also to count the days, months, seasons and years. The cosmos are locked into a cycle of precise, repetitive motion with cosmic events that are easily predicted because they happen at precise intervals. The firmament has order and is of intelligent design and anything but cosmic chaos from a big bang. We are not monkeys flying through space at 1,000's and 1,000's M.P.H. on a round, organic spaceship propelled by a theoretical force called gravity.

"Man in his own wisdom became fools".
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Retread is one of the more gullible and ignorant among us , obviously. We all know this.

Does anyone have any pity for him? I’m not seeing any. Certainly not from me. Although I should, as he’s clearly mentally ill, beyond what is explained by his gullibility and clear ignorance

plus his arrogance makes it hard to pity him. You just wanna slap the dumb outta him.
Standing water is perfectly level.

At what elevation?
It also shows the difference between "level" (following the curve of the earth), and "straight", or "flat".

"Colgate gravitated to the University of California at Berkeley, then making the world’s largest linear accelerator, the A-48. A half year later at the inception of a neighboring laboratory, now called Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Colgate was invited to join the fledgling counterpart to LANL.

“Instead of doing magnetic fusion, which is what I wanted to do, I was put in charge of the “fast” diagnostics (neutrons and gamma rays) for the Bravo test, on Bikini Atoll , the U.S.’s largest thermonuclear test with a yield of 15 megatons ,” he said.

Colgate was 27 or 28 at the time, very young for all this responsibility to be dropped in his lap. He said there were few Ph.D.’s with his background, such as his experience as an electrician in the Merchant Marines, a marine engineering license to operate seagoing ships, and a Ph.D. in measuring gamma-ray absorption coefficients.

“These measurements are still used by the Bureau of Standards,” he adds, a hint that his experimental acumen was well-known to the higher-ups.

There was one particularly amusing part of this bomb test experiment involving a dozen two-mile-long vacuum pipe lines necessary to accurately view the device from far enough away to save the recording equipment from the expected blast.

“When six of us young physicists arrived in Bikini several months before the test, but after an immense effort by thousands working for the contractor Holmes and Narver, we found that the gamma rays from a radioactive test source wouldn’t pass through the vacuum pipelines for a distance of two miles.

After a few of the “juvenile young scientists” straightened one pipe line using a special telescope, Colgate recalls being awakened that night by another still younger engineer, who showed him the corrections.

“I took one look, calculated the geometry, and said out loud so everyone in the tent could hear, ‘Oh my God, they forgot that the earth is round!’ ” he said.

For gamma rays to get through, the pipes had to be straight, not level with the ground. "
He’ll say it’s all fabricated and part of a multi-million person conspiracy that has been taking place in all nations by anyone remotely associated with planes, ships, astronomy, and physics and government ...for 5000 years. That’s quite the conspiracy.
retarded gorilla is there a part of you that knows how stupid you are?
one day you will cringe in what you have said and have to change your username out of sheer embarrassment.
Get to your laboratories and make water curve into a ball. Make a stream of water flow up. GOOD LUCK !! :finger: gLoBeTaRDS :dunce: LOL!!! Is this a party popper? or :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce: Moon Landings. Who is the gullible one? @Rrog
bongsmilie The above video of child like fakery is the epitome of what makes you Globetards so stupid. Idiocy in it's finest and purest form. The lies you have to convince yourselves of is astonishing. NASA is the lone authority you depend on for your space fix? My God. :roll:
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