Obama Caught on Tape "I believe in redistribution"

I think that was GM.

nah i reckon it was ford, the f150 had the "sidesaddle tanks" outside the partial frame members, most GM models used the classic chassis style at the time on their trucks and suv's ford was the innovator in large vehicles with half frame, half unibody construction.

ZOUNDS!!! Forsooth! Mine words be in error! That goodly gentleman Monseigneur Neutron hath correctly identified the fellows so soundly reviled by scurrilous innuendo, and hath presented his truth boldly!

Indeed 'twas General Motors slandered with unfounded rumor and scandalous falsehood, yet the blackguards were found within the halls of NBC, and not the good and pious gentlefolk of CBS!
Dude, my fingers are tired! LOL

the separation of sosh security and medicare taxes from income taxes is a cunard, a tax is still a tax no matter which pocket the government places the money in.

are you any less robbed if the robber actually buys bread or pampers with your money instead of a twump rock and some smokes?

the $175 k cap is not a $175k contribution cap it is a cap on wages subject to sosh security. any money OVER $175k per annum is not subject to the sosh security tax, nor medicare. this exempts most of the actual wages of the upper crust, and ALL capital gains are untouched by the meandering fingers of sosh security. only the poor are truely subject to the predation of FDR's folly.

when totaling government revenues, payroll taxes (sosh security and medicare, unemployment insurance etc...) make up just under 60% of federal revenue income, capital gains and excise taxes make up most of the remainder. since these taxes fall upon the working man, not the moneyed class the inescapable conclusion is that the working class is victimized by washington's deranged tax schemes. the middle class and upper crust are not feeling the squeeze, but they scream bloody murder at every pinch.

romney pretends to not understand that all taxes ar eventually paid by the last guy to get left with the bill, while barry seotoro pretends that handing the bill to the fat cats will somehow prevent them from ducking out on the check.
the separation of sosh security and medicare taxes from income taxes is a cunard, a tax is still a tax no matter which pocket the government places the money in.

are you any less robbed if the robber actually buys bread or pampers with your money instead of a twump rock and some smokes?

the $175 k cap is not a $175k contribution cap it is a cap on wages subject to sosh security. any money OVER $175k per annum is not subject to the sosh security tax, nor medicare. this exempts most of the actual wages of the upper crust, and ALL capital gains are untouched by the meandering fingers of sosh security. only the poor are truely subject to the predation of FDR's folly.

when totaling government revenues, payroll taxes (sosh security and medicare, unemployment insurance etc...) make up just under 60% of federal revenue income, capital gains and excise taxes make up most of the remainder. since these taxes fall upon the working man, not the moneyed class the inescapable conclusion is that the working class is victimized by washington's deranged tax schemes. the middle class and upper crust are not feeling the squeeze, but they scream bloody murder at every pinch.

romney pretends to not understand that all taxes ar eventually paid by the last guy to get left with the bill, while barry seotoro pretends that handing the bill to the fat cats will somehow prevent them from ducking out on the check.

hell in a handbasket
nah i reckon it was ford, the f150 had the "sidesaddle tanks" outside the partial frame members, most GM models used the classic chassis style at the time on their trucks and suv's ford was the innovator in large vehicles with half frame, half unibody construction.

they dont drive cars in mexico they drive popsicle sticks tacked together
the separation of sosh security and medicare taxes from income taxes is a cunard, a tax is still a tax no matter which pocket the government places the money in. Not in the way you framed though, the wealthy not only pay more in payroll taxes they pay more in almost every tax imaginable.
federal income taxes, state income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, payroll taxes, excise taxes, luxury taxes, capital gains taxes, dividend taxes and that's not all of them.

are you any less robbed if the robber actually buys bread or pampers with your money instead of a twump rock and some smokes? Absolutely, if I have less taxes to pay the the other guy!

the $175 k cap is not a $175k contribution cap it is a cap on wages subject to sosh security.Exactly, that is what i meant when I said it is four times higher than the average wage earner contributes, I should have been more specific on that one. any money OVER $175k per annum is not subject to the sosh security tax, nor medicare. this exempts most of the actual wages of the upper crust, and ALL capital gains are untouched by the meandering fingers of sosh security. only the poor are truely subject to the predation of FDR's folly.

when totaling government revenues, payroll taxes (sosh security and medicare, unemployment insurance etc...) make up just under 60% of federal revenue income, capital gains and excise taxes make up most of the remainder. I believe you have this backwards, capital gains are lumped into federal income tax revenue. since these taxes fall upon the working man, not the moneyed class this is where i disagree with you, clearly you mean the moneyed class pay more but the poor feel it more! the inescapable conclusion is that the working class is victimized by washington's deranged tax schemes. the middle class and upper crust are not feeling the squeeze, but they scream bloody murder at every pinch.

romney pretends to not understand that all taxes ar eventually paid by the last guy to get left with the bill, while barry seotoro pretends that handing the bill to the fat cats will somehow prevent them from ducking out on the check.

My whole point is, the "moneyed class" not only pay more in all other taxes, they also have the burden of income taxes, something 47% of working American do not!

My whole point is, the "moneyed class" not only pay more in all other taxes, they also have the burden of income taxes, something 47% of working American do not!


amount in dollars deosnt consitture %

budgets are worked based on percentages assigned here and there

i love the pie graph, that is a tool to show statistics that are in proportion to a whole value . . . . .. .

and id like to ask why this 47% all of a sudden has become a polarized term for the continued plight on the middle class and lower class's,

you realize that the greatest generation and early baby boomers including my dad and dependent children are put into this category as well as MY(because you chicken hawks dont have any friends in the war) friends in armed conflicts. . . is this the box you want to open or are you just being obtuse
no. youre wrong. ignorance is "carelessly not knowing" or "overlooking facts", to ignore the act of disregarding information in favour of another viewpoint.

one can easily be ignorant of a red light's redness, in that one has carelessly overlooked the change from green to amber to red.

one can also negligently ignore the redness counting on luck or chance to ensure your safety as you zip across the intersection

one does not need to be completely unaware of the meaning of a red light at an intersection to be ignorant of the hazards of driving against the light.

one can also be ignorant of the nature of a gun's "always loadedness', or ignorant of a particular gun's very specific condition of readiness to discharge. either ignorance can result in an unfortunate discharge which is often called accidental, but in my view such discharges are only inadvertent or unintended discharges, since proper handling of a firearm prevents unwanted firing 100% of the time.

likewise, auto wrecks involving road hazards like deer leaping into traffic, road failures, brake failures, sudden blowouts, or other drivers having strokes heart attacks or seizures while at the wheel are accidents, those involving drunkenness, speeding, street racing, carelessness, or stupidity are CRASHES not accidents. accident presumes unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances beyond the control of the participants. it doesnt take a genius to map out ahead of time the results of pounding 8 tallboys before jumping behind the wheel, nor does it take a panel of world renowned experts to figure out that a single sheet of pinch welded 18 gauge sheet metal between the passengers and the fuel tank might not be the best idea in the history of setting shit on fire.
or it could be one of the greatest, depending on your personal view of people getting incinerated in low speed collisions in the parking lot of the piggly wiggly.
[h=3]ig·no·rance/ˈignərəns/[/h][TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD="width: 80px"]Noun:[/TD]
[TD][TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD]Lack of knowledge or information: "he acted in ignorance of basic procedures".[/TD]
[h=3]ac·ci·dent/ˈaksidənt/[/h][TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD="width: 80px"]Noun:[/TD]
[TD][TABLE="class: ts"]
  1. An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.
  2. A crash involving road or other vehicles, typically one that causes serious damage or injury.

It only took these guys 3 sentences to get their point across and neither agrees with your definitions. We all have to have the same definitions otherwise we can argue over everything. words DO have meaning, not necessarily the ones you want though.

No one rear-ends a car through ignorance. Stupidity or carelessness or negligence, sure, but not ignorance. every human being knows by age 4 that running into things at high rates of speed hurts.
romney pretends to not understand that all taxes ar eventually paid by the last guy to get left with the bill, while barry seotoro pretends that handing the bill to the fat cats will somehow prevent them from ducking out on the check.
Yet 90% of the people fall for this sleight of hand. JP Morgan said it best "Every man should have two reasons for doing anything, a good reason and a real reason."
Yet 90% of the people fall for this sleight of hand. JP Morgan said it best "Every man should have two reasons for doing anything, a good reason and a real reason."

wonder if it this way if life would have been better for all

"Every man should have one reason for doing anything, a morally/ethically positive reason ."

not sure how or when good became a opposite or even a companion, in any way to real or if it is even applicable to a modern(moral) society, everything is real based on perception

do whats right, not whats best for investors and ones bank account . . .. . . fuck money fuck anyone who puts money before people
amount in dollars deosnt consitture % I have no clue what you are talking about here bro, I provided a chart with the percentages of income tax revenue versus payroll tax revenue!

budgets are worked based on percentages assigned here and there Nah bud, budgets are based on revenue amounts (dollars)

i love the pie graph, that is a tool to show statistics that are in proportion to a whole value . . . . .. .

and id like to ask why this 47% all of a sudden has become a polarized term for the continued plight on the middle class and lower class's,

you realize that the greatest generation and early baby boomers including my dad and dependent children are put into this category as well as MY(because you chicken hawks dont have any friends in the war) friends in armed conflicts. . . is this the box you want to open or are you just being obtuse

Like I've said many times before, I believe the number is closer to 30%, regardless the exact number, our military service members pay income taxes as long as they are not in combat. personally, I wouldn't charge them a nickle as long as they are on active duty. You do know that people do not pay federal income taxes on SS, right?

And last but not least, I'm no more a chicken hawk than you!
wonder if it this way if life would have been better for all

"Every man should have one reasons for doing anything, a good reason ."
Sure, I would applaud that, but it is politically untenable. Think people would vote for paying more and getting less if they knew the truth? Its like the charade with the Fed saying that QE is going to stimulate economic growth again, it isn't and they know it won't, but the bankers have to be protected at all costs or it becomes a political nightmare overnight. Government no more wants 200 million people up in arms than the bankers do.
but why is it they are considered a belmish of our economy

why would you pay a tax on SS, they make money on our contributions

thats how it is setup . . .some IOU from our friendly neighborhood lender
Sure, I would applaud that, but it is politically untenable. Think people would vote for paying more and getting less if they knew the truth? Its like the charade with the Fed saying that QE is going to stimulate economic growth again, it isn't and they know it won't, but the bankers have to be protected at all costs or it becomes a political nightmare overnight. Government no more wants 200 million people up in arms than the bankers do.

stuff politics in a chicken and eat it, only a cowards hides behind political excuses . . . . . .this economy and this society doesnt trump humanity

ever ..