Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Of course they flow downhill.

Then you summarily dismiss curvature, which is clearly evident to any dimwit. A curvature that has been known for centuries.

you’d rather believe that untold millions of sailors, pilots, cartographers, over the course of centuries... have all keeps this flat earth a secret. Really? Really?
@Rrog Gradient of the earths rivers aren't all the same. Some are steep mountain streams. Some flow through flat delta areas. Example: There is a 1,000 mile section of the Nile that only drops 12 inches in gradient. This proves lack of curvature. YOUR Pseudo-science says the earth is a sphere 24,900 miles in circumference that curves at 8 inches per mile squared. The great rivers of the earth prove that there is no curvature. :idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea: Gradient can be measured and it don't jive with 8 inches per mile squared. Did the light go off?
So all the pilots on earth all the air hostesses and politicians are in on it? every prime minister every president has been in on it since the middle ages. nobody has slipped up and said some thing?
Come on man get real.
I am in my junior year of study at Cornell University. There was a academic poll that went around last semester asking if anyone believed that earth was flat and if they knew of anyone that had subscribed to the misconception that earth is flat. Of the 23k + students here, nobody...not a single living human being, checked Yes. In that brief yet fleeting moment I felt hope for humanity.

The price of ignorance will forever outweigh the price of a quality education.
Rivers can only flow down a gradient. Therefore there is no curvature and evidence of said curvature can not be proven. It can't ever be proven because it does not exist. This undoubtedly shows how dumb downed Americans are. They can be fooled by cartoons and fake news. Very sad actually. bongsmilie


I am very much looking forward to reading over your credentials and mathematics.

I've heard the arithmetic of fake news is...... the theorem of Pythagoras a2 = 39632 + 12 = 15705370 and thus a = 3963.000126 miles. Thus your position is 3963.000126 - 3963 = 0.000126 miles above the surface of the earth. 0.000126 miles = 12*5280*0.000126 = 7.98 inches

Freshman physics teaches us that water flows because of GRAVITY. NOT because of gradients. Which is a word you clearly don't understand. Nor can prove otherwise mathematically.
Gradient of the earths rivers aren't all the same. Some are steep mountain streams. Some flow through flat delta areas. Example: There is a 1,000 mile section of the Nile that only drops 12 inches in gradient. (*) This proves lack of curvature.
It feels like there's a step or two missing at the (*). Ok, so water flows downhill, got it. I just happened to be out in the forest today and saw a lot of water flowing downhill. But water flowing downhill proves lack of curvature? On flat earth, water flows down from the higher elevations to the lower elevations. That makes sense. On a spherical earth water flows from the higher elevations to the lower elevations. That seems to make sense too. Or are you saying a spherical earth doesn't have higher and lower elevations because it's all the same elevations?

So you're saying that the Mediterranean sea is at a lower elevation than the Nile only on a flat earth, and that can't possibly be true on a spherical earth?
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