Pelosi VS China

Do you think 80 million people voted for Joe Biden? That's an insult to the American Voter!
If 74 million were willing to vote for an insane narcissist like trump, I don't see why it's difficult to believe that 81 million voted for a senile puppet in Biden.
no; I am laughing at you for the ridiculousness of your saying that they are the same level of bad. That is out of the handbook, unmodified.
I didn't say they were the same level of bad, I only said that they are both terrible choices. You inserted the "same level" part. You always seem to forget that I voted for Biden. I think that allows me to be critical of him.
I thought the Democrats were paid Chinese agents.

Jeez, pick a narrative.

(Just kidding, you followers don't need a cohesive narrative anymore, they are more than willing to follow the twists and turns of their overloards' lies.)
Nice try, but no. “They are both terrible choices” effectively means the same or nearly the same level of terrible. You imply; you deny.
One choice is always worse than the other.
