Ok, story time! "The worst time I got caught ever"


But maybe you should've left out all those "mom" and "school" parts. Someone's going to get butthurt and report you for being underage.
I was 16 and I just smoked some dank stuff in my bathroom. Now being young and stupid I didn't use a spliff or anything it probably smelled like a skunk in there. Anyway I'm in my closet. (Which is connected to my bathroom) and I think I hear someone banging on the door. Next thing I know I hear both my parents screaming to open the door. I'm like tripping because it sounds like they knew it. I open the door and they give me a giant hug. At this point I'm like ummm what's going on. This whole time they thought I was dead because the shower has been on the whole time I was in the bathroom so it was steamy as hell in there. The bathroom was leaking on the floor under mine. After they realize that I wasnt dead they ask why it smelled weird and why I was dressed since the water was running so long. I was stoned so I had no answer. They drive to the store and buy an urine drug test. I obiously failed. lol damn I was dumb