Obama Caught on Tape "I believe in redistribution"

redistribution = taxes... that go into a general fun... to create schools, roads, and other benefits for society.

If you drove on a road today, redistribution of wealth made that possible. If you sent your kid to school today, redistribution of wealth made that possible. If, this winter, snow plows clear your streets, redistribution of wealth made that possible.

I too believe in redistribution. Get some better arguments.
Don't get your hopes up too high, in order to grow that many plants you have to marry a well to do woman, get handouts from your in laws and spend 16 hours a day on a forum. Not many people can handle that busy of a lifestyle.

I don't buy for one minute Bucky honestly has wealthy in-laws, they're make believe, I guarantee it!
redistribution = taxes... that go into a general fun... to create schools, roads, and other benefits for society.

I too believe in redistribution. Get some better arguments.

Dude, roads are paid for from fuel excise taxes we all pay for at the gas pump. And the truth be told, many people believe in redistribution of wealth, of course most of those people can't or won't make it on their own!
So if you are one of those who can't make it on your own, you may have an argument, just don't ask me to pay for it.
Dude, roads are paid for from fuel excise taxes we all pay for at the gas pump. And the truth be told, many people believe in redistribution of wealth, of course most of those people can't or won't make it on their own!
So if you are one of those who can't make it on your own, you may have an argument, just don't ask me to pay for it.

people like you totally suck... and are really fucking annoying. You assume right off the bat that because I don't agree with you that I'm a leech on society.

so everyone who uses the roads is paying paying money for the roads to be built through taxes. In other words, their wealth is being redistributed by the government to build roads.

Dude, we get it... you don't like obama. But you are digging for something that doesn't exist. keep it up though... gives you something to do.
redistribution = taxes... that go into a general fun... to create schools, roads, and other benefits for society.

If you drove on a road today, redistribution of wealth made that possible. If you sent your kid to school today, redistribution of wealth made that possible. If, this winter, snow plows clear your streets, redistribution of wealth made that possible.

I too believe in redistribution. Get some better arguments.
Most of the money the Government spends goes to Pensions and healthcare.

Fuel taxes pay for roads, property taxes pay for schools. None of it comes from a General fund which is a misnomer since a fund assumes you have money, but our fund has nothing but IOUs.
Most of the money the Government spends goes to Pensions and healthcare.

Fuel taxes pay for roads, property taxes pay for schools. None of it comes from a General fund which is a misnomer since a fund assumes you have money, but our fund has nothing but IOUs.

ok... so I should have said taxes... that create school, roads, and other benefits for society. That's redistributing wealth isn't it?
ok... so I should have said taxes... that create school, roads, and other benefits for society. That's redistributing wealth isn't it?

No it's not bud, taxes are actually a fee for service, or they were meant to be originally.
Look up redistribution of wealth before you go attacking someone, I pay more than my fair share in income taxes and I don't have a problem with it as long as my money isn't wasted.
ok... so I should have said taxes... that create school, roads, and other benefits for society. That's redistributing wealth isn't it?

yes and No, its only redistribution when it involves a transfer payment. for example tom is taxed an extra $100 because he works too hard and makes too much, then the government writes a check to velma for $100 in food stamps, welfare etc etc. It involves taking from one person and giving it to another. If you are taxed and government provides a service, then that isn't wealth redistribution, its just plain ole taxation. So in your example its just plain taxation to pay for services.
I grew up in a solidly middle class family. My town had no high school. So, we were bussed into a nearby verry upper middle class/ lower wealthy class community. We attended high school with them. They paid more in taxes for the schools than my family did... because they lived in larger estates. Their wealth was redistributed to build a public school that that kids in my town probably couldn't afford... but were still seeing the benefits of anyway. How horrible.
yes and No, its only redistribution when it involves a transfer payment. for example tom is taxed an extra $100 because he works too hard and makes too much, then the government writes a check to velma for $100 in food stamps, welfare etc etc. It involves taking from one person and giving it to another. If you are taxed and government provides a service, then that isn't wealth redistribution, its just plain ole taxation. So in your example its just plain taxation to pay for services.

so when a guy, me, gets to explain what he means by redistribution of wealth... you kinda get what he's talking about. But when the anonymous (in the sense that very few people really know him as a person), democrat, (i don't want to say it but I will) black guy, says it in a video clip... it can only mean that he wants to take your money and throw it around as he walks down the streets of the ghetto... it's socialism... it's marxism. The argument is stale... and not many people believe it anymore.

i'm done... I got hash to make...
I grew up in a solidly middle class family. My town had no high school. So, we were bussed into a nearby verry upper middle class/ lower wealthy class community. We attended high school with them. They paid more in taxes for the schools than my family did... because they lived in larger estates. Their wealth was redistributed to build a public school that that kids in my town probably couldn't afford... but were still seeing the benefits of anyway. How horrible.

Bro, those taxes are paid through property taxes, not federal income taxes. The more expensive the house the more taxes you pay. Hell, I have to pay property taxes on many houses, is that fair, maybe not but I pay them anyway. At least I know my taxes aren't being wasted and they are going to a good cause.
I grew up in a solidly middle class family. My town had no high school. So, we were bussed into a nearby verry upper middle class/ lower wealthy class community. We attended high school with them. They paid more in taxes for the schools than my family did... because they lived in larger estates. Their wealth was redistributed to build a public school that that kids in my town probably couldn't afford... but were still seeing the benefits of anyway. How horrible.

Do kids learn better in marbled halls than in ones made of brick? That isn't wealth redistribution, that's just a bunch of rich people with a high mill levy for property taxes. You realize that the more your property is worth the more you pay in property taxes right? I bet your parents probably didn't pay as much in property taxes as the richer people did since their property probably wasn't worth $6 million. It would seem odd to pay high property taxes yet have no local school to attend.
Bro, those taxes are paid through property taxes, not federal income taxes. The more expensive the house the more taxes you pay. Hell, I have to pay property taxes on many houses, is that fair, maybe not but I pay them anyway. At least I know my taxes aren't being wasted and they are going to a good cause.

Hell those people that live on a corner have to pay extra taxes because they live on 2 different streets.
Hell those people that live on a corner have to pay extra taxes because they live on 2 different streets.

And both my kids went to private schools, how do you think I feel?
But like I told MBP, I really don't mind as long as I know something good is coming from it.
Bro, those taxes are paid through property taxes, not federal income taxes. The more expensive the house the more taxes you pay. Hell, I have to pay property taxes on many houses, is that fair, maybe not but I pay them anyway. At least I know my taxes aren't being wasted and they are going to a good cause.

when obama made those comments, he wasn't in federal office. He was a state senator in 1998.... so was he allowed to believe in it then?
Hell those people that live on a corner have to pay extra taxes because they live on 2 different streets.

I live on fucking corner... and just got my street fees and whatever... assessment. I not only have to pay for having a corner lot... but... I have to pay for a dead end alley that some guy three houses down uses as a driveway. Sucks.
when obama made those comments, he wasn't in federal office. He was a state senator in 1998.... so was he allowed to believe in it then?

Absolutely, but I also have the right not to believe it and not support a president with those ideals.
If you ever get the time, read up on redistribution of wealth, it's a Marxist theory, I don't say that as insult, it's just something I vehemently disagree with.

Do you agree that I have the right to voice my opinion on how my tax dollars are spent?
Absolutely, but I also have the right not to believe it and not support a president with those ideals.
If you ever get the time, read up on redistribution of wealth, it's a Marxist theory, I don't say that as insult, it's just something I vehemently disagree with.

Do you agree that I have the right to voice my opinion on how my tax dollars are spent?

Yes I do. But do you agree that the fact that you, me, and all good citizns are even paying taxes... and that everyone has been paying taxes in this country long before obama was around... is redistribution of wealth?
Yes I do. But do you agree that the fact that you, me, and all good citizns are even paying taxes... and that everyone has been paying taxes in this country long before obama was around... is redistribution of wealth?

Nah bro, the taxes you are referring to are not redistribution of wealth.
Think about this, if they were, President Obama would have no problem admitting to it!