Obama Caught on Tape "I believe in redistribution"

We spoke of it, Ford, knowing it had a dangerous product in it's pinto gas tank, looked to its bottom line rather than its social responsibility and opted to sustain the lawsuits rather than fix the tank because there was more profit in allowing random passengers to roast to death.

So there are 22 million profitable companies in the world and they are all EVIL! Got it. I assume you would be MUCH more comfortable if we had lords and vassals again and everyone except for the top .001% can be extremely POOR? But hey, at least we would be equally poor.

Know how many businesses stay in business when they don't make a profit? none of them. So you would rather have a world with no commerce, no products no quality of life whatsoever.

Whatever you do canndo, make sure you don't ever work for one of those "Evil" businesses.
The federal government has killed a lot more people than Ford Pintos. Who's interests are they concerned with?

Are you sure the government has injured more than 28 people? Cuz according to canndo the Pinto is like a ticking time bomb just waiting to kill millions of people just as soon as you touch the rear end. Never mind the fact that 20 million people bought a pinto, but .0000001% got hurt when some car plowed into them so fucking hard that it cracks the fuel tank open. Dismiss the fact that some dude rear ended you at 40MPH, its not his fault your tank broke open, its Ford's fault.

Just like if I point a loaded gun at you and it accidentally fires and kills you, its not my fault, its smith and wesson's fault. They should have known that pointing a gun at someone could possibly do harm if it fired and incorporated a special device that only lets the gun fire at bad people intending to do you harm.
OK I assume you have indoor plumbing and electricity as most homes in America do. Now I am going to give you a difficult task and if you don't do it, I understand.

Do you know the complexities of getting water, sewer, gas, electricity to your homes? I am not talking just the standard utilities but the piping made, the wire made, the machines that excavate, the fuel for the machines, the hydraulic fluid the machines use, the making of hydraulic fluid, the making of cylinders that hydraulic fluid uses, the safety equipment, plastics, rubbers, hardhats, this list can go on and on. The reason this is affordable to most American's is because of competition, innovation and a few pennies across the board inflate the prices for something as simple as water astronomically. It always falls the end consumer always, when you increase the price on a business they increase the price on the product.

You are still missing the point - oh, and do you mean I didn't build that? The point is as I said already, it is not polar. Because a large number of companies contributed to the construction of my home inexpensively or not, is not reason for them to hold my health, the purity of my food, the purity of my air and water hostage. Why am I beholding to these companies for their making a profit on what it is they sell me? Why is it that you expect that either I tolerate their destroying the environment or destroying people's lives or I go hungry or thirsty or without a roof?
You are still missing the point - oh, and do you mean I didn't build that? The point is as I said already, it is not polar. Because a large number of companies contributed to the construction of my home inexpensively or not, is not reason for them to hold my health, the purity of my food, the purity of my air and water hostage. Why am I beholding to these companies for their making a profit on what it is they sell me? Why is it that you expect that either I tolerate their destroying the environment or destroying people's lives or I go hungry or thirsty or without a roof?

What kind of life would you have without them? Mud and sticks
The federal government has killed a lot more people than Ford Pintos. Who's interests are they concerned with?

I am sure the federal government has caused the death of many more people, now this is not a comparison of who kills more. It is simply a statement. You asked how business had been detrimental to individuals and I told you. With profit being the sole interest of a company comes abuse of the individual and society. How is that harsh reality tempered? Government.
Are you sure the government has injured more than 28 people? Cuz according to canndo the Pinto is like a ticking time bomb just waiting to kill millions of people just as soon as you touch the rear end. Never mind the fact that 20 million people bought a pinto, but .0000001% got hurt when some car plowed into them so fucking hard that it cracks the fuel tank open. Dismiss the fact that some dude rear ended you at 40MPH, its not his fault your tank broke open, its Ford's fault.

Just like if I point a loaded gun at you and it accidentally fires and kills you, its not my fault, its smith and wesson's fault. They should have known that pointing a gun at someone could possibly do harm if it fired and incorporated a special device that only lets the gun fire at bad people intending to do you harm.

The danger of the pinto is not the point. The point is that the company did nothing about that danger because it was more profitable not to.
The danger of the pinto is not the point. The point is that the company did nothing about that danger because it was more profitable not to.

They don't sell Pinto's anymore.

If I run a red light and plow into your car at 60MPH and kill a family member of yours, just remember it was the car manufacturers fault for it happening, not mine.
Are you sure the government has injured more than 28 people? Cuz according to canndo the Pinto is like a ticking time bomb just waiting to kill millions of people just as soon as you touch the rear end. Never mind the fact that 20 million people bought a pinto, but .0000001% got hurt when some car plowed into them so fucking hard that it cracks the fuel tank open. Dismiss the fact that some dude rear ended you at 40MPH, its not his fault your tank broke open, its Ford's fault.

Just like if I point a loaded gun at you and it accidentally fires and kills you, its not my fault, its smith and wesson's fault. They should have known that pointing a gun at someone could possibly do harm if it fired and incorporated a special device that only lets the gun fire at bad people intending to do you harm.

Yeah, I must be the luckiest guy on earth, I owned a Maverick (the Pinto's cousin) and I'm still alive.
Finally, some busted this liar admitting he believes in redistribution of wealth.

For years he's dodged and even lied about it when confronted with the question, now the truth is out.

"You didn't build that somebody else made that happen" Barack Obama

If it walks like a Marxist and talks like a Marxists, it must be a Marxist!


,line was he wants to restructure government systems to facilitate some redistribution , in order to make sure everyone has a shot

all he said was that he believes in redistribution in this way is ok,

please go on why this is bad, to restructure parts of the government that already act in this way, Social security for one
What kind of life would you have without them? Mud and sticks

But CLEAN mud and sticks.
Tell your statement to those who were in the midst of cancer clusters around love canal, tell that to the folks who lived in Hinkley or Midland. There is a middle ground. Business has no right by virtue of what it sells, to poison us or abuse us.
They don't sell Pinto's anymore.

If I run a red light and plow into your car at 60MPH and kill a family member of yours, just remember it was the car manufacturers fault for it happening, not mine.

NoDrama, it is an example of what happens when profit is placed before social responsibility. There is no corporate charter that mandates anything but profit, and in that way companies cannot help but eventualy promote evil.
The danger of the pinto is not the point. The point is that the company did nothing about that danger because it was more profitable not to.

By definition any 2-3 ton object that relies on Human fallibility in which to operate safely cannot be deemed as safe. Has there ever been an incident with a ford pinto that just randomly started on fire without ever being hit first?

If I punch you in the face and break your jaw, then its your jaws fault for breaking.
The danger of the pinto is not the point. The point is that the company did nothing about that danger because it was more profitable not to.

So your saying that if someone opens up a gas valve and blow up a house, it the gas companies fault because they can't offset the cost of hiring a security guard for each house? Or the plumbers fault for installing the valve which the person wouldn't be able to get gas without? I have never understood why people expect companies to babysit all their consumers.

PS: Canndo Don't eat shampoo!!!!!
I agree with about 90% of what you post, but I have to voice my opinion when that 10% arises!

again, if ioi own a factory and my taxes go up 30% do i take a 30% loss or raise the price of my goods to compensate for the newest taking?

rich people dont pay income taxes any more than companies do. if the cost can be passed along top somebody else, it invariably does get passed along to somebody else.

further, since payroll taxes (sosh security medicare etc..) are only deducted for the first $175,000 the "rich" actually dont pay any but a meager triviality of the largest single tax there is, and it IS a tax. "sosh security" will never pay me one dime despite working for wages since i was 12, and full time since i was 16. the ponzi scheme is upside down. all the new money goes to pay off old money's debts and the entire pyramid is gonna crumble long before a see one thin dime of the money taken from me over the last 30 years. money which i could ill afford to sacrifice on the altar of the greater good to start with.

when the actual numbers are compiled, including ALL taxes levies and "revenue enhancements" poor people not only surrender the largest percentage of their money as taxation, but also the largest share of direct and easily measurable taxes are also paid by those who are NOT in the investment or propertied classes. which is to say, the poor. the majority of federal revenue comes from payroll taxes, less than 40% comes from income, property, or capital gains taxes combined thus the poor pay the most through a higher rate of combined taxation, and a much larger pool from which to siphon. this does not even include the well established pattern of expense recoupment.

when the taxes trickle down as higher prices, steeper rents, and heavier burdens for bureaucratic fees, poor folks wind up paying nearly all taxes with their blood and sweat.

when you tax a store an extra 10 cents for a loaf of bread sold the bread buyer pays it
when you tax the baker for every loaf of bread sold to stores, the bread buyer pays it
when you tax the miller for all flour sold to bakers, the bread buyer pays it
when you tax the farmer for all wheat sold to millers, the bread buyer pays it
when you tax the trucker who moves the wheat from farm to miller to baker to store, the bread buyer pays that too.

when you tax the owner of the factory, the guy who buys the shoes pays those taxes so the owner of the shoe factory can grow richer, which is right and good. when the taxes on the factory or the factory owner go up the cost of shoes goes up to compensate the owner for his new expenses. this also is right and good.

foolishly believing that the owner of a shoe factory, a bakery or a farm would take it in the butt from the tax man without increasing the cost of his products is downright foolish.

or do you think steve jobs would sell ipods at a loss because he's such a nice guy?

this is why kennedy and reagan lowered taxes for everybody, because a rising tide lifts all boats, deliberately bailing out one boat into the hull of another smaller, less stable boat might be good for the guys with the higher rails and tighter deck boards, but its simple murder for the guy in the dinghy taking the water from your yacht's bilge pump.
NoDrama, it is an example of what happens when profit is placed before social responsibility. There is no corporate charter that mandates anything but profit, and in that way companies cannot help but eventualy promote evil.

Sorry dude, you haven't been keeping up on business much have you? Most businesses know they have a responsibility to be socially responsible. You can be responsible and still make a profit, millions of companies do it every day. Millions do it, I know you think that a company that makes a profit is really just trying to do every underhanded deed to give themselves an advantage but don't let a few bad apples ruin it for the other 21,999,900 companies.
NoDrama, it is an example of what happens when profit is placed before social responsibility. There is no corporate charter that mandates anything but profit, and in that way companies cannot help but eventualy promote evil.
