Politics aside are you doing anything To contribute to the fight.

Wait till you’re inducer goes or the gas valve, that’ll be a chunk of change,
Exchanger gets plugged (unlikely but if your on well water and the dummy who shocks it flushed through it and the well hasn’t been done in a long time say good bye)

im not against them like I said they have their purpose, but in. 10-15 years your gonna spend that money again because parts are obsolete now so your spending that money again and possibly more, it’s fine if you want it but your not listening

how is it more efficient if you burn more gas, have to have it serviced often
It’s actually creating a bigger carbon foot print than that hot water tank that you’ll get 8-10 years out of and most likely no extra service bills

You're just pissed you can't afford one.

Too bad.
You're just pissed you can't afford one.

Too bad.
Buddy all I’m trying to pint out is how naive people are that are bitching about oil and save the planet but they ok unit to be energy efficient when they don’t look at the whole scope it’s increased it’s carbon foot print by quite a bit. (By the way I don’t believe I their climate change crusade I think it’s a bunch of bullshit) but if you told one of these eco warriors this and drew it out for you they’d still argue because they see the big tank with water in it and think that’s a waste then they see this small unit with a bigger btu valve and call it eco friendly hah
Buddy all I’m trying to pint out is how naive people are that are bitching about oil and save the planet but they ok unit to be energy efficient when they don’t look at the whole scope it’s increased it’s carbon foot print by quite a bit. (By the way I don’t believe I their climate change crusade I think it’s a bunch of bullshit) but if you told one of these eco warriors this and drew it out for you they’d still argue because they see the big tank with water in it and think that’s a waste then they see this small unit with a bigger btu valve and call it eco friendly hah
You're a pathetic waste of time.
blah blah blah.

Cheaper to run, lasts decades, won't blow out and leak all over the floor like yours will, only uses energy when you actually run the hot water.

Technology and Trump chumps don't mix well.

Now post another wall of more denial bullshit.
You're a pathetic waste of time.
blah blah blah.

Cheaper to run, lasts decades, won't blow out and leak all over the floor like yours will, only uses energy when you actually run the hot water.

Technology and Trump chumps don't mix well.

Now post another wall of more denial bullshit.
Now if you have a navien it has what’s called a internal circ so it does heat water even when there’s no demand
Your one of those people who wears blinders everywhere and just too slow to understand/doesn’t fit your argument

by the way, you probably paid 50-100% mark up on those tankless, I have my gas ticket and. Have installed everything from 3million btu plus boilers down to those on demands their not as fool proof as people think you’ll be lucky to get 15 years out of they usually stop making the model after7 years then reconfigure it so then you have7 years and after. That if something breaks your buying a new! Teledyne Lars was notorious for that and Amana does it at about5 years or so so after 10 you need a new furnace cash grab!
The data says the ten states with the worst living conditions are all red states

it’s not a debate when you just sit there lying

good luck with the re-election campaign during a massive recession and 20% unemployment
If you pulled up the same one I did they probably surveyed a very small portion of the. Residents and I bet most were city folk/millennials
So the report came out to their liking
How is it cheaper to

how is it cheaper when it requires electricity and burns 4 times the gas in a hour than your mid efficient hit water tank?

some tankless heaters draw quite a bit of amperage considering what little it’s operating
I’ve seen a couple that draw a full 12 amps
To put that into perspective that’s like have 12 plugs with phone chargers plugged in
Wow. Impressive display of stupidity. :lol:
Bankruptcy in business happen, unpredictable things can happen, look at Sears, toyrus USA closed Canadian side still are open (who woulda thought)
You start a business to make a profit and it’s risky theirs no guarantee. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. If you think failure is something to shame someone on you’ll never be much in life, did he not learn from those failures? And what he about 30 years old when that happened? Yes he got a helping hand from his father, but he also had to convince investors/banks to lend him multiples of that. And he proved he could do it, yes he got a gravy deal in Manhattan but anyone with a business sense of mind sees nothing wrong with that, he didn’t threaten them he negotiated and got what he wanted, yeah he’s probably hard person to work with/for but most successful people are that hard headed. So the casinos flopped he wasn’t scared to jump into something he’s never been involved in and put all that money up just to fail, he took the risk it didn’t pan out, I respect the guy for not sticking to one thing and play it safely he’s not scared to say I can do that better and most times he does on the first try some he doesn’t but at least he holds his head up high and builds off of the opposition instead of letting it bring him down he uses it for his success. Why not just admit he’s a hard worker and one of the few presidents that actually cares about the working class and doesn’t play identity politics (the most favorite tactic
Of the left)
Everyone is equal to him, doesn’t matter if your a janitor or a scientist he’s working for everyone for once

by the way, if you were asked you probably would say you’ve never failed at anything and your perfect, truth is your scared of what people will think/judge you on and it’s holding you back stop being so narrow mined and a sheep (follower) just because the loudest ones are being heard doesn’t mean they make the majority
Read this as well
So let’s review. Deversity is the cause of your inability to do more to stop the spread? I’m assuming this means it’s the coloured’s fault? Everyone is equal to him yet he wants to limit immigration to whites from predominantly white countries. Everyone is equal to him except the people of colour that he would not rent to? Yes your right about his equally supporting white supremacy (good people). He works for everyone yet the states that rejected him are now fighting harder for funds. You say he has strengthened the country with his decisive actions re the virus yet he spent two weeks calling it a harmless fucking flu and to carry on, it’s all good and super. My god are you really so blinded (retarded).
How is it cheaper to

how is it cheaper when it requires electricity and burns 4 times the gas in a hour than your mid efficient hit water tank?

some tankless heaters draw quite a bit of amperage considering what little it’s operating
I’ve seen a couple that draw a full 12 amps
To put that into perspective that’s like have 12 plugs with phone chargers plugged in
You do realize a tankless water heater is modulating right? Heating water requires the same energy regardless if in a tank or not but keeping a tank warm does require more, just think about it lol. Condensate will not cause any harm to a sewer as it is diluted and neutralized (code here). 12 fucking amps? Please provide specs as well as a power vent tank to compare. You really need to stop and think about what your defending. Do some research!
And Obama earned his millions

oh uncle bucks a unemployed 35 year old living in his mother’s basement achieving the most message board posts ever
No. Hes a college educated drunk carpenter, his "own buisness" has one employee and he is house poor although his home in CO which is owned by a lending company in TX has a basement.
So let’s review. Deversity is the cause of your inability to do more to stop the spread? I’m assuming this means it’s the coloured’s fault? Everyone is equal to him yet he wants to limit immigration to whites from predominantly white countries. Everyone is equal to him except the people of colour that he would not rent to? Yes your right about his equally supporting white supremacy (good people). He works for everyone yet the states that rejected him are now fighting harder for funds. You say he has strengthened the country with his decisive actions re the virus yet he spent two weeks calling it a harmless fucking flu and to carry on, it’s all good and super. My god are you really so blinded (retarded).

he wanted to avoid the panic/end of world crowds, it’s almost inevitable to try to avoid the virus anyways, the way it transfers it could infect 100 people before you know you have it, if you don’t like the trumps handling it what’s your opinion on Justin Trudeau handling of it?
You do realize a tankless water heater is modulating right? Heating water requires the same energy regardless if in a tank or not but keeping a tank warm does require more, just think about it lol. Condensate will not cause any harm to a sewer as it is diluted and neutralized (code here). 12 fucking amps? Please provide specs as well as a power vent tank to compare. You really need to stop and think about what your defending. Do some research!
No not all are modulating, some are some aren’t you do realize where you live in world you have different ground water temperatures
So where I live modulating is pretty useless
On a boiler system they have their uses,
I know eco king comes standard with a modulating valve and we usually turn the mod off

you probably think a 2 stage furnace is modulating eh?

why don’t you go back to your lgbbq committee and go jump off your pride rainbow?
By the way keep throwing it buddy your hurting my internet feeings
You do realize a tankless water heater is modulating right? Heating water requires the same energy regardless if in a tank or not but keeping a tank warm does require more, just think about it lol. Condensate will not cause any harm to a sewer as it is diluted and neutralized (code here). 12 fucking amps? Please provide specs as well as a power vent tank to compare. You really need to stop and think about what your defending. Do some research!
Viessman b2199
It’s modulating so it needs that jump
And where I live they consider the water running through the sewer to neutralize it
It still will attack it
Your probably gonna argue with me that when I say RO water will rot cast iron but not copper due to a gas from the filtration creates
I enjoy you questioning everything as if I’m pulling it out of my ass you must be a google junkie or never really diversified In your trade and are just the water line monkey or company drain cleaner
Now if you have a navien it has what’s called a internal circ so it does heat water even when there’s no demand
Your one of those people who wears blinders everywhere and just too slow to understand/doesn’t fit your argument

by the way, you probably paid 50-100% mark up on those tankless, I have my gas ticket and. Have installed everything from 3million btu plus boilers down to those on demands their not as fool proof as people think you’ll be lucky to get 15 years out of they usually stop making the model after7 years then reconfigure it so then you have7 years and after. That if something breaks your buying a new! Teledyne Lars was notorious for that and Amana does it at about5 years or so so after 10 you need a new furnace cash grab!
Um you can set it to internal so it keeps that 1.5l stainless water constantly hot now if you set it to external now that’s another story
It heats it when. It drops below the temp the censor set at
If it didn’t heat only when in use your going to have a lot of waiting u
You're a pathetic waste of time.
blah blah blah.

Cheaper to run, lasts decades, won't blow out and leak all over the floor like yours will, only uses energy when you actually run the hot water.

Technology and Trump chumps don't mix well.

Now post another wall of more denial bullshit.
They won’t last decades buddy, they’ve changed the navien design about 2time’s for the on demand and for the combi units I know twice for sure in the last 10 years they also change the model numbers so you know the first gem parts are gonna be obsolete And they only have to carry them for 7 years once they terminate that model then there’s no parts
No not all are modulating, some are some aren’t you do realize where you live in world you have different ground water temperatures
So where I live modulating is pretty useless
On a boiler system they have their uses,
I know eco king comes standard with a modulating valve and we usually turn the mod off

you probably think a 2 stage furnace is modulating eh?

why don’t you go back to your lgbbq committee and go jump off your pride rainbow?
By the way keep throwing it buddy your hurting my internet feeings
The ones that qualify for rebates are modulating and yup ground water temp is different, what’s your point. Why would you turn off the modulation? That seems pretty fucking stupid actually. Again provide specs re the 12 amps. Nope 2 stage is just that again what’s your point? Anyways your way out of your league here but carry on so I can make you look more stupid than you are doing yourself. Oh and does the LGBQT movement threaten you? Yup carry on lol.
Um you can set it to internal so it keeps that 1.5l stainless water constantly hot now if you set it to external now that’s another story
It heats it when. It drops below the temp the censor set at
If it didn’t heat only when in use your going to have a lot of waiting u
They won’t last decades buddy, they’ve changed the navien design about 2time’s for the on demand and for the combi units I know twice for sure in the last 10 years they also change the model numbers so you know the first gem parts are gonna be obsolete And they only have to carry them for 7 years once they terminate that model then there’s no parts
God your an idiot. Your a tankless expert just like Trumps a scientist ...... just fucking priceless. Yup no one changes the design of their product .... fucking priceless lol.
The ones that qualify for rebates are modulating and yup ground water temp is different, what’s your point. Why would you turn off the modulation? That seems pretty fucking stupid actually. Again provide specs re the 12 amps. Nope 2 stage is just that again what’s your point? Anyways your way out of your league here but carry on so I can make you look more stupid than you are doing yourself. Oh and does the LGBQT movement threaten you? Yup carry on lol.
Ok first I guess common sense passed you
If my ground water is 34 f and I want 140f water and I want 7 gallons a minute I’ll need a 200000 btu to meet the demand and have more than a. Couple faucets that modulating is going to start at a lower btu and keep trying until it ramps up, so not only did you wate gas heating the water you also wasted more water
Modulating on demands have no use in a domestic situation waste of money. Now a modulating boiler on a closed system yes. Thinking about it now I doubt you can buy a modulating on demand that eco king is a combi unit and I due beloeve domestic calls overide the modulating
God your an idiot. Your a tankless expert just like Trumps a scientist ...... just fucking priceless. Yup no one changes the design of their product .... fucking priceless lol.
You are like talking to a 4 year old child I don’t want to be insulting but do you suffer from some sort of down syndrome that makes you think your Steven hawkings