Plasma is the Future of growing!

I'd actually pay a premium for an LED that produced less heat and equal flower growth as a 400w setup, especially if it used less wattage.

LED's might put out less heat but because they are so expensive it is still cheaper to get a 400 watt HPS and new inline fan. Not only is it cheaper but the results will be better
What's up with the shameless plug for Humboldt nutes? If these units are ready for sale by Halloween I can't imagine no-one is beta testing?
Several people throughout this thread have asked if there is a grow journal. Plasmargon, either yes or no. Has this been tested, if so, then where is the proof?

The guys at Open grow are journaling a grow here... They are testing without UV protection, but it's their baby. Our grow was with full UV protection and we had a much better start which always leads to a better finish.

This light is going to take the world by storm soon.

We are now using an ultra thin high transmission 2mm fused silica glass that filters all the UV under 310nm, while leaving 93% transmission in every other range. The glass allows us to air cool and remote place the emitter so the heat is totally isolated. My goal is to provide the best micro-climate light source that can be fitted to any cabinet.
Plasma Light Source (PLS) systems ARE the future!

Magnetron failure was the main complaint for the old Sulfur Plasma systems, and that says a lot considering their main component was a glass bulb spinning at 1200 RPM to keep it from instantly melting and becoming a fire hazard, not to mention the fact it would be like having a microwave oven above your heads (the energy, size and weight of a microwave).


They have taken the concept of sulfur plasma to another level. It's now solid state (no moving parts). Instant on with less than a minute to re-strike, optional computer interface to monitor status, and dim-ability down to 20% (cool option for catastrophic heat buildup prevention). The spectral power distribution is similar to the output of the sun (they're working on the Red) and, before this new product really even goes to market according to inside people they've already increased the output 35% across the board (including Red) That's awesome when you really think about it. Imagine where they'll be in ten years!

These things are made to last and the diminishing of light over the ten year lifespan is negligible. If my calculations are right, if they really did accomplish 35% more efficiency on top of 120 Lumen per watt, that put's them over 160 lumen per watt! With more of the energy going into usable light and less to heat. So the heat output is less than a 200 watt HPS with the usable light of more than a 400 watt!

Whats the total weight you ask? Lighter than a digital ballast HPS system without the reflector!

Unlike High intensity discharge LED or Florescent lighting which emit their light over a larger surface area (up to 1 sq. foot for a single florescent), the PLS is a tic-tac size single point source that's so intense, you have to be careful with your eyes. Right now they make a 250 watt driver that has the PAR Watt equivalent of a 400 w Metal Halide, with this new 35% upgrade it will be even better. Right now It's perfect for the Clone/ Mother/ Veg cycle (with less heat and more PAR watt light than any other light in this range) and soon they will be releasing the new driver with an adjusted spectrum, more 642nm-662mn red range. I'm telling you all, (I feel almost prophetic) Solid State PLS (Plasma Light Source) Systems ARE the future of horticulture. (next year comes the 700 watt agricultural model)

And the cost? The current 250 watt system puts any 400 watt system to shame for the VEG cycle, and will cost less than the new $1000 LED systems, will last longer and grow more, with less electricity and heat than any other possible competitor. I'll keep you informed about the release date of the Horticultural model that we're in the process of developing for mass market. It looks like October for the adjusted frequency (Fruit) light production date. If you took the current 40-02 model and added a 100 watts of RED LED's nothing could currently beat it for budding! If the interest is high enough I would consider going into early production using the 40-02 driver. Oh by the way, we will be offering a 2 year warranty with our air cooled models.
(Use this light with some Humboldt 2-part Amino Acid Chelated Nutrients and set some records!)

Here it comes!~ The age of light without heat!

WOW talk about spam and/or advertising!!!! thats crazy
WOW talk about spam and/or advertising!!!! thats crazy

Sorry about the spam, when I first discovered this light, I was so excited I told everyone I could with enthusiasm, but it wasn't taken with the same enthusiasm. I can say this, no one is going to remember me, but this light will change the future of lighting.

I watched so many people get ripped off in the LED mayhem. I never fell for it because it just didn't add up...well this light in it's first offering kicks the shit out of ten years of LED research. That's all I got to say about it.

When I saw what this light can do...oh my.

I have to be a good boy now.
P.S. I'm not connected with Humboldt directly but I can tell you there is no better source of nutrients than Amino Acid Chelates. Humboldt also teaches people how to culture what they need, instead of ripping people off by having them continually buy and supplement what can be grown in a bucket with just a pinch of starter bacterium/ inoculates, water and some dried molasses. Sounds like a company I would support.
I am grateful for the oportunity to share this information with you all.

I never intended to upset or alienate anyone in these posts just to share the best discovery ever made in the indoor horticultural world. Soon, grows with this light will be posted by multiple users which is something that I cannot do. There are laws about being a business connected directly to grow ops which is why Gavita, Syvania, Eye Hortilux and every other light manufacturer in the world will not sponsor grows openly, so I am being cautious.

Here's a new bit of information directly from Luxim... the 41-02 (new; 30% increase across the board) which is the emitter we will use in our offering (better than the ones on OpenGrow) will be in production in February now. So we will be pushing our release date to Feb/2010 sorry for delay.

Thanks for your patience, and I ask for this thread to close. Peace.:peace:
The guys at Open grow are journaling a grow here... They are testing without UV protection, but it's their baby. Our grow was with full UV protection and we had a much better start which always leads to a better finish.
There is no way to tell since you don't share your results unfortunately. Personally I don't judge until I see a result.

We are now using an ultra thin high transmission 2mm fused silica glass that filters all the UV under 310nm, while leaving 93% transmission in every other range.
I'm sorry I'm a bit lost now. The (clean) 5 mm glass you used before only lost (according to your measurements) 5-10%? So thinner is worse? Are you only going to use a 20 degrees angle max?
With the 5mm cool tube he only lost at most under the light meter 5-10% of the light. I saw the meter myself and he showed me how directly under the light only lost 5% and off axis by 20 degrees or more was 10% less light
I'm glad we gave you a good idea, when are you going to test it? Has the second trial with the UVB radiation at the end started already?

I suppose you will keep the (microwave) driver close to the emitter as extending the length of that coax cable costs a lot of power too, at least another 5%. But I still don't get why you want to lose 7% of your light (according to your measurements again, personally I think it is more) because the heat is not an issue (2-3 degrees C warmer than exterior temperature in the tent) and we don't think the UVB is a problem either (see the test for that).

edit: I see that you have delayed your launch to wat for the new model. I would certainly suggest to take some time to test it too. Btw it's no secret that Gavita provided the lights for our test. You could do the same with any other grower ;)
Here's a new bit of information directly from Luxim... the 41-02 (new; 30% increase across the board) which is the emitter we will use in our offering (better than the ones on OpenGrow) will be in production in February now. So we will be pushing our release date to Feb/2010 sorry for delay.
Don't forget to mention they are also better than you ones you tested (once). "The ones on opengrow" will have at least 7% extra light though ;)
Don't forget to mention they are also better than you ones you tested (once). "The ones on opengrow" will have at least 7% extra light though ;)

Hello Whazzup,

The new LIFI 41-02 emitter will have the same spectral output as the 40-02 that you guys are testing (good job by the way) but it will increase the photon yield by almost 30%. So according to our estimates, with the reflector (which does increase the light output almost 25% confirmed by the way) and ability to get the light even closer to the tops, those variables alone will cross cancel the average 6.8% reduction in overall spectral output in every frequency above 310nm with a hard knee cutoff below the narrow band 310nm. We are using a very expensive special glass type.

The cool tube I used before was a fused silica tube which also transmits 93% of the energy above 400nm. But as you can see it took out all the UV.

We will only use the coaxial length recommended for the product, but our unique configuration will allow the heat of the Driver (40% of the total) to be emitted outside the growth chamber, while permitting the novel approach of isolating 90% of the total heat from the emitter by air cooling it directly, isolated directly from the chamber so no special air handling requirements.

I'm just waiting for the 41-02 driver which has been pushed to January, and for my Patent Pending status. Then you can all see it.

The benefits are amazing! All that light with almost no heat at all! Our system will be easy to install in any cabinet with one hole and drop it in. With less heat in the chamber we can slow the airflow down to meet the requirements of the CO2 replenishment. The number 1 problem in small chambers is to high of air currents needed to keep the temp down thus drying out the substrata and causing less than ideal conditions for the plants transpiration process.

I'm sorry for the problems before but I get really excited when I pour myself into a project.

At least I can say I was the first in America to recognize the potential of this light. Peace.
Also, because of the very low heat coefficient inside the chamber there is no need for huge amounts of air handling. The problem is; every charcoal filter in current production needs a minimum air pressure and the smallest rating for proper contact time is 350 CFM to accomplish it's goal of scrubbing the smell. Well in a chamber that only has around 50 cubic feet then you are completely replacing the air 7 times per minute which is way too active, and in effect your plants are used as a humidifier wick.

We have discovered a better alternative that at it's lowest setting only draws 7watts of power and doesn't poison the atmosphere with ozone. It's a new technology from Japan and it's ideal for our micro-climate growth chambers. This setup kicks the &$#* out of any small growth chamber I've ever seen.
Hi Nev! Enjoyed the interesting tour along this very scenic route. It is certainly a long and narrow peninsular with beautiful photographic opportunities along the way. Enjoy your holiday and thanks for sharing.. Gladys.
Future it is history for me.Donated my plasma for three months to buy my gear lol Just kidding thats crazy!I bought a motorcycle.
You totally lost me here. I've using a 4" Vortex fan that's only 172 CFM with my carbon filter and it's works fine. No smell and my cab is only 2 degrees above ambient. Well actually the room is 69.4 right now and my cab is 71.6, so 2.2 degrees. :)

You need to quit telling us about all this great new equipment when you're not selling it. All you're doing is frustrating us. Equipment tease. ;)

Also, because of the very low heat coefficient inside the chamber there is no need for huge amounts of air handling. The problem is; every charcoal filter in current production needs a minimum air pressure and the smallest rating for proper contact time is 350 CFM to accomplish it's goal of scrubbing the smell. Well in a chamber that only has around 50 cubic feet then you are completely replacing the air 7 times per minute which is way too active, and in effect your plants are used as a humidifier wick.

We have discovered a better alternative that at it's lowest setting only draws 7watts of power and doesn't poison the atmosphere with ozone. It's a new technology from Japan and it's ideal for our micro-climate growth chambers. This setup kicks the &$#* out of any small growth chamber I've ever seen.