Oh Hunter!

Why would hunter, who lives in California, have his laptop repaired at a random shop all the way in fuckin Delaware? Why would the FBI sit on the info since last December, if there was anything credible about the story? The only people that think this story is remotely plausible are the Maga cultists that would happily gargle and swallow trumps jizz if given the chance.
Nothing surprising about Biden corruption, but Hunter abandoning his laptop with the pay for play documented? I'm sure it didn't happen if the liberal media doesn't report it. LOL

I sincerely hope someone is around Hunter to look after his welfare. Bummer we won't see any more 30 car rallies for Joe this week, but understandable. Kids!
Oh Bugeye, you proved you are a desperate moron, an unrepentant Trumper oblivious to reason and facts. Qnon bugeye, qnon... Just saw on TV not even Fox news would carry the story it was that phony.

Fox News Reportedly Turned Down Hunter Biden Laptop Story First

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani apparently first approached Fox News with the trove of emails he claims came from Hunter Biden’s laptop, but the network passed on the story over credibility concerns, per a report by Mediaite. According to Mediaite’s sources, “the lack of authentication of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop, combined with established concerns about Giuliani as a reliable source and his desire for unvetted publication, led the network’s news division to pass.” The network’s so-called Brain Room, for its part, has warned Fox News hosts that Giuliani has a reputation for “amplifying disinformation.”

Giuliani eventually went to Fox News’ sister publication the New York Post to run a story on the largely unverified emails and Giuliani’s assertion that they were pulled from a laptop that Hunter Biden left at a Delaware computer repair shop. The shop owner, meanwhile, has given conflicting accounts on how the laptop supposedly came into his possession.

The New York Times reported on Sunday that the Post had a hard time convincing reporters to add their bylines to the email story, with the reporter who did the bulk of the writing outright refusing to be attached to the story. One of the bylines on the report, who was barely involved in the story, only found out her name was added after publication. While Fox News may have initially passed on the story, the network’s opinion hosts have devoted hours of coverage to promoting and disseminating the Post’s reporting, even as some of the channel’s “hard news” anchors label the story “sketchy” and “completely unverified.”
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I think I'm going to order this Cold Steel ATC (All Terrain Chopper)

Watch this video guys, and tell me what you think
It has a lot of mass at the end of the blade, a curved blade would have made a more concentrated point of impact, greatly increasing chopping power. The guy looked like a moron, someone who could use a katana would have sliced and diced him. Such a weapon would only be useful for cutting through armor at the sacrifice of maneuverability and a curved blade is best for that. For killing the unarmored, a fencing sword can poke a lot of holes and slash well enough too to deal with this idiot, though a gun works best.
Let's consider the supposed sequence of events which ostensibly occurred..

(1) Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop at a Delaware computer repair shop that *happened* to be owned by an avid Trump supporter who believes Hillary Clinton killed a DNC staffer in 2016.
(2) BUT Hunter never left contact info or any other information documenting that he'd left his computer there, and Hunter never came back to pick it up.
(3) The computer's hard drive *happened* to contain an email written in broken English where a Burisma rep thanks Hunter for an otherwise-unspecified "opportunity" to meet with Biden.
(4) The owner of the computer shop (again, avid Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist) turned over the laptop to Rudy fucking Giuliani, who has both repeated ties to figures associated with Russian disinformation campaigns and a vendetta against Biden for torpedoing Giuliani's 2008 presidential campaign.
(5) No one of note found out about said laptop for over a year.
(6) The contents of the hard drive just *happened* to get turned over to a pro-Trump tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch 3 weeks before an election that Trump is losing in the polls by a double-digit margin.
(7) The pro-Trump tabloid posted a metadata-free PDF purportedly showing that alleged email.
(8) The tabloid, Giuliani, and everyone else involved are refusing to let independent media outlets examine the supposed hard drive and data--or even the native file of the email--for themselves.
(9) The most likely explanation for (1)-(8) is that the email is real evidence of a conspiracy theory rather than a disinformation campaign by pro-Trump (and, yes, potentially Russian) sources.

Again, the chain of custody here is: (1) Avid Trump supporter conspiracy theorist who apparently thinks it's NBD to view/steal the hard drives of his computer shop's customers, (2) Rudy Giuliani, (3) Rupert-Murdoch-owned-tabloid.
Nothing surprising about Biden corruption, but Hunter abandoning his laptop with the pay for play documented? I'm sure it didn't happen if the liberal media doesn't report it. LOL

I sincerely hope someone is around Hunter to look after his welfare. Bummer we won't see any more 30 car rallies for Joe this week, but understandable. Kids!
How was your turtling, Bugeye? Did you make any threads whining about it? Of course you did. It must have taken forever. All that time wasted when you should have been saving the children.

Welcome back, we missed your special blend of delusion and misplaced confidence.
You forgot the part where the repair shop owner is legally blind, so he did not even see the person who dropped it off, and also did not take down any contact info.
What a prestigious sounding repair shop! Def worth flying cross country to help the visually impaired while having your sensitive data inspected by a trump conspiracy theorist.
Nothing surprising about Biden corruption, but Hunter abandoning his laptop with the pay for play documented? I'm sure it didn't happen if the liberal media doesn't report it. LOL

I sincerely hope someone is around Hunter to look after his welfare. Bummer we won't see any more 30 car rallies for Joe this week, but understandable. Kids!

I truly feel that it is people like you who are putting our democracy in danger. People who are so gullible and easily lead that they have given up questioning any information that is spoon fed them. If you were alive during Orson Well's broadcast you would have been hiding in the basement till the alien threat was over.
How was your turtling, Bugeye? Did you make any threads whining about it? Of course you did. It must have taken forever. All that time wasted when you should have been saving the children.

Welcome back, we missed your special blend of delusion and misplaced confidence.
Bugeye just dropped this turd here, I doubt he will be back to defend it, it was flushed pretty quickly. More a troll than an argument, there is no argument to be made.
More stories coming but this is really not new news on Biden corruption. True that there is no denial from Biden camp, nor has there been anything that refutes the story. The icing on the cake, Biden goes into hiding from media with 2 weeks to go! Don’t believe the polls folks, this one is over. No crying.
Giulano is a Russian whore...news at 11. Is that the story you are ready to hear?

A crackhead signed over some computers or a 4 year international propaganda conspiracy...I mean they are both just so equally likely, especially seeing how that last russian conspiracy turned out right?