Let's consider the supposed sequence of events which ostensibly occurred..
(1) Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop at a Delaware computer repair shop that *happened* to be owned by an avid Trump supporter who believes Hillary Clinton killed a DNC staffer in 2016.
(2) BUT Hunter never left contact info or any other information documenting that he'd left his computer there, and Hunter never came back to pick it up.
(3) The computer's hard drive *happened* to contain an email written in broken English where a Burisma rep thanks Hunter for an otherwise-unspecified "opportunity" to meet with Biden.
(4) The owner of the computer shop (again, avid Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist) turned over the laptop to Rudy fucking Giuliani, who has both repeated ties to figures associated with Russian disinformation campaigns and a vendetta against Biden for torpedoing Giuliani's 2008 presidential campaign.
(5) No one of note found out about said laptop for over a year.
(6) The contents of the hard drive just *happened* to get turned over to a pro-Trump tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch 3 weeks before an election that Trump is losing in the polls by a double-digit margin.
(7) The pro-Trump tabloid posted a metadata-free PDF purportedly showing that alleged email.

The tabloid, Giuliani, and everyone else involved are refusing to let independent media outlets examine the supposed hard drive and data--or even the native file of the email--for themselves.
(9) The most likely explanation for (1)-(

is that the email is real evidence of a conspiracy theory rather than a disinformation campaign by pro-Trump (and, yes, potentially Russian) sources.
Again, the chain of custody here is: (1) Avid Trump supporter conspiracy theorist who apparently thinks it's NBD to view/steal the hard drives of his computer shop's customers, (2) Rudy Giuliani, (3) Rupert-Murdoch-owned-tabloid.