Blaming Obama gets no one anywhere, except to make himself "right". Does anyone think that should we elect a Republican prez the next time out, he will order the dismantling of this program? hmm? anyone? I warned the Repubs about executive power being passed from party to party, amplified each time but no, they all saw Bush as a guy in a white hat who was going to keep them safe from terrorism, Patriot act, water boarding, extraordinary rendition, executive power granted by the executive for the executive on the basis of Bush's and Cheney's nutzoid theories of presidential power, especially in a time of war, even though no war was constitutionaly proclaimed and even though we all know that the word war is a farce. Now we have laid upon Bush's foundation (and Clinton's before him) Drone strikes and information collection on a scale too large even to imagine. I warned them that no president would ever dismantle that power, left or right and so it goes. The right has no one but themselves to blame and the left are fools as well. What is it about us all that has us believe that OUR king is the good one and THEIR king is the bad one when in fact we were raised to abhor monarchies, even if they are quadrennial in duration.