Ok, story time! "The worst time I got caught ever"

Time to spark up this thread again!

I was working for a huge car dealership at the time when my boss found out I got high. Back when former Pres. Clinton was on the road campaigning to be the president, I went on my lunch break (always left work to get high) and I went to a local park in the mountains not to far from my job to blaze a fat one.

After eating my lunch and blazing the joint I hear army helicopters flying around, so I look up and see two of them flying over head. The next thing I know is I'm being told to get down on the ground.

It was the fricken Army Swat team. Bill Clinton was in town and happened to be driving near the park I was at. Of course my luck they figured me to be a sniper hiding out. I made the news that day because I had over a pound of weed in my car. My boss couldn't figure out why I never returned to work that day, until he read the news paper the next day.
Time to spark up this thread again!

I was working for a huge car dealership at the time when my boss found out I got high. Back when former Pres. Clinton was on the road campaigning to be the president, I went on my lunch break (always left work to get high) and I went to a local park in the mountains not to far from my job to blaze a fat one.

After eating my lunch and blazing the joint I hear army helicopters flying around, so I look up and see two of them flying over head. The next thing I know is I'm being told to get down on the ground.

It was the fricken Army Swat team. Bill Clinton was in town and happened to be driving near the park I was at. Of course my luck they figured me to be a sniper hiding out. I made the news that day because I had over a pound of weed in my car. My boss couldn't figure out why I never returned to work that day, until he read the news paper the next day.

Now thats about the shittiest luck ive ever heard of sorry man!
Ive havent ever really been caught, and i hope i never am. But i have had some pretty close calls. The second or third time i had ever smoked, we were in my garage and smoked several bowls. One of my friends was also barred out, so he was really messed up and he dropped the pipe on the ground. It shattered everywhere on the concrete (always the worst thing). We swept everything up, and got rid of all the glass. Or thats what we thought at least. A few weeks later, me and my dad were cleaning out the garage and i see him pick up a peice of the bowl, covered in resin. He looks at it for a second and i hear him mutter "what the fuck is this?" but luckily he just threw it away and never said a word about it to me.

Another close call i had was right after i had picked up a sack of some dank. we pulled out of the apartment complex and about 10 seconds later, i see flashing lights right behind me. my car reeks from smoking in it earlier and that bag smelled really bad too. I thought for sure i was gettin arrested, but the cop just walks up, tells me that my tail light is out, tells me to get it fixed, and turns around and walks away.
last time i got a close call w/ the fuzz i was drivin in my dads car. i had just dropped off a few kids after a night of drivin around n smokin. i was blazed as hell n i still had a quarter baggy in my pocket w/ my bowl. i had stopped at a gas station to fill up the tank (i had been drivin on e for 20 min or so) n i remember i dont know how to open my dads gas cap. (its fuckt up n jimmy-rigged) Anyway, i ask a dude how to get back to my neighbor hood n he tells me im about 10 miles east of where i wanna be. i jump on the freeway, goin 20 over the speed limit n i run into a cruizer. i slow down as inconspicuoussly as possible, nervous as hell. i still have a few exits before i get off the freeway and the cop starts flashin his spot light at me. he doesnt turn on his siren lights so i chill n keep drivin behind him. he flashes the light two more times before i start vearing into the exit lane. as soon as i turn on my indicator the cop does the same n exits the freeway w/ me. we hit a redlight right after the exit n he turns on his light and gets out of the car. "Turn on your headlights" i mustve forgot to at the gas station.
last time i got a close call w/ the fuzz i was drivin in my dads car. i had just dropped off a few kids after a night of drivin around n smokin. i was blazed as hell n i still had a quarter baggy in my pocket w/ my bowl. i had stopped at a gas station to fill up the tank (i had been drivin on e for 20 min or so) n i remember i dont know how to open my dads gas cap. (its fuckt up n jimmy-rigged) Anyway, i ask a dude how to get back to my neighbor hood n he tells me im about 10 miles east of where i wanna be. i jump on the freeway, goin 20 over the speed limit n i run into a cruizer. i slow down as inconspicuoussly as possible, nervous as hell. i still have a few exits before i get off the freeway and the cop starts flashin his spot light at me. he doesnt turn on his siren lights so i chill n keep drivin behind him. he flashes the light two more times before i start vearing into the exit lane. as soon as i turn on my indicator the cop does the same n exits the freeway w/ me. we hit a redlight right after the exit n he turns on his light and gets out of the car. "Turn on your headlights" i mustve forgot to at the gas station.
when i was 18 21 now i tired to grow some plants in my room cuz i was a big stoner and everything was going good till i notiched my plants were wilting and dying i couldnt figure out wtf was going on i came home from school one day loaded my phx and ripped the hell out of it and started coughing my lungs out then my dad comes in my room and goes you okay im like yeah just fine blazed off my ass :/ and he left i went to go check on my plants in the closet and notiche this fucking nasty ass smell in my soil i touched the soil and smelled my fingers it smelt like fucking piss i was like wtf goddamnt who the hell then it dawned on me my dad was pissing in my pots to kill my babies he thought it was a funny way to tell me he knew what i was doing fucking asshole
fuckin today at school i was escorted down to the main office by the hall moniter, and the principal and vice principal were there waiting for me. they took me down to the nurses office, and i had no idea what was going on. i asked to go to the bathroom and was rejected. when we got to the nurses office she sat me down did a fuckin "routine check" to see if i was high or not. it was at that point i was told there was a "very strong odor of marijuana" coming from one of the bathrooms. they had checked the video cameras and sure enough i showed up on it. so this bitch nurse does some bullshit made up test on me to see if i was high, and all she did was like smell my hands and breath and check my eyes. she told me i reeked of weed, but she couldnt tell if i was high or not. after that im escorted back to some shitty little room with no windows in the main office. the principal tells me to take off my hat and shoes and to empty my pockets. i pull out my lighter and 2 seperate baggies of 4 grams of dank bud. i dont remember much after that cuz i pretty much went into a panic attack and couldnt stop shaking. the cops were called, my parents were called, and i was read my rights. i was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell. now i have to go to juvinielle court where they tell me whether or not im getting expelled. sucks major dick but at least they didnt find any of my plants (=
As far as getting caught goes, it's never happened. My dad's cool with it and my mom knows and doesn't really do anything about it. But This one time I was in a car with like, 5 buddies. We were blitzed as hell and driving to go pick up a friend from the bus station cuz he was fresh outta prison. Long story short, a cop pulled us over and I had put the bong in my pants, that luckily were wayy too big. Loaded and everything. We had nearly a QP and the cop let us go. He let us go! Didn't see the bong or anything. EVERYONE had periphinellia shoved somewhere and the cop was trippin or something cuz I know it was reaking!
you think thats bad i handed out some of my crop to a friend and he was at a party smokin the shit where he was kidnapped and had the shit kicked out of him and a machette put to his throat by a gangsta. he was forced to take him to my crop and pretend he was the gangstas friend. I invited them into my home and we talked and i was completeley unaware of what was going on although i was slightly suspicsious. when my crop was drying out this ass hole smashed through my patio doors with a machete and i took it off him cut his arm off and his ear. I was arrested for it and for cultivation of 64 plants with intent to supply so beat that fuckers and it happens all the time here in liverpool.
I'm pretty sure my mother knows I smoke pot. However, she has this habit of accusing me of being stoned when I'm not... and then not noticing anything when I'm baked out of my skull. I can't figure that out.

Here's one from way back in the day. I was in 10th grade and I'd skipped my science class to go smoke with the 'cool stoner kids' from my art class. We snuck off school grounds and into a nearby apartment complex's underbelly, where the water heaters and such were kept. We toked up in there and had a good time ... I was listening to music on my walkman and enjoying myself. Suddenly, the repairman came into the room... and saw all of us. I said "...Hi"... and he said "How high?"... the two kids I was with bolted and left me standing there with a baggie of weed that had a bit left in it and a pipe that wasn't mine. The guy made me give him the weed and the pipe and then let me go. He probably just smoked it himself. By the time I was out of there, those two kids were already a mile away. They ditched me, in other words.

When I saw them the next day at school they were trying to be all friendly to me... I told them to fuck off and to never speak to me again.
fuckin today at school i was escorted down to the main office by the hall moniter, and the principal and vice principal were there waiting for me. they took me down to the nurses office, and i had no idea what was going on. i asked to go to the bathroom and was rejected. when we got to the nurses office she sat me down did a fuckin "routine check" to see if i was high or not. it was at that point i was told there was a "very strong odor of marijuana" coming from one of the bathrooms. they had checked the video cameras and sure enough i showed up on it. so this bitch nurse does some bullshit made up test on me to see if i was high, and all she did was like smell my hands and breath and check my eyes. she told me i reeked of weed, but she couldnt tell if i was high or not. after that im escorted back to some shitty little room with no windows in the main office. the principal tells me to take off my hat and shoes and to empty my pockets. i pull out my lighter and 2 seperate baggies of 4 grams of dank bud. i dont remember much after that cuz i pretty much went into a panic attack and couldnt stop shaking. the cops were called, my parents were called, and i was read my rights. i was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell. now i have to go to juvinielle court where they tell me whether or not im getting expelled. sucks major dick but at least they didnt find any of my plants (=

how old are you?
you think thats bad i handed out some of my crop to a friend and he was at a party smokin the shit where he was kidnapped and had the shit kicked out of him and a machette put to his throat by a gangsta. he was forced to take him to my crop and pretend he was the gangstas friend. I invited them into my home and we talked and i was completeley unaware of what was going on although i was slightly suspicsious. when my crop was drying out this ass hole smashed through my patio doors with a machete and i took it off him cut his arm off and his ear. I was arrested for it and for cultivation of 64 plants with intent to supply so beat that fuckers and it happens all the time here in liverpool.
You gangsta boss of internet.
one day when in high school.. i was there stoned!!!!!! about 5 bowls to the head of some kush.... i had my pipe on me and
it stunk so i opened my locker to put it in my bag when this fat bitch bumped into me on purpose( she was clueless to my pipe)
but any way. it fell.... tht pipe is my pride and joy..Lol so on its way to damnation i stick my foot out and it just bounces about 3 times.
by the third time a big chunk broke off and the resin WREEKED!!!!! i was rly too hi and in a panic and pissed to know wat to do so i just went to
the bathroom and wrapped it in paper towels.... luckily when i got home i was able to fix it but DAMN IT SCARED THE HELL OUTTA ME!
I have 2 small stories, one kinda funny and one serious

so the first one i was drivin around and i was goin down this huge hill where it was impossible to go the limit because everyone was goin way over, so i joined everyone and next thing i know im getting pulled over, i start panicing because i was baked as fuck, he comes up to the window and asks for my liscence which i already had in my hand, im starting to freak out even more, then he said "your passenger taillight is out, have a nice day" and went about his business haha

the second one sucked sooo bad, so i was at my dads that night and i got to my moms late, i remembered that i had a very important test that i knew i was going to do bad on so i told my mom that i was going downstairs to do homework and went down immediately. when she got home from work the next day i was on the couch watching tv and my step dad and little sibling left to go to my grandpas and my mom said "so when did you go to your brothers last night" and i was like "wha? what are you talking about?" and she said "you were acting a little funny (then some more things insinuating that i was high)" i explained to her everything and that i was not at my brothers (which i really wasnt) and then she said "well i still want you to take a pee test anyways". i failed miserablly but i didnt get in trouble but my mom cried and all that, it was awful
I've never had a BAD time from getting caught. I'll just say what they were.

My mom found out a couple years ago. I walked into my house with my friend without a care in the world. Figured she lived through the 70's, went to a Pink Floyd and Genesis concert.. It wouldn't bother her. Well, my buddy goes downstairs so we could chill (had a badass room down the basement, but when my parents seperated, my dad got that stuff), and my mom stops us at the top of the steps.

She says, "I know you two are high. I'm not going to say I disapprove of this, since I've been through the years, but I certainly don't approve of it. How much do you have?". So I took the 4 grams out of my pocket and showed it to her. She said, "Alright, just don't do it in the house, or near the house. You can come here after you come down a little though, and if you get caught driving by a cop, you're on your own." So I moved my hand forward a tiny bit thinking she was gonna take it, and she was like, "That's your stuff, I don't need it anymore." HAH

She never told my dad though, but when he found out, it was kinda funny, too. A little less than a year ago, he ended up finding my stash - bowl, quarter ounce, lighters, etc. He took them from me, and I confronted him about it a couple hours later. I was like, "Did you take anything from my room?" And he started saying things like, "You're irresponsible, you're young, you have a drug test coming up, what about the Army?" blah blah. So I told him, "I manage my money fine, I put aside $15 a week so I can get enough to last me THROUGH the month" (my best buddy smokes me up all the time since I do some work for him and his stepdad on weekends sometimes for construction.. better tan paying). I then told him how I had already passed the Army drug test, and I'm all good to go". I had passed the piss and blood tests, so I wasn't lying anyway. :D

He stood up, went to where his stash was to give me back all my stuff, handed it all to me and said, "You got me there, good job. I'm proud of you."

He's never said anything else about it. :D
Originally Posted by potisaplant
fuckin today at school i was escorted down to the main office by the hall moniter, and the principal and vice principal were there waiting for me. they took me down to the nurses office, and i had no idea what was going on. i asked to go to the bathroom and was rejected. when we got to the nurses office she sat me down did a fuckin "routine check" to see if i was high or not. it was at that point i was told there was a "very strong odor of marijuana" coming from one of the bathrooms. they had checked the video cameras and sure enough i showed up on it. so this bitch nurse does some bullshit made up test on me to see if i was high, and all she did was like smell my hands and breath and check my eyes. she told me i reeked of weed, but she couldnt tell if i was high or not. after that im escorted back to some shitty little room with no windows in the main office. the principal tells me to take off my hat and shoes and to empty my pockets. i pull out my lighter and 2 seperate baggies of 4 grams of dank bud. i dont remember much after that cuz i pretty much went into a panic attack and couldnt stop shaking. the cops were called, my parents were called, and i was read my rights. i was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell. now i have to go to juvinielle court where they tell me whether or not im getting expelled. sucks major dick but at least they didnt find any of my plants (=

how old are you?

old enough
Originally Posted by potisaplant old enough

Old enough.... to party?

You sound like McLovin'. That is not a compliment.

Anyways, I've only really been caught once. I was at a house party when I was... 16 I think. I went out into an alley kind of thing to smoke because the parents were there etc. I was using a small bong at the time also, so it was ridiculously obvious that it wasn't just tobacco. So, unbeknownst to me, my friend's dad comes waltzing down this alleyway in the middle of nowhere, looking for my friend. Bare in mind it's about 2.30am by this point. Anyway, he obviously clocked me, but I think he has a very different attitude about it than a lot of Western parents. He was born in India and grew up in Kenya, and I've visited his house in Delhi... let's just say the back garden is VERY green. Anyway he didn't tell my parents or anything but he occasionally makes a sly remark about it to me haha... Good thing it wasn't some of my other mates' parents I suppose; far too many nosy morons willing to stick their oar in. That guy's mum is cool as well - she firmly believes that all (or at least most) drugs should be legalised to a certain extent, and their production and distribution regulated and taxed. It's nice to speak to an older person with such an enlightened view. A lot of middle aged people seem to have been blinkered by the "reefer madness" period of history, unfortunately.

Also, Hi, I'm AngryPanda, this is my first post. Nice to meet you all (except McLovin.... nah, you're all right. just stop trying so hard)

When I was 16 (many years ago) I was walking down a country road with a friend. We had just smoked a J and I had another behind my ear. So we're just walking along talking and smoking cigarettes and blazed out of our minds. My dad comes driving by and stops to talk to us. I was so high I forgot about the cig in my hand the joint behind my ear and thought I was keeping it pretty cool. Then my dad reaches out the window and takes the joint from my ear and just gives me The Dad Look and drives off. I was scared as hell to go home and when I got there, my mom was waiting for me and proceeds to bitch me out for smoking cigarettes and grounded me. She never said a word about the joint so I seriously doubt dad told her. I never asked and we never talked about it. I still wonder if he smoked it.