Obama Caught on Tape "I believe in redistribution"

HAHA the argument is that without those "evil greedy companies"(psst making as much profit as you can is kinda the point in business) most of us wouldn't be on the internet BSing the day away.
As I stated I cannot smelter or insulate copper for the wires I put in people home for electricity, I do not have the ability to refine oil for pvc additives that carry water to your home, I cannot smelter or shape iron for the pipe that carries the gas that heats your home. Without big money and big business we wouldn't have grown to what we know today. 100+years ago only the rich got luxuries. Now we all have indoor plumbing and air conditioning, internet, computers, tvs. Our qualification for "poor" is a laughing matter to all other countries.

What you seem to be saying is that because those comapnies provide us with this wonderful medium then they should be allowed to do anything they wish, regardless of how it harms individuals or even this country.
Fuck his words. EVEN if he admits to the fact that he has HUGELY redistributed wealth. Let's just look at the FACTS:

-The bank bailouts made the "too big's" 20% bigger
-The FED continues to destroy our currency, now with QE3
-The gap income has increased under Obama
-The number of those on welfare and food stamps has increased under Obama
What is telling Beenthere is that you took the entire statement out of context in order to run some sort of a scam.

Recall that I said that both parties are reluctant to give up this ability. Recall further that I was answering a question with the truth.

FLAT tax prohibits government from being able to influence society - I did not say this was either good or bad.

Your post is so much like republican behavior over all. You will notice that I do not do such underhanded things to you. Or do you even sense that your post here is an immoral manipulation of my words?
Au contraire, I believe you know damn well that democrats will oppose a flat tax for the very reasons you pointed out my friend, the disingenuous side of you tried to group the right in for the same reasons.

Let's put this one to rest, I would support a flat tax with open arms, how about you?
Fuck his words. EVEN if he admits to the fact that he has HUGELY redistributed wealth. Let's just look at the FACTS:

-The bank bailouts made the "too big's" 20% bigger
-The FED continues to destroy our currency, now with QE3
-The gap income has increased under Obama
-The number of those on welfare and food stamps has increased under Obama

I love how the WH says it is the bank's fault that we are in the mess we are in and then on the other hand has the fed begin buying 40 billion dollars worth of worthless investments per month from them....
I do not understand your position. (beenthere)

Okay you fear redistribution through taxing and citizens using government services. Correct.

You blame Obama for the amount of people using these government services.

Do you realize the financial collapse is the reason so many citizens require help. (collapse started 6 weeks before he was in office)

Recoveries do not happen in 4 years.(takes decades)

The financial collapse was caused by capitalist deregulation of markets. (allowing anyone to buy a house whether they could afford it or not)

Why do you hate Obama so much? Propaganda would be my guess.

He is far more Moderate than you say and he is certainly not a communist or "marxist".

You might be an highly misinformed.
What you seem to be saying is that because those comapnies provide us with this wonderful medium then they should be allowed to do anything they wish, regardless of how it harms individuals or even this country.

Damn Canndo, this country would even be the way it is without innovation and large businesses. You're trying to take away the reason why we are what we are. Canndo may I ask you a question, do you own your own home?
Au contraire, I believe you know damn well that democrats will oppose a flat tax for the very reasons you pointed out my friend, the disingenuous side of you tried to group the right in for the same reasons.

Let's put this one to rest, I would support a flat tax with open arms, how about you?

What would benefit the majority of Americans? Progessive tax.
Au contraire, I believe you know damn well that democrats will oppose a flat tax for the very reasons you pointed out my friend, the disingenuous side of you tried to group the right in for the same reasons.

Let's put this one to rest, I would support a flat tax with open arms, how about you?

Let me see if I have this straight - you are claiming that Repulicans are not behind any society altering tax manipulations and that only Dems are? You are claiming that Republicans would be whole heartedly for a flat tax? Is that your conention?

And I see your question Beenthere, I intend to wait in answering it because you so rarely answer my questions I will be a bit more circumspect about quickly responding. A little quid pro quo is in order.
thats funny, i FEEL like i pay taxes... my paycheck SHOWS i pay taxes, and my lack of money PROVES i pay taxes.

stop parroting romney's talking points. the "income tax" is not the only tax on income, nor is it the only tax. the poor pay the greatest percentage of the other non "income tax" income taxes, and other taxes. the real truth is niether side gives a fuck where the "revenue" comes from all they want is more of it. they sing and dance and create powerpoint presentations to support their own personal favorite place to rob, but they both steal big, steal little and always ALWAYS steal. its what washington and politicians do.

Romney wants to rob from those who already shoulder the burden of the heaviest and most "regressive" taxes, while obama wants to shove his fist up the asses of the wealthy till he can pull out their pancreas for sale on the chinese black market for used organs.

both these assholes are liars when it comes to taxes, and on the tax issue neither one will change shit for the people who are currently getting kicked in the nuts.

your assertion that rich people are smarter with their money than poor people only proves that you dont know why poor people are called POOR, BECAUSE THEY GOT NO MONEY TO INVEST!

if we had money to invest we would be part of the investment class or the "Middle Class" of merchants and managers. Romney's tone deaf harping on the evils of the people who pay the lions share of TAXES (not income taxes, but taxes in general) proves that he is exactly as stupid as Barry Seotoro on the issues that make the economy work.

Protip: Rich people and the middle class dont pay taxes. they simply charge more for the goods and services used by the poor to ensure their continued prosperity, and the burden of paying for the higher costs created by taxation of the wealthy and the merchant class falls squarely on the bent and weary shoulders of those who cannot charge more for their sweat that the merchants and industrialists will pay, and with a whole world full of poor motherfuckers to squeeze they got the lock on options for reducing their costs.

the aim of capitalism is to reward industry for industriousness and ideally provide a ladder out of poverty for those with a good idea, a willingness to work their asses off or a shitload of luck.

the cronyism we got now (and for the last 100 or so years) ensures that the poor stay in their place, while the middle class dream of upward mobility and the wealthy get a free ride on the backs of the hoi pollloi

neither mitt romney nor barry seotoro have any intention of changing the status quo since the status quo ensures the quo of their status.

great post +rep
Damn Canndo, this country would even be the way it is without innovation and large businesses. You're trying to take away the reason why we are what we are. Canndo may I ask you a question, do you own your own home?

This is not a polar situation, it is not a choice between black or white. I just said that it seems to me that you are willing to accept any abuse in order to have the technological rewards. I am not. I never said that we cant or shouldn't have innovation, I never said we should not have large business, large business is essential in the modern age and I would be a fool to contend otherwise (or a ecologically minded smiley faced balloon head)

I repeat, I am unwilling to have large companies hold me, you, our economy, our environment, our children held hostage by companies who insist that it is all or nothing, that they are either not to be held accountable or we don't get the goodies.

I own several houses nonthiest
I do not understand your position. (beenthere)

Okay you fear redistribution through taxing and citizens using government services. Correct. Correct, I fear and detest a centralized government and I refuse to sit back idly letting the federal government use my money to accomplish that!

You blame Obama for the amount of people using these government services. No, I blame Obama for incredible increase of people relying on the government and believe it is his plan.

Do you realize the financial collapse is the reason so many citizens require help. (collapse started 6 weeks before he was in office) I sure do, I also realize that people voted for Obama thinking he could put us on the road to recovery. He's only made it worse, he's doesn't have what it takes to run this country and his record is a testament to that.

Recoveries do not happen in 4 years.(takes decades)

The financial collapse was caused by capitalist deregulation of markets. (allowing anyone to buy a house whether they could afford it or not)
That's your opinion and you are welcome to it, I just happen to disagree.
Why do you hate Obama so much? Propaganda would be my guess.

He is far more Moderate than you say and he is certainly not a communist or "marxist".
Again, that's your opinion!

You might be an highly misinformed.

Nah, I'm pretty much informed my friend, thank you!
What you seem to be saying is that because those comapnies provide us with this wonderful medium then they should be allowed to do anything they wish, regardless of how it harms individuals or even this country.

How does a company that makes a profit harm individuals?
thats funny, i FEEL like i pay taxes... my paycheck SHOWS i pay taxes, and my lack of money PROVES i pay taxes.

stop parroting romney's talking points. the "income tax" is not the only tax on income, What other taxes are taxed on your income, if you are referring to payroll taxes, I will disagree with you. Payroll taxes are half insurance and half entitlement, not a true tax bro! nor is it the only tax. the poor pay the greatest percentage of the other non "income tax" income taxes, and other taxes. You mean the greatest percentage of their income, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles my friend, the wealthy pay a higher percentage of ALL taxes collected, can we say that perhaps that evens things out? well that's the real truth is niether side gives a fuck where the "revenue" comes from all they want is more of it. Partly true but you have to admit the left want disproportionate amounts coming from the people who make the most, if the democrats get their way, my taxes will go up, significantly! That in itself gives me justification NOT to vote for them. they sing and dance and create powerpoint presentations to support their own personal favorite place to rob, but they both steal big, steal little and always ALWAYS steal. its what washington and politicians do.

Romney wants to rob from those who already shoulder the burden of the heaviest and most "regressive" taxes, while obama wants to shove his fist up the asses of the wealthy till he can pull out their pancreas for sale on the chinese black market for used organs.

both these assholes are liars when it comes to taxes, and on the tax issue neither one will change shit for the people who are currently getting kicked in the nuts.

your assertion that rich people are smarter with their money than poor people only proves that you dont know why poor people are called POOR, BECAUSE THEY GOT NO MONEY TO INVEST!

if we had money to invest we would be part of the investment class or the "Middle Class" of merchants and managers. Romney's tone deaf harping on the evils of the people who pay the lions share of TAXES (not income taxes, but taxes in general) proves that he is exactly as stupid as Barry Seotoro on the issues that make the economy work.

Protip: Rich people and the middle class dont pay taxes. they simply charge more for the goods and services used by the poor to ensure their continued prosperity, and the burden of paying for the higher costs created by taxation of the wealthy and the merchant class falls squarely on the bent and weary shoulders of those who cannot charge more for their sweat that the merchants and industrialists will pay, and with a whole world full of poor motherfuckers to squeeze they got the lock on options for reducing their costs. And the left gladly indulge in this fallacy in exchange for votes!

the aim of capitalism is to reward industry for industriousness and ideally provide a ladder out of poverty for those with a good idea, a willingness to work their asses off or a shitload of luck.

the cronyism we got now (and for the last 100 or so years) ensures that the poor stay in their place, while the middle class dream of upward mobility and the wealthy get a free ride on the backs of the hoi pollloi

neither mitt romney nor barry seotoro have any intention of changing the status quo since the status quo ensures the quo of their status.

I agree with about 90% of what you post, but I have to voice my opinion when that 10% arises!
Because all Hispanics are illegal right?

and anyone who is opposed to illegal immigration wants to put all mexicans in a deathcamp making nikes till they are ready for the zyklon B filled "showers"?

thats called reductio ad absurdum,taking the position in contra and twisting it into a bizzare mockery of itself which is easy to deride dismiss and impugn. it is the tactic of a lazy mind or an indefensible position.


my jimmies aint rustled by such feeble attempts to derail the argument.
How does a company that makes a profit harm individuals?

We spoke of it, Ford, knowing it had a dangerous product in it's pinto gas tank, looked to its bottom line rather than its social responsibility and opted to sustain the lawsuits rather than fix the tank because there was more profit in allowing random passengers to roast to death.
Because all Hispanics are illegal right?

and anyone who is opposed to illegal immigration wants to put all mexicans in a deathcamp making nikes till they are ready for the zyklon B filled "showers"?

thats called reductio ad absurdum,taking the position in contra and twisting it into a bizzare mockery of itself which is easy to deride dismiss and impugn. it is the tactic of a lazy mind or an indefensible position.


my jimmies aint rustled by such feeble attempts to derail the argument.

Yeah, what the Doc said!
This is not a polar situation, it is not a choice between black or white. I just said that it seems to me that you are willing to accept any abuse in order to have the technological rewards. I am not. I never said that we cant or shouldn't have innovation, I never said we should not have large business, large business is essential in the modern age and I would be a fool to contend otherwise (or a ecologically minded smiley faced balloon head)

I repeat, I am unwilling to have large companies hold me, you, our economy, our environment, our children held hostage by companies who insist that it is all or nothing, that they are either not to be held accountable or we don't get the goodies.

I own several houses nonthiest

OK I assume you have indoor plumbing and electricity as most homes in America do. Now I am going to give you a difficult task and if you don't do it, I understand.

Do you know the complexities of getting water, sewer, gas, electricity to your homes? I am not talking just the standard utilities but the piping made, the wire made, the machines that excavate, the fuel for the machines, the hydraulic fluid the machines use, the making of hydraulic fluid, the making of cylinders that hydraulic fluid uses, the safety equipment, plastics, rubbers, hardhats, this list can go on and on. The reason this is affordable to most American's is because of competition, innovation and a few pennies across the board inflate the prices for something as simple as water astronomically. It always falls the end consumer always, when you increase the price on a business they increase the price on the product.
Most recoveries dont take close to decades...

You are highly misinformed.
Thats for sure. Depressions might take a long time to recover from if the government gets involved and tries to save things, then yes it may take decades, but let the cards fall where they are and recovery can happen very quickly.

No one remembers Iceland. They went totally tits up during the crash but government never bailed out a single soul and Iceland is RED HOT ON FIRE with growth. Only took 2 years.

it seems no one ever realizes that.
If you ask the current administration they will tell you we started recovering way way back in 2010 and its been nuthin but sunshine since then. Reagan ( not really Reagan, but the Fed Chairman) raised interest rates and saved the economy in 2 years. From 15% inflation and 15% unemployment to 2% inflation and full employment (sub 5% unemployed).
We spoke of it, Ford, knowing it had a dangerous product in it's pinto gas tank, looked to its bottom line rather than its social responsibility and opted to sustain the lawsuits rather than fix the tank because there was more profit in allowing random passengers to roast to death.

The federal government has killed a lot more people than Ford Pintos. Who's interests are they concerned with?