Obama Caught on Tape "I believe in redistribution"

I need help to translate this.

any political reason for demeaning devaluing others as a political platform is full of iwlling, and i mean winning in the charlie sheen case . . . . .only by scorched earth

47% or 30 % are Americans . . its doesnt matter wither you want to write them off. they are America

and if you are not pledging for all of America, the good and the bad(subjective) then you are not worthy of political office . . . just because this is the exact opposite of the truth doesn't make it right
any political reason for demeaning devaluing others as a political platform is full of iwlling, and i mean winning in the charlie sheen case . . . . .only by scorched earth

47% or 30 % are Americans . . its doesnt matter wither you want to write them off. they are America

and if you are not pledging for all of America, the good and the bad(subjective) then you are not worthy of political office . . . just because this is the exact opposite of the truth doesn't make it right

O I C.. I counter with:

As the outer ranges of the atomic shell are changed into a comparing atom, the difference of the extravehicular changes are considered slight. Therefore the slight change can cause a substantial mass of chemical material to fluctuate. This fluctuation can affect the entire exterior wall of the affected conditional are. Many people may feel the affects of the interior wall mass. The interior continentals are perforated along the conditional line. As the perforated area is contaminated, special distillates may leak into the exposed area. This can also cause a fluctuation in the exponents' beryllium linings. As the walls deteriorate at a rate of one-hundred and fifty milligrams of energy a day, the condition of the victim may increase to more than half brain capacity. This may result in sudden and unexplainable death if oxygen is suddenly exposed to the entire working area systems.
O I C.. I counter with:

As the outer ranges of the atomic shell are changed into a comparing atom, the difference of the extravehicular changes are considered slight. Therefore the slight change can cause a substantial mass of chemical material to fluctuate. This fluctuation can affect the entire exterior wall of the affected conditional are. Many people may feel the affects of the interior wall mass. The interior continentals are perforated along the conditional line. As the perforated area is contaminated, special distillates may leak into the exposed area. This can also cause a fluctuation in the exponents' beryllium linings. As the walls deteriorate at a rate of one-hundred and fifty milligrams of energy a day, the condition of the victim may increase to more than half brain capacity. This may result in sudden and unexplainable death if oxygen is suddenly exposed to the entire working area systems.

O I C.. I counter with:

As the outer ranges of the atomic shell are changed into a comparing atom, the difference of the extravehicular changes are considered slight. Therefore the slight change can cause a substantial mass of chemical material to fluctuate. This fluctuation can affect the entire exterior wall of the affected conditional are. Many people may feel the affects of the interior wall mass. The interior continentals are perforated along the conditional line. As the perforated area is contaminated, special distillates may leak into the exposed area. This can also cause a fluctuation in the exponents' beryllium linings. As the walls deteriorate at a rate of one-hundred and fifty milligrams of energy a day, the condition of the victim may increase to more than half brain capacity. This may result in sudden and unexplainable death if oxygen is suddenly exposed to the entire working area systems.

lol, my point exactly

your(you are) a dipshit

this is what kind of invalidation you get from the established lower IQ america when you or I say thing like all of america should be able to flourish equally . . .not just who is allowed to abuse the tax code because they make more then anyone

you people were born in the wrong century, its ok so was I

your(you are) both pathetic and you know it,

thats why you come on here everyday confused at how the left or the right or tea baggers think the way they do . . . . . . . cuase you cant objectively think

let alone explain yourselves

"where can a nation lie when it hides its organic growth in a dark celler" . . . . . .. "day after day they take some brain away and turn my face around to the far side of town and tell me that its real?
ok... so I should have said taxes... that create school, roads, and other benefits for society. That's redistributing wealth isn't it?

If I pay taxes and they fund government services, that's paying for services rendered.

If I pay taxes and it goes for food stamps and welfare for others, that's redistribution.
says the guy with 4 internet abbreviated terms to express himself properly

What does a bowie song about a soldier in Vietnam have to do with using abbreviations?

Some good acid hits you took today, believe me, its apparent from here.
that's like, your opinion man

That's like, pretty accurate of what people mean when they speak of redistribution.

If I am in a group that free tickets are distributed to then take those tickets and give them out to others freely, that is redistribution.

If I am in a group that free tickets are distributed to then take those tickets and use them as payment for goods or services in exchange that will be of benefit to the citizenry (not just one group), that is what government should be about.