thats funny, i FEEL like i pay taxes... my paycheck SHOWS i pay taxes, and my lack of money PROVES i pay taxes.
stop parroting romney's talking points. the "income tax" is not the only tax on income, nor is it the only tax. the poor pay the greatest percentage of the other non "income tax" income taxes, and other taxes. the real truth is niether side gives a fuck where the "revenue" comes from all they want is more of it. they sing and dance and create powerpoint presentations to support their own personal favorite place to rob, but they both steal big, steal little and always ALWAYS steal. its what washington and politicians do.
Romney wants to rob from those who already shoulder the burden of the heaviest and most "regressive" taxes, while obama wants to shove his fist up the asses of the wealthy till he can pull out their pancreas for sale on the chinese black market for used organs.
both these assholes are liars when it comes to taxes, and on the tax issue neither one will change shit for the people who are currently getting kicked in the nuts.
your assertion that rich people are smarter with their money than poor people only proves that you dont know why poor people are called POOR, BECAUSE THEY GOT NO MONEY TO INVEST!
if we had money to invest we would be part of the investment class or the "Middle Class" of merchants and managers. Romney's tone deaf harping on the evils of the people who pay the lions share of TAXES (not income taxes, but taxes in general) proves that he is exactly as stupid as Barry Seotoro on the issues that make the economy work.
Protip: Rich people and the middle class dont pay taxes. they simply charge more for the goods and services used by the poor to ensure their continued prosperity, and the burden of paying for the higher costs created by taxation of the wealthy and the merchant class falls squarely on the bent and weary shoulders of those who cannot charge more for their sweat that the merchants and industrialists will pay, and with a whole world full of poor motherfuckers to squeeze they got the lock on options for reducing their costs.
the aim of capitalism is to reward industry for industriousness and ideally provide a ladder out of poverty for those with a good idea, a willingness to work their asses off or a shitload of luck.
the cronyism we got now (and for the last 100 or so years) ensures that the poor stay in their place, while the middle class dream of upward mobility and the wealthy get a free ride on the backs of the hoi pollloi
neither mitt romney nor barry seotoro have any intention of changing the status quo since the status quo ensures the quo of their status.