incorrect. lacking citation. complete lie.
clayton the racist lives in his parents' basement and is a minor.
LMAO There are no such things as basements in NorCal.
incorrect. lacking citation. complete lie.
clayton the racist lives in his parents' basement and is a minor.
LMAO There are no such things as basements in NorCal.
You just got on the exclusive list for that oneDude, why you talking so fucking tough, did you drink a can of man?
That's like spitting at the lion while you're on the other side of the cage. lol
BTW, I would never steal anyone's garden, ever!
But on principle alone I would rip out every one of your plants by the roots, but I wouldn't take a gram.
Finally, some busted this liar admitting he believes in redistribution of wealth.
For years he's dodged and even lied about it when confronted with the question, now the truth is out.
"You didn't build that somebody else made that happen" Barack Obama
If it walks like a Marxist and talks like a Marxists, it must be a Marxist!
when obama made those comments, he wasn't in federal office. He was a state senator in 1998.... so was he allowed to believe in it then?
redistribution = taxes... that go into a general fun... to create schools, roads, and other benefits for society.
If you drove on a road today, redistribution of wealth made that possible. If you sent your kid to school today, redistribution of wealth made that possible. If, this winter, snow plows clear your streets, redistribution of wealth made that possible.
I too believe in redistribution. Get some better arguments.
Dude, why you talking so fucking tough, did you drink a can of man?
That's like spitting at the lion while you're on the other side of the cage. lol
BTW, I would never steal anyone's garden, ever!
But on principle alone I would rip out every one of your plants by the roots, but I wouldn't take a gram.
if I saw your plants, I would give them nitrogen.
nonsense. i lived in AZ, the no basement capital of the world. there are basements there as well.
Finally, some busted this liar admitting he believes in redistribution of wealth.
For years he's dodged and even lied about it when confronted with the question, now the truth is out.
"You didn't build that somebody else made that happen" Barack Obama
If it walks like a Marxist and talks like a Marxists, it must be a Marxist!
as usually the Fox and Drudge watchers and readers only are allowed to see and read parts of what was said by our President. Kinda sad to see so many fooled by incomplete media.. Here is what Obama said without the trickery of omissions.
As we think about the policy research surrounding the issues that I just named — policy research for the working poor, broadly defined — I think that what we're gonna have to do is somehow resuscitate the notion that government action can be effective at all. There has been a systematic, I don't think it's too strong to call it a propaganda campaign, against the possibility of government action and its efficacy. And I think some of it has been deserved. Chicago Housing Authority has not been a model of good policy making. And neither necessarily have been the Chicago public schools. What that means then is that as we try to resuscitate this notion that we're all in this thing together, leave nobody behind, we do have to be innovative in thinking how, what are the delivery systems that are actually effective and meet people where they live, and my suggestion I guess would be that the trick, and this is one of the few areas where I think there have to be technical issues that have to be dealt with as opposed to just political issues, how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution, because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot. How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities.”
The omitted part is in bold. Obama is not talking about redistributing wealth at all .. instead, he speaks about competition, the market place and innovation in an effort to improve government services in Chicago.
Knowing and only seeking half the story makes you seem dumb...just like this thread. Stop falling for sound bites without checking to see what was fully said.
So, the sentence above the one that is bolded says that Obama BELIEVES IN REDISTRIBUTION.
The next sentence talks about the technical issues of redistribution.
And you got from it he wasnt talking about redistribution....
The above poster is the product of the public education system.
Thanks for the confirmation, I had to read the damn thing three times. I couldn't understand what point london was trying to make, now it's obvious to me that he doesn't have a clue what he has posted.
"how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution, because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot".
I don't let newbies touch my plants but I do appreciate your concern!
oh, I get it, you are 50 and own a
Learn to grow weed or post somewhere else
All taxation is redistribution unless all tax payers demand identical services and make indentical amounts of money.
This "redistribution" cannard is just one example of the right's single minded interpretation of anything they don't understand as being baaaad.
I have shown several times on this website that conservatives actually believe in redistribution, so long as it is taking from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich. I posted a chart indicating that wages have remained flat over the last several decades while income for the rich has increased - even as production has increased - that would indicate..... redistribution.
But conservatives have no problem with that sort of redistribution, it is only when the money flows the other way that they have a problem.