Obama Caught on Tape "I believe in redistribution"

you are a tool, a dull one at that

ignorance is not an excuse, but in your case it was a accident right

Was it ignorance that caused that guy to ram into you at 35 or was it merely inattention that the light had turned red? Perhaps it is the traffic lights fault, in the world of the stupid its never the stupid person's fault.
Was it ignorance that caused that guy to ram into you at 35 or was it merely inattention that the light had turned red? Perhaps it is the traffic lights fault, in the world of the stupid its never the stupid person's fault.

if you are coming up to a light and you are not paying attention . . id call that ignorance, wither you hit someone or not

the vehicle is being operated by a person, who is at fualt, and the vehicle was made to take impacts without blowing up, and if it does the manufactuer is at fualt for it blowing up . . not at fualt for driver being a bad driver . . . . .weird how that works

i used to be a mechanic, we know all about how responsibility works if you fuck something up, its your fault, period, same for manufacturers, recalls are not just to make the public think the car manufactures are stand up company . . its so more people dont die, to even have a process like this implies that they know that it is there responsibility for design flaws, and their responsibility to fix them before they kill more drivers, for whatever reason
the vehicle is being operated by a person, who is at fualt, and the vehicle was made to take impacts without blowing up, and if it does the manufactuer is at fualt for it blowing up . . not at fualt for driver being a bad driver . . . . .weird how that works

i used to be a mechanic, we know all about how responsibility works if you fuck something up, its your fault, period, same for manufacturers, recalls are not just tomake the public think the car manufactueres are stand up company . . its so more people dont die, to even have a process liek this implies that they know that it isthere responsibility for design flaws
so if I exceed the speed limit by say 200%, (going 75 in a 25) and I run into you and the car catches on fire, the manufacturer is at fault? That's what you just said, that it becomes the fault of the manufacturer because they should have known you would get in an accident and be burned.

You can't blame bad drivers for being bad drivers.

You know when you were talking about tools being dull? What about tools that are broken?
if you are coming up to a light and you are not paying attention . . id call that ignorance, wither you hit someone or not

the vehicle is being operated by a person, who is at fualt, and the vehicle was made to take impacts without blowing up, and if it does the manufactuer is at fualt for it blowing up . . not at fualt for driver being a bad driver . . . . .weird how that works

i used to be a mechanic, we know all about how responsibility works if you fuck something up, its your fault, period, same for manufacturers, recalls are not just to make the public think the car manufactures are stand up company . . its so more people dont die, to even have a process like this implies that they know that it is there responsibility for design flaws, and their responsibility to fix them before they kill more drivers, for whatever reason

as long as the potential death/morbid injury rate exceeds the threshold for a recall. either their own, or the government's laughably lame one. 20 years of pinto jokes and lost customers taught ford a valuable lesson, turds stink long after the mess is cleaned up, the smell gets into the carpet, the walls and the insulation. better to keep the turd content down than have to rebuild your customer's trust on your hands and knees with a brush and the oxyclean.

sadly the utility companies dont face the prospect of their customers leaving for a competitor so they should be held to a MUCH higher standard but they aint.
Isn't re-distribution exactly the concept that swept the National Social Workers party into power, in the 1930s? A global recession and the promise of change. To set things right. To get the money back from the Jews. (Antisemitism is still very alive in the USA.) A new concept. A worker's paradise. No, no. Not that one, not Stalin's. No, Our Pure Workers. Those other Animals are Animals.

If the heavy water plant in Norway was not discovered and taken out in 1941, the game would have been over. Now the Fascists have the bomb.
And so do the Jews.

We can't be lured with the honey talk of a Socialist paradise. Take the money and hand it out. Kill all that oppose. It has happened. I think it is happening now and the Gestapo never left Cairo. And they just got that time alone with our Ambassador.
so if I exceed the speed limit by say 200%, (going 75 in a 25) and I run into you and the car catches on fire, the manufacturer is at fault? That's what you just said, that it becomes the fault of the manufacturer because they should have known you would get in an accident and be burned.

You can't blame bad drivers for being bad drivers.

You know when you were talking about tools being dull? What about tools that are broken?

no i siad this . . . ."if you are coming up to a light and you are not paying attention . . id call that ignorance, wither you hit someone or not

the vehicle is being operated by a person, who is at fualt, and the vehicle was made to take impacts without blowing up, and if it does the manufactuer is at fualt for it blowing up . . not at fualt for driver being a bad driver . . . . .weird how that works

i used to be a mechanic, we know all about how responsibility works if you fuck something up, its your fault, period, same for manufacturers, recalls are not just to make the public think the car manufactures are stand up company . . its so more people dont die, to even have a process like this implies that they know that it is there responsibility for design flaws, and their responsibility to fix them before they kill more drivers, for whatever reason "

in response to this


Originally Posted by NoDrama
Was it ignorance that caused that guy to ram into you at 35 or was it merely inattention that the light had turned red? Perhaps it is the traffic lights fault, in the world of the stupid its never the stupid person's fault.

so if I exceed the speed limit by say 200%, (going 75 in a 25) and I run into you and the car catches on fire, the manufacturer is at fault? That's what you just said, that it becomes the fault of the manufacturer because they should have known you would get in an accident and be burned.

You can't blame bad drivers for being bad drivers.

You know when you were talking about tools being dull? What about tools that are broken?

i live right next to I5 want to know how many accidents i have seen, that dont involve explosions . . . . .oh would it be every single one . . . . .. flammable, combustible, explosive

learn what they mean

ignorance is not an excuse

and to answer your question yes, it would most likely be manufactures fault as they currently design fuel tanks, and there pressurized systems with safety backs ups and cut offs, to not do exactly what you said above . . . stupid rabbit tricks are for kids

thing is without a design defect . . .to bring into your scenario, it makes little sense comparing it to the ford case, where they knew of it before hand
i live right next to I5 want to know how many accidents i have seen, that dont involve explosions . . . . .oh would it be every single one . . . . .. flammable, combustible, explosive

learn what they mean

ignorance is not an excuse

I think you got confused again. Either that or maybe you are tripping on some good acid, who would know, but one think is for sure. You don't make any fucking sense at all.
so if I exceed the speed limit by say 200%, (going 75 in a 25) and I run into you and the car catches on fire, the manufacturer is at fault? That's what you just said, that it becomes the fault of the manufacturer because they should have known you would get in an accident and be burned.

You can't blame bad drivers for being bad drivers.

You know when you were talking about tools being dull? What about tools that are broken?

reductio ad absurdum.

if i do your brakes and dont test em before you put your butt in the seat, and ensure that those brakes will work every fucking time, IM RESPONSIBLE, just like if i let just a little poison drip onto my tomatoes, not a lot, just a little, and even one of my tomatoes has enough to make somebody sick, my ass is grass.

there are some risks we take (collisions due to other drivers carelessness or our own, bridge collapses, earthquakes, alien invasions etc...) other we expect to NOT have to take. it was generally presumed that if one purchased a car and were rear-ended at low speed (as little as 15 mph would do) the gas tank should not rupture splashing raw fuel into the passenger compartment, and onto the brake lights as a source of ignition. this was expected, ford failed to uphold those expectations and paid a heavy price for their failure, and even more for the hamfisted and clumsy manner in which they callously measured the deaths against a pile of money and found the money stacks just a little bit higher on the corpses than it does on the repair bills.

ford fucked up. for played itself. ford payed for their fuckup.

the system worked, and ford took a nice long turn in the spanking machine for their stupidity, case closed. some people wanted ford to pay harder, some people felt ford got hosed for doing what every company does. if ford had just tried a LITTLE harder they would have saved themselves a lot of bullshit.

later, when the F150 side mounted fuel tank flap started, CBS got longdonged for their shenanigans while ford was exonerated. shit worked that time too. assclowns got fucked when they played themselves.
When will we stop believing in government?

It is only better than blood in the street. It's funny. Maybe you mean believing THE govt. We don't have to believe in it or believe it. We really only have to stay informed of the wide implications of what is going on. Informed voting. Not this shill, emotion based or woo-woo ju ju, religious approach. Or the comfort pap of the nightly news.

Our enemy is Iran and they are at war with us. We are continuing to seriously fuck with them, but they just fucked our Ambassador.

Happy 9/11.
no i siad this . . . ."if you are coming up to a light and you are not paying attention . . id call that ignorance, wither you hit someone or not

I think you should look up the definition of ignorance becasue you have no clue what it means. If you are ignorant of a red light that means that you don't know what a red light at a traffic signal is for. Most places that issue a driver license make sure you know what a red light at the traffic signal means. It means you stop, being ignorant of this means you have no idea what a red light means.

Also being ignorant of someone stopped in front of you means that you didn't know that running into a stopped vehicle would cause damage.
Its DMT, and i can see your brain,

cars have systems set up to make sure you do not catch on fire in a accident, is it perft systems no, but if they are neglgently instlaled or maintained then yes . . . .. ford knew of the pinto problem. did it anyway . .b thats all there is to say about it


Ignorance is a state of being uninformed (lack of knowledge).[SUP][1]

I think you should look up the definition of ignorance becasue you have no clue what it means. If you are ignorant of a red light that means that you don't know what a red light at a traffic signal is for. Most places that issue a driver license make sure you know what a red light at the traffic signal means. It means you stop, being ignorant of this means you have no idea what a red light means.

Also being ignorant of someone stopped in front of you means that you didn't know that running into a stopped vehicle would cause damage.

huh ignorant to the menaing of the word ignorant . . got to be some sort of stupidity trophy for you somehere

if we cant get you one you can have mine, i got it when i decided to start posting in the politics section

the vehicle is being operated by a person, who is at fualt, and the vehicle was made to take impacts without blowing up, and if it does the manufactuer is at fualt for it blowing up . . not at fualt for driver being a bad driver . . . . .weird how that works

i used to be a mechanic, we know all about how responsibility works if you fuck something up
Mechanics aren't liable for shit dude, just the owner that pays them when they fuck up.

Where is your outrage for the DOT, what the fuck are these regulating idiots good for other than collecting fines?
reductio ad absurdum.

if i do your brakes and dont test em before you put your butt in the seat, and ensure that those brakes will work every fucking time, IM RESPONSIBLE, just like if i let just a little poison drip onto my tomatoes, not a lot, just a little, and even one of my tomatoes has enough to make somebody sick, my ass is grass.

there are some risks we take (collisions due to other drivers carelessness or our own, bridge collapses, earthquakes, alien invasions etc...) other we expect to NOT have to take. it was generally presumed that if one purchased a car and were rear-ended at low speed (as little as 15 mph would do) the gas tank should not rupture splashing raw fuel into the passenger compartment, and onto the brake lights as a source of ignition. this was expected, ford failed to uphold those expectations and paid a heavy price for their failure, and even more for the hamfisted and clumsy manner in which they callously measured the deaths against a pile of money and found the money stacks just a little bit higher on the corpses than it does on the repair bills.

ford fucked up. for played itself. ford payed for their fuckup.

the system worked, and ford took a nice long turn in the spanking machine for their stupidity, case closed. some people wanted ford to pay harder, some people felt ford got hosed for doing what every company does. if ford had just tried a LITTLE harder they would have saved themselves a lot of bullshit.

later, when the F150 side mounted fuel tank flap started, CBS got longdonged for their shenanigans while ford was exonerated. shit worked that time too. assclowns got fucked when they played themselves.

I don't think you understood my point at all. I am not defending ford, just showing them the absurdity of their logic.
Mechanics aren't liable for shit dude, just the owner that pays them when they fuck up.

Where is your outrage for the DOT, what the fuck are these regulating idiots good for other than collecting fines?

its not true, but im sure with your many years of workng in the car industry over my 4 you would know better

id agree with its hard to prove but has happened and was even a course at my school about it, specifically for mechanics, not as much a course as a seminar

DOT is a bunch of thieves, and hall monitors
I mean believing it can help us. And not in a republican sense. It only helps the rich and keeps people passive. Look how long it kept slavery in place.
I think you should look up the definition of ignorance becasue you have no clue what it means. If you are ignorant of a red light that means that you don't know what a red light at a traffic signal is for. Most places that issue a driver license make sure you know what a red light at the traffic signal means. It means you stop, being ignorant of this means you have no idea what a red light means.

Also being ignorant of someone stopped in front of you means that you didn't know that running into a stopped vehicle would cause damage.

no. youre wrong. ignorance is "carelessly not knowing" or "overlooking facts", to ignore the act of disregarding information in favour of another viewpoint.

one can easily be ignorant of a red light's redness, in that one has carelessly overlooked the change from green to amber to red.

one can also negligently ignore the redness counting on luck or chance to ensure your safety as you zip across the intersection

one does not need to be completely unaware of the meaning of a red light at an intersection to be ignorant of the hazards of driving against the light.

one can also be ignorant of the nature of a gun's "always loadedness', or ignorant of a particular gun's very specific condition of readiness to discharge. either ignorance can result in an unfortunate discharge which is often called accidental, but in my view such discharges are only inadvertent or unintended discharges, since proper handling of a firearm prevents unwanted firing 100% of the time.

likewise, auto wrecks involving road hazards like deer leaping into traffic, road failures, brake failures, sudden blowouts, or other drivers having strokes heart attacks or seizures while at the wheel are accidents, those involving drunkenness, speeding, street racing, carelessness, or stupidity are CRASHES not accidents. accident presumes unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances beyond the control of the participants. it doesnt take a genius to map out ahead of time the results of pounding 8 tallboys before jumping behind the wheel, nor does it take a panel of world renowned experts to figure out that a single sheet of pinch welded 18 gauge sheet metal between the passengers and the fuel tank might not be the best idea in the history of setting shit on fire.
or it could be one of the greatest, depending on your personal view of people getting incinerated in low speed collisions in the parking lot of the piggly wiggly.
no. youre wrong. ignorance is "carelessly not knowing" or "overlooking facts", to ignore the act of disregarding information in favour of another viewpoint.

one can easily be ignorant of a red light's redness, in that one has carelessly overlooked the change from green to amber to red.

one can also negligently ignore the redness counting on luck or chance to ensure your safety as you zip across the intersection

one does not need to be completely unaware of the meaning of a red light at an intersection to be ignorant of the hazards of driving against the light.

one can also be ignorant of the nature of a gun's "always loadedness', or ignorant of a particular gun's very specific condition of readiness to discharge. either ignorance can result in an unfortunate discharge which is often called accidental, but in my view such discharges are only inadvertent or unintended discharges, since proper handling of a firearm prevents unwanted firing 100% of the time.

likewise, auto wrecks involving road hazards like deer leaping into traffic, road failures, brake failures, sudden blowouts, or other drivers having strokes heart attacks or seizures while at the wheel are accidents, those involving drunkenness, speeding, street racing, carelessness, or stupidity are CRASHES not accidents. accident presumes unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances beyond the control of the participants. it doesnt take a genius to map out ahead of time the results of pounding 8 tallboys before jumping behind the wheel, nor does it take a panel of world renowned experts to figure out that a single sheet of pinch welded 18 gauge sheet metal between the passengers and the fuel tank might not be the best idea in the history of setting shit on fire.
or it could be one of the greatest, depending on your personal view of people getting incinerated in low speed collisions in the parking lot of the piggly wiggly.

ya wasnt sure where Nobrain was going with that one . .. . . . i guess expressing his ignorance