Ok, story time! "The worst time I got caught ever"

first time i got caught was a day after my first time my grades were slipping and my mom home drug tested me and didnt trust me for 2 months but now i said i only do it to feel better so shes cool now lol
worst time i got caught was christmas day 2007, i was working like every single other day apart from the 25th so i thought fuck it, i'm gna enjoy my xmas. had 2 phat spliffs before i even went downstairs in the morning, then i just kept excusing myself and had about another 5 before dinner. nobody mentioned it til like 2 months later, it must've jst popped back into my dad's head cause he fully tore me a new one for it. was definitely worth it though!
July 17th, 2009 I just bought a bong about a week ago and loved using it. I loved it so much that I would often bring it places with me even though its about 8 inches high and 4 inches across. My friend and I just rode back to my house to pick it up for the night and my mom asked me where I was going. I told her I was going to a friends house for her birthday and she gave me a look of suspicion. It didn't really worry me all that much because she often gave me that look but this time she was for real. After a few minutes in my room, My and my friend loaded the bong into my backpack, along with our wallets that contained bags of weed, and quickly walked out that back door. But then it happened. My mom was banging on the window and was signaling for me to come inside. I dropped the back and whispered for my friend to take the bag. My mom stormed up to me and demanded that i tell her whats in the back. I said my wallet and Ipod was in there and she wanted me to show her. I looked around and acted like I didn't know where it was but she knew my friend took it. She stormed down the drive way and I ran and grabbed the back from my friend. As my me and my mom are trying to rip the back out of eachother hands I'm telling her that I can't give her the bag. She was saying how she knew there was liquor or something in the bag and that she knew i been up to something. When I finally let go of the bag she didn't even look in it. She stormed right into the house, I told my friend to go, and she started dumping the things in the bag out in front of my dad who had no idea what was going on.

My slider was wrapped in bubble wrap and when they unraveled it they thought it was a crack pipe (Just what i needed) and i had to explain that it wasn't. (Yeah, that was fun.)

After being yelled at and feeling like a total ass and disappointment it was the most awkward i have ever felt. I went from being seen as a stright-edge hardworking kid to a crackhead in a matter of moments. It's 24 hours later and I guess they kinda understand because i know they were doing shit when they were 16 too. (yeah, im 16, it didn't help) But I feel that for the rest of my teenage life they will never fully trust me again.

I still don't know long Im in trouble for but the worst part is that I can never fully regain my innocence that I once had with them. Its tarnished forever. Goodbye summer, goodbye bong :cry:
I have only been "caught" smoking once. A couple of buddies and myself were at a weekend concert/ camping venue a couple summers ago chilling with the bassist of band we like, smoking our new pistol bong. Then outta no where a giant black security guard rolls up in his golf cart, all, "what is that in your hands" etc. etc... The bassist was trying to explain that he is in a popular band, but wasn't really getting anywhere because he was too high to communicate. Then outta no where, the guard just yells, "I don't care, smoke your fu*kin' weed," and drives off..
We all just laughed and continued on...
This happened about a year ago. My friend is in the Coast Guard and he had just re-located to another state and, without letting me know, had put me down as a character reference. Well I come home one day on my lunch break to grab a quick bite to each and within a minute of getting in my apartment there's a knock at the door. I answer the door and there is this man who identifies himself as being with the FBI and he shows me his badge and asks if he can come in and interview me about my friend. I say sure and let him in and before I even sit down I realize my pipe is sitting right on the coffee table within arm's reach of both of us (I'm sitting on the couch, he is on my recliner, the coffee table is in right in the middle). By now we both know the pipe is there but neither of us says anything - he interviews me and then finally leaves, never saying a word about the pipe...but I know he saw it there. Most uncomfortable 15 minutes of my life. Moral of the story - never put a stoner down as a character reference.
It was the 70s and I was about15. I had always had a garden, tomatoes and lettuce, when a freind gave me some seeds from his bag weed ( he claimed it was Acapulco Gold) Well, I planted 2 with my tomatoes, but they grew faster than the cover. My dad called me over to the plants and asked me what they were. I said tomatoes, but he knew better. Told me to pull em up while he watched. Tried to dry and smoke it, but it was a no go. Years later I realized that the "Indian relic peace pipe" he had was actually his pipe from his own youth.
Alright, this was two years ago... I used to get stoned with a friend of mine in his Barn loft at his house. Then we would go mudding or whatever lol.

I had just bought an awesome glass steamroller. And we named it 'Roller Coaster of Love' I think that it was his girlfriend who named it and we were stonned and thought it was alright lol. Well it was the superbowl that day and I had promissed my parents I would make it back to watch the game with them. I had spent the night over at my friend's house and I was wearing one of those ratty sweaters with the big pockets in the middle the whole time.
SO about 10 minutes into superbowl I noticed I needed to get back home. I put the rollercoaster in my front pocket and jetted off taking my weed with me.

I make it home alright, Its the country and I live 5 minutes away from my Bud. and when I open the door I see about 12 people there watching the superbowl with my family, all pretty much the type of person you don't want to know you smoke. I say Hi to them when I walk in and I'm pretty sure I had bloodshot eyes then too. (THIS IS NOT THE PLACE YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOUR 17)

I bend down to take off my shoes and WHACK crack! my rollercoaster falls out of my pocket and SHATERS all over the tiles in front of my family and their friends/co-workers. (luck me my weed didn't fall out too)
Well my dad and all his friends turn their heads lol to see a bunch of colored glass that smells like weed on the floor.
My dad walks up," whats that there?"
me,"oH umm fuck I have no fucking clue, but I'll clean it up... DID ANYONE LEAVE glass over here????"
my dad" hmm it smells really weird, SON! is that what I think it is"
me whispering" its a marijauna pipe, I'm trying to cover it up so you don't look like a terrible dad"
my dad" Oh ok, just clean it up then"
(I wish there was a way I could have fooled him into thinking it was some piece of art or something)

haha so I clean up the pieces and head downstairs and ponder on what just fucking happened.... at that moment I realized what the feeling of being fucked meant haha.

so guys and girls, share your stories... I'm sure you have plenty.

You had me roflmao when you said you named it rollercoaster of love I remember my schoolbus driver in like 3rd grade used to blast that song every morning and afternoon on the bus.
all these stories are hilarious haha. My first time getting caught was amazing lol. Back when i was 13 years old, i sneaked out of my house to meet a bunch of people that were hanging out in my neighborhood. Before i sneaked out, i smoked a cigarette in my room with the window open, thinking all the scent would just drift out. Anyways, so before i leave my house, i take all the drugs i can with me, which was weed, 8 oxys, and 2 packs of camels. Keep in mind, the weed was wrapped up in aluminum foil. So i leave my house and meet up with all these kids. We didn't even hang out long, they left like 5 minutes after i got there. Well, they started walking down the road towards there house, and i started going the other way. Well, as i was walking, i saw a car coming my way. I freak out, and ran behind the closest house. Then i saw a spot light, now i was really scared, and start running through back yards towards my house .I finally got to my house and quietly open the back door to my house. once inside, my mom walks into the room and says empty your pockets. I handed her 8 oxys, 2 packs of camels, and the weed. She walks into the bathroom with the weed in the aluminum foil, closes the door, and then comes out crying. She starts by say, "what did i do so wrong that drove my son to start smoking crack." I look at her in shock ,but couldn't think of anything to say! Then a bright light starts shining through the windows on front of my house. It was a police car with its spotlight shining, searching all over the place. My mom sees the police car, then turns to me and says "WHAT DID YOU DO!". I kept telling her, i didn't do anything, but she didn't believe me. So at that point, she thinks i'm a crack head and have just robbed a house. After that night, i wasn't allowed to do shit for like 6 months. i still laugh at it to this day. Apparently, she smelled smoke and woke up to check on me, to her surprise, i was no where to be found lol. Moral of the story? don't store your bud in aluminum foil, and don't smoke in your bedroom with only a window open.
So last summer, I read that Pearl Jam is releasing a new album, so I go and check out there tour dates and they were actually coming to a city decently close to me (still a far ass ways away), to the Virgin Festival in Calgary. So my friend and I get tickets and ride the bus seventeen hours to get there, getting high at every stop.

Eventually we get to the aforementioned concert, after making it through the search at the entrance and some terribly shitty band is playing. So we figure Pearl Jam's not going to be on for a while, a good time to hit the bong.

So we light up a bowl, then another one, have a laugh at some fuck who just clears the barrier and disappears into the crowd. Lighting up a hit i notice some dickheads in short shorts riding by on bikes out of the corner of my eye. Turns out they are the Calgary police riding bikes around to bust people at this concert and we are quickly arrested.

They fuck with us for a while, this australian fucker screams in my face, and threaten to take us downtown, assuring us we're going to jail for the "more then an ounce" (eg. less then a quarter) they found on us. The aussie guy fucks off with my ticket and then another cop proceeds to come up and fuck with me and threaten us with more shit cause i don't have a ticket and "snuck into the concert." Also at this time I'm just about pissing my pants cause they keep talking about how my friend who had the dope on him is going to end up at the station for trafficking and miss the bus and be stuck in Calgary.

Well after getting bored of fucking with us they drag us out of the concert and throw us in the back of this police van. A nice face print from somebody getting there head slammed into the thing was imprinted upon the window. After taking us out in turns to fuck with us some more (which involved trying to get me to stand there and proclaim id swear off weed for life as all these people pass by) they let us go with some tickets and threw us out of the concert.

I would've gotten only the $100 charge for the dope smoking but this one bitch cop finds a mostly empty mickey in by bag from months back, that had like one shot left in it. Apparently this was cause to also give me a $230 charge for open liquor, at a venue where they were serving alcohol and everybody was fucking wasted already. Hadn't even drank any of the shit.

Didn't even get to see Pearl Jam after all that bullshit. Then had to ride the bus another 17 hours back home with no dope to hold us over.

http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2009/08/09/calgary-virgin-festival-arrests.html I hope these were the same cops, and that they got a good ass kicking.
This happened just the other week..

Me and my friend went to go get his girlfriend about 30 mins away (I am 18 and my friend [and his girlfriend] are 17).
We stop at her house and blaze some and head out.
So we pick her up and I get off of a frontage road (speed limit 55) onto some random wide-ass road and I am doing like 55-60ish and I see the good ol' flashing blue lights
SO here I am getting pulled over (Note I have some driving restrictions [Don't ask why -.-]) with :

A. 2 minors in the car (only suppose to have one minor tops)
B. Out past 12am (Curfew restriction)
C. Said minors and self are higher than fucking kites
D. Was doing 60 on a 30 road

The officer comes up and taps on the window and asks for my shit and tells me why hes pulling me over, blah.
Walks to his car, comes back about 3 mins later and says "You know that your PoI is outdated right?"

E. Insurance is outta date.

Any way I am trying to explain to him that I am sorry and shit, freaking out while I'm high rofl.
He tells me to shut my mouth and tells me "This is my gift to you, I am going to let you off with a warning. Don't let me catch your ass again"


2 days later I get pulled over for having my headlights off. (around the corner from my house)
I got a good one involving ACTUALLY being caught. Keep in Mind this happened on Martin Luther King Day of THIS WEEK.

Me and my bro were drivin down the road headin somewhere smokin out of my mini bong and my dumbass brother is going 78 for some stupid ass reason and the sherrif drives by. We instantly know we're fucked and turn right off onto a stupid ass road that brings us right back along the highway so the cop is watcching us drive by him after he turned around so we pulled over and gave up. The cop comes up to the window and said it smelled like marijuana and I told him I had a card and showed it to him and what I was smoking out of (at this point we're all good) the my STUPID ASS RETARD brother admits to smoking also, I WANTED NOTHING MORE THAN TO BEAT HIM DOWN ON THE SPOT. So I get asked out of the car and searched and hancuffed and thrown in the back of the squad car. And my brother instantly consents to search vehichle and they found a bowl he threw under the seat which he admitted to getting from me (I know, hes a moron). So I got to go to jail for 3 days and got out on wednesday, it sucked. The stupidest part is if I didn't have a card I wouldn't have went to jail. All my bro got was a cite and got picked up by my parents. Long story short thery wanna charge me with distribution for that one freakin bowl which is ridiculous.
fuckin today at school i was escorted down to the main office by the hall moniter, and the principal and vice principal were there waiting for me. they took me down to the nurses office, and i had no idea what was going on. i asked to go to the bathroom and was rejected. when we got to the nurses office she sat me down did a fuckin "routine check" to see if i was high or not. it was at that point i was told there was a "very strong odor of marijuana" coming from one of the bathrooms. they had checked the video cameras and sure enough i showed up on it. so this bitch nurse does some bullshit made up test on me to see if i was high, and all she did was like smell my hands and breath and check my eyes. she told me i reeked of weed, but she couldnt tell if i was high or not. after that im escorted back to some shitty little room with no windows in the main office. the principal tells me to take off my hat and shoes and to empty my pockets. i pull out my lighter and 2 seperate baggies of 4 grams of dank bud. i dont remember much after that cuz i pretty much went into a panic attack and couldnt stop shaking. the cops were called, my parents were called, and i was read my rights. i was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell. now i have to go to juvinielle court where they tell me whether or not im getting expelled. sucks major dick but at least they didnt find any of my plants (=

I'm not even sorry for you, jeesus how dumb are you? Do you take beer to school too?
Almost got busted today, fuck!!
I wanted to go to tim hortons to get some coffee and a donut... it was like 11am so i figured it sounded good. Rolled up a nice joint... hopped in the car and blazed it on the way to tim hortons.
Well I drive to timmy ho's, get my coffee and shit, and I start cruising back home.... as I'm coming up to the road by my house... I NEARLY miss the turn into the parking lot cuz im so fried... and i'm like OH SHIT hard right!!! and i narrowly turn and make it into the parking lot.... while meanwhile a cop was coming down the street the other way (I was driving towards him) and he saw me make a sudden turn into the parking lot... and he rolled in after me lights on.... I was freakin balls like oh shit im fucked... but i just put a new air freshener in my car yesterday and i rolled with the windows down... and my car has leather so it doesnt stick to it as much as cloth... but yeah he walks up to my window and asks why i turned into the parking lot so suddenly and I was like... Dude!! I live here hahah.. i almost missed my turn... and i was still in my pajamas and i had coffee and a donut... so I was just like yeah... my bad I almost missed the turn so i just turned suddenly... and the pjs and shit helped sell my story... and he was just like... "oh sorry, it just looked suspicious" and I guess he didn't notice I was high, or just didn't give a fuck.... plus the coffee is pretty pungent smelling!
Originally Posted by potisaplant
fuckin today at school i was escorted down to the main office by the hall moniter, and the principal and vice principal were there waiting for me. they took me down to the nurses office, and i had no idea what was going on. i asked to go to the bathroom and was rejected. when we got to the nurses office she sat me down did a fuckin "routine check" to see if i was high or not. it was at that point i was told there was a "very strong odor of marijuana" coming from one of the bathrooms. they had checked the video cameras and sure enough i showed up on it. so this bitch nurse does some bullshit made up test on me to see if i was high, and all she did was like smell my hands and breath and check my eyes. she told me i reeked of weed, but she couldnt tell if i was high or not. after that im escorted back to some shitty little room with no windows in the main office. the principal tells me to take off my hat and shoes and to empty my pockets. i pull out my lighter and 2 seperate baggies of 4 grams of dank bud. i dont remember much after that cuz i pretty much went into a panic attack and couldnt stop shaking. the cops were called, my parents were called, and i was read my rights. i was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell. now i have to go to juvinielle court where they tell me whether or not im getting expelled. sucks major dick but at least they didnt find any of my plants (=

how old are you?

old enough
cool thay didnt find the plants huh!!! awesome....... dont bring pot to school.... i was jucky my school is full of brain dead assholes!!! stupidly i know i would bring whiskey, rum and gin in a coke bottol and by the time school was over i was hammerd!! i guess thats why i dident make it.. haha but who gives a shit i dont drink any more i grow my own marijuana (allegedly) and i get payed good as a caregiver!! haha fuck high school and the cop's!!
i had recently returned home from school for the summer and me and my friends was blazin in tha crib. the session had been over but a dense cloud was still hovering in my room. my mom came home, knocked and opened the door. she asked "are you guys smoking reefer??" i was like.. "nah (in that dazed and confused high voice), when the doorbell rang. it was the pizza man....3 high kats, 3 large pizzas.
here goes....

i was 16 or 17 at the time. i lived on a corner house, and another friend(just a guy i knew, really) lived across the street on the other corner. he had moved out a few weeks prior, so me and my friends ask if we can go kick it in the garage and smoke some hookah, since nobody is there.

oh btw, in this area, its all new houses. pretty much everyone in the area owned their house, so we figured they had moved out to a cheaper house, and just hadnt sold this house yet. it still had the for sale sign in the front yard. he even tells us that the side door just inside the backyard is unlocked. he knew how to get in. no problems....

anyways... theres about 5 of us, and we end up smokin hookah on the carpet in the living room lol. were droppin coals, burning the carpet(i know, stupid teenagers). and then all of a sudden a car comes up the driveway. 4 asian people get out and start walkin to the door(my friend is white btw). we all book it out the back sliding glass door. this one fat kid starts bitching that he cant make it over the fence, so me and him go around the side of the backyard, out a wooden gate. of course, theres a guy standin right there D,=

me and this kid run past him, and haul ass down the street. then i realize i live right across the street and itll be real easy to identify me haha. so, since i quit running and the fat kid stopped, we were caught. they sat us on the front lawn and one was even an off duty cop >_>
then this punk starts spewing his mouth and crying about how hes sorry and his mom is the district attorney haha. the cop gets there, and i actually know him personally! i used to hang out at a skatepark at the time, and he was always there watchin shit. when things went down, me and my friends usually talked to em since we were almost always witnesses.

he puts us in handcuffs in the back of his car. as im leanin into the car, i lock eyes with my next door neighbor, who proceeds to RUN to my house and tell my parents. after a while, we all make a deal that everyone that was there helps pay for the carpet. my stepdad paid for it upfront, and we each paid em back.

it turned out that my friend who said it was ok to go inside was just renting the house. he failed to mention someone else owned it, so we were breaking and entering lol

days later, i hear around town that the kid who was crying was saying I was crying and sayin all that shit. literally every party/kickback i went to for a while after, ppl r asking me y i was crying at time LOL. i came SOOO close to beating the shit out of em in a parking lot about a week after that. the only reason i didnt is because i knew his mom was the district attorney and i woulda been fucked

it was one hell of an experience. i SERIOUSLY did not know it wasnt my friends house. i was SO confused when those ppl and cops showed up
A few months back, I was blazing the day away and decided to get some T-Bell to satisfy my munchies attack. Getting to said nearest T-Bell takes me through the shittiest road in town, which ALWAYS has a cop or three camped out looking for prostitutes, drug dealers and random tomfuckery going about. To make things worse, I decided to take a monster bong rip RIGHT before I head out.
So I'm on the road and decide to turn onto this road going 35 or so & barely slowing down. My car has a very good suspension so it's usually no big deal to pull that off and even make it look semi-non-dangerous to the average person. Well, kids - weed does NOT make you a better driver. I took that corner like a drunk - too wide at first, then over-corrected.
Even wasted I realize this is not good, and immediately scan ahead...and...yep. A fucking cruiser. I then make stoner mistake#2: Try to evade the fuzz. I try to turn off the first road I see, which of course is a dead end. Knowing I'm fucked, I turn off my car and hit the hazards.
The young cop who pulled me over questioned me for a bit and he was very nervous like he was going to pull out his gun and shoot me at the first hint of me doing something suspicious, which really was not helping me stay calm. He keeps on trying to get me to say I was trying to trying to evade, I never admit. I give him a story that I'm driving erratic because I'm upset about a fight my mom & sister had which ended with my mother threatening to disown her (true story actually). His backup comes and also questions me, I give him the same story, even manage to squeeze a tear or two out in a last ditch effort to convince them. Cop asks me if they can search the vehicle, and I remember that I'm high and probably smell like a million rasta-man march. However, my car is clean - I never smoke in my baby. I quickly and confidently respond and tell them that I would have no problem with that. I see young cop begin to smile a little, but old cop gets this look of...defeat? He pulls Jr aside, they talk for a long time (seem to be arguing). Jr jumps in his squad, Senior walks up, gives me a warning for expired plates, says "Settle down and stop driving like a maniac. Have a good night."

I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the ground. I gather my wits, thank him, & drive off. All I can figure is that newbie cop called him in & told him he expected to bust me for possession. His backup probably had to explain to him that my quick consent to search meant I had nothing on me and they'd be wasting their time. Thank you sir, for not wasting either of our time. Also, thank you T-Bell for your late night hours and barely-edible, highly questionable beef tacos.
My dad caught me once but he is the biggest stoner I know so he just said that's wrong and shit, and I said I know I shouldn't smoke pot, and he said no it was wrong to hold out on me. Best weekend ever.
Around a month or so ago, I went out on a "walk" through the woods and blazed up some OG Kush, and got strait BLAZED. I mean, DAYUM, I was trippin'. So then I walk home, and I go into the pantry. Then, my mom comes in, and looks me in the eyes, and takes a deep whiff of my "Dank Stank". She waits a bit, and I just keep looking at her, (my eyes were like fucking lava holy shit lol) and then she asks, "Bailey, would you be so foolish as to smoke pot?" "Yeah mom" I replied, looking down. I wasn't ashamed of the weed, it just bothers me to see my mom so dissapointed in me. My parents were pretty cool about it, I just had to give up my stash (shit they prolly smoked it) and that was it.
So I was pretty lucky. It's back to school now though, and I got some sweet hook-ups so maybe i'll continue blazin', maybe not.
Ya'll stay up.