Obama Caught on Tape "I believe in redistribution"

WTF Dude... Foodstamps are a godsend to farmers in the "free market" system. Do I really need to break down how they link...You should know this...are you not a farmer

I would rather no one be on food stamps and then I might actually grow food. Right now I grow fuel and filler. The reason I grow them is because the government subsidizes my crops to the tune of a shit ton of money that it takes from taxpayers. Turning corn into fuel is probably one of the least efficient ways to create power, and it only causes prices on other things to rise also, which makes it take even more food stamp money to buy. The system is setup to defeat itself, at some point it all comes crashing down, then i might grow some wheat for people to make bread.
Yeah still haven't figured out how he post's this shit with only sticks and mud.

Electricity is the deviL!!! right canndo?
A very telling statement on how you view our system canndo.

What is telling Beenthere is that you took the entire statement out of context in order to run some sort of a scam.

Recall that I said that both parties are reluctant to give up this ability. Recall further that I was answering a question with the truth.

FLAT tax prohibits government from being able to influence society - I did not say this was either good or bad.

Your post is so much like republican behavior over all. You will notice that I do not do such underhanded things to you. Or do you even sense that your post here is an immoral manipulation of my words?
I would rather no one be on food stamps and then I might actually grow food. Right now I grow fuel and filler. The reason I grow them is because the government subsidizes my crops to the tune of a shit ton of money that it takes from taxpayers. Turning corn into fuel is probably one of the least efficient ways to create power, and it only causes prices on other things to rise also, which makes it take even more food stamp money to buy. The system is setup to defeat itself, at some point it all comes crashing down, then i might grow some wheat for people to make bread.

Why do you hate America so much?
Where exactly have I stated that electricity is the devil?

Please post your thought on "evil big business" again. Work is slow today and I could use a little humor. Have you mastered that R.A.M. plant yet? Once you bud it, I will take an 8gig stick.
I would rather no one be on food stamps and then I might actually grow food. Right now I grow fuel and filler. The reason I grow them is because the government subsidizes my crops to the tune of a shit ton of money that it takes from taxpayers. Turning corn into fuel is probably one of the least efficient ways to create power, and it only causes prices on other things to rise also, which makes it take even more food stamp money to buy. The system is setup to defeat itself, at some point it all comes crashing down, then i might grow some wheat for people to make bread.

are you saying you are part of the problem because it pays you lots of money ?
There is no surprise here. If you didn't know Obama is a Socialist from the beginning. You are a Idiot.
The same goes for Romney. If you didn't know he is a Capitalist. You are a Idiot.
That's how simple it is folks.

Soon, it will be time to cast your vote. Well for some of us...I'm sure there is a bunch of you that aren't able to vote for some reason.
But, like to bloviate.

I hope people, can put aside what they think they know and the static they hear from both sides.
Which future do you want for the USA?
It's funny, on one hand we hear from some lefties who welcome Obama's believing in the redistribution of wealth, even though I disagree, I respect their opinions! But on the other hand we have to listen to the deniers saying Obama didn't mean that but on the other side of their mouth they believe and defend it? LOL
What is telling Beenthere is that you took the entire statement out of context in order to run some sort of a scam.

Recall that I said that both parties are reluctant to give up this ability. Recall further that I was answering a question with the truth.

FLAT tax prohibits government from being able to influence society - I did not say this was either good or bad.

Your post is so much like republican behavior over all. You will notice that I do not do such underhanded things to you. Or do you even sense that your post here is an immoral manipulation of my words?
The guy started a thread on something out of context..lol .... It's his thing.
It's funny, on one hand we hear from some lefties who welcome Obama's believing in the redistribution of wealth, even though I disagree, I respect their opinions! But on the other hand we have to listen to the deniers saying Obama didn't mean that but on the other side of their mouth they believe and defend it? LOL

Idiot... please free your mind from thinking that the only thing you can redistribute is WEALTH..it might help you understand what he was saying
Please post your thought on "evil big business" again. Work is slow today and I could use a little humor. Have you mastered that R.A.M. plant yet? Once you bud it, I will take an 8gig stick.

Nice distortion of what I have said, and further, nice that you have ignored my statements regarding our other conversations.

My saying that big business is evil does not indicate that I do not like electrictiy. The simple fact is that if any organization has as it's prime objective, profit, gotten any way possible including illegaly (so long as either the company is not caught or if they are caught the penalty is less than the profit realized), then the company will rarely be anything but evil.

There are hundreds if not thousands of cases to support my contention.

I don't recall the specifics surrounding the memory stick - but I think it had to do with something about demand creating jobs.
thats funny, i FEEL like i pay taxes... my paycheck SHOWS i pay taxes, and my lack of money PROVES i pay taxes.

stop parroting romney's talking points. the "income tax" is not the only tax on income, nor is it the only tax. the poor pay the greatest percentage of the other non "income tax" income taxes, and other taxes. the real truth is niether side gives a fuck where the "revenue" comes from all they want is more of it. they sing and dance and create powerpoint presentations to support their own personal favorite place to rob, but they both steal big, steal little and always ALWAYS steal. its what washington and politicians do.

Romney wants to rob from those who already shoulder the burden of the heaviest and most "regressive" taxes, while obama wants to shove his fist up the asses of the wealthy till he can pull out their pancreas for sale on the chinese black market for used organs.

both these assholes are liars when it comes to taxes, and on the tax issue neither one will change shit for the people who are currently getting kicked in the nuts.

your assertion that rich people are smarter with their money than poor people only proves that you dont know why poor people are called POOR, BECAUSE THEY GOT NO MONEY TO INVEST!

if we had money to invest we would be part of the investment class or the "Middle Class" of merchants and managers. Romney's tone deaf harping on the evils of the people who pay the lions share of TAXES (not income taxes, but taxes in general) proves that he is exactly as stupid as Barry Seotoro on the issues that make the economy work.

Protip: Rich people and the middle class dont pay taxes. they simply charge more for the goods and services used by the poor to ensure their continued prosperity, and the burden of paying for the higher costs created by taxation of the wealthy and the merchant class falls squarely on the bent and weary shoulders of those who cannot charge more for their sweat that the merchants and industrialists will pay, and with a whole world full of poor motherfuckers to squeeze they got the lock on options for reducing their costs.

the aim of capitalism is to reward industry for industriousness and ideally provide a ladder out of poverty for those with a good idea, a willingness to work their asses off or a shitload of luck.

the cronyism we got now (and for the last 100 or so years) ensures that the poor stay in their place, while the middle class dream of upward mobility and the wealthy get a free ride on the backs of the hoi pollloi

neither mitt romney nor barry seotoro have any intention of changing the status quo since the status quo ensures the quo of their status.
We are just talking about Income taxes, nothing else. I know all too well the plight of those with no income trying to make it in this world and how all the "other" taxes take a toll, but that's the way it is and nothing I can say will change that. The biggest tax on the poor is inflation, but its so well hidden and some of the poor are so stupid sometimes that they don't even realize it, they just think its normal for prices on things to always get higher.

I have never once in my life ever listened to anything Romney says, so if I say something that he might say, it doesn't mean I am parrotting him. How did you get on the subject of Rmoney anyway? I sure didn't mention him.

In order to hear what these people say you need to either watch TV or listen to talk radio. I do neither.

I was once a poor person, from 1992-2003 I never made more than $13,000. Yet I still invested my money. Maybe it was only $50 a month, but when you don't buy a TV every few years you can afford it. All the really poor people I know all have several TV's and watch them all the time.

One of the things I recently did in anticipation of the Fed QE program was to buy some natural resource stocks at $1.27 each, they are already at $3.76. Instead of buying a $500 big screen at wal mart that will only work for 3-5 years, they could have just bought some of those same stocks and they could sell right now and buy a TV and have $1000 left over.

But that would be way too much work, and way too much waiting around for the price to rise. Much better to pull out the old 17% CC and charge that new $500 TV and then spend $1800 paying it off over the next decade. Instant gratification seems to be the problem with many people today, no idea how to wait and plan for things, gotta have it right now.
What is telling Beenthere is that you took the entire statement out of context in order to run some sort of a scam.

Recall that I said that both parties are reluctant to give up this ability. Recall further that I was answering a question with the truth.

FLAT tax prohibits government from being able to influence society - I did not say this was either good or bad.

Your post is so much like republican behavior over all. You will notice that I do not do such underhanded things to you. Or do you even sense that your post here is an immoral manipulation of my words?

Canndo, who's the biggest manipulator on this forum, I constantly hear you talk out of both sides of your mouth. You just spend too much of your time trying to convince everyone how moral and fair you are!
I for one am not buying what you are trying to sell.
Nice distortion of what I have said, and further, nice that you have ignored my statements regarding our other conversations.

My saying that big business is evil does not indicate that I do not like electrictiy. The simple fact is that if any organization has as it's prime objective, profit, gotten any way possible including illegaly (so long as either the company is not caught or if they are caught the penalty is less than the profit realized), then the company will rarely be anything but evil.

There are hundreds if not thousands of cases to support my contention.

I don't recall the specifics surrounding the memory stick - but I think it had to do with something about demand creating jobs.

HAHA the argument is that without those "evil greedy companies"(psst making as much profit as you can is kinda the point in business) most of us wouldn't be on the internet BSing the day away.
As I stated I cannot smelter or insulate copper for the wires I put in people home for electricity, I do not have the ability to refine oil for pvc additives that carry water to your home, I cannot smelter or shape iron for the pipe that carries the gas that heats your home. Without big money and big business we wouldn't have grown to what we know today. 100+years ago only the rich got luxuries. Now we all have indoor plumbing and air conditioning, internet, computers, tvs. Our qualification for "poor" is a laughing matter to all other countries.
Canndo, who's the biggest manipulator on this forum, I constantly hear you talk out of both sides of your mouth. You just spend too much of your time trying to convince everyone how moral and fair you are!
I for one am not buying what you are trying to sell.

One of the problems with people who are incapable of retaining different and conflicting ideas in their minds at once, of not being able to hold conclusion in abeyance, is that they believe that those who can are "two faced" or "talk out of both sides of one's mouth". When I am capable of stating a fact even though I don't agree with it then to some I have an ethical defect. I am fully capable of stating something that i do not believe and examining that statement dispasionately. It seems you are not.

The fact is that you took my words out of context in order to paint me in a particular light. I see that not only as character assasination but equal to a lie. If you believe that sort of behavior is ethical and your post here is an effort to prove it then I really don't know what to say to you except shame on you.