Politics aside are you doing anything To contribute to the fight.

Health care services, Meals on Wheels, checking on the elderly who are isolating. You don't have to have direct contact so it's not particularly dangerous from an infectious point of view.
Right now this really sucks for me. My family owns a small 100 bed nursing home with 2 confirmed cases of the virus. Staff is bailing from fear alone or because they have family at home that are compromised. Many of our lower earnings employees are working double shifts because they say the if you work in the Health Care industry than you have to face the Consequently. That's coming from people who make $16 an hour.
Well I'm about to feed a resident who has been confirmed and as a result of dementia or alzheimers and actually spits in your face. It's not her fault.
What's most anxiety producing is that we hardly get any of the most basic necessities.
Almost no masks of any kind and we can't even get the plastic disposable covers for thermometers. A couple of face shields would go a long way to protect the staff who are here knowing the danger. Staff temps get taken at the beginning an ends of their shifts which are getting longer and longer.
Why cant we get a big box of decent face masks, thermometer covers, face shields or protective clothing.
If your stuck at home try calling meals on wheels or something to help the general family well being checks on the higher risk population.
Please let's not make this overly political,
Be smart and remember the danger but help if you can.
I'm sick to my stomach and I've got to work again
Maybe their worth more than $16 an hour :wink:
so did Justin Trudeau do it right?

I guess you collect your welfare check so no matter what it still comes. If you can’t vision
The economic repercussions, it would mean everyone starts at square one, but your probably someone going to vote for Bernie anyways.... and your a millennial right?
Was that a game of how many things you can get wrong in one post?
LO fucking L

Want to bet a 12 pack of toilet paper?
All trumps assets are in blind trust, any monkey could see the problem growing bigger and bigger each day China was the example
I’ll assume this wasn’t the first time thenpeople responsible for the trading/selling probably went through it in the 80’s
read my attachment,trump follows that to a tee, did you know Henry Ford went bankrupt 2 or 3 times before he succeeded.

trumps very smart, he captivates audiences and doesn’t talk in that rambling and twisting of words like every other career politician he is short and sweet but gets his points through he doesn’t talk like he’s on another level he speaks to them on a personal level

ill say it again, make your own decisions, influence your own life, don’t be scared to have a differing opinions. The people that will mock you/try to bring you down need those followers/groups to feel confident.

try it. I used to keep a opinion similar to the people I hung out with, you know what people like that are weak, will hold you back because they are not going anywhere
I walked away from all those people like that 12 years ago, life was way better, I like having my own voice and trust me I use it all the time even if I don’t get my way at least I gave my opinion on how to do something

I can tell by the way you argue your posts your young don’t be a typical millennial
Hes 35.
All trumps assets are in blind trust, any monkey could see the problem growing bigger and bigger each day China was the example
I’ll assume this wasn’t the first time thenpeople responsible for the trading/selling probably went through it in the 80’s
No they are not, He has his kids 'running' everything.
You didn’t answer my question do you agree with Justin Trudeau approach to the virus?
lmao, I don't know, I don't really follow the Canadian government. That has nothing to do with Trump's mishandling of this crisis however.

If you mean me you are incorrect.
No they are not, He has his kids 'running' everything.

lmao, I don't know, I don't really follow the Canadian government. That has nothing to do with Trump's mishandling of this crisis however.

If you mean me you are incorrect.
Yes his businesss are, I’d imagine his only portfolio contains stocks in the businesses he owns and is probably the majority holder, so why would he sell off and tank the value of his businesses? That don’t even make sense he’s smarter than that, anyone sees the majority holder selling everyone gonna dump it as quick as they can and it do t look good on the majority share holder unless everyone was informed
You just want free stuff

anyways read up in Justin Trudeau approach let me know what you think
Obama tripled the stock market and set up a pandemic response team
Hah the war did that, oil was the highest it had ever been and showed no signs of dropping,
It’s called investor confidence, when he won his second term didn’t the market tank as well?
Yes his businesss are, I’d imagine his only portfolio contains stocks in the businesses he owns and is probably the majority holder, so why would he sell off and tank the value of his businesses? That don’t even make sense he’s smarter than that, anyone sees the majority holder selling everyone gonna dump it as quick as they can and it do t look good on the majority share holder unless everyone was informed
You just want free stuff

anyways read up in Justin Trudeau approach let me know what you think
Ill keep my focus on American government responses, but thank you for the suggestion about looking at Canada's, one day if I have time I might check up on it.

And of course I meant his stocks, if he sold them at a high price back in Feb. he would have a lot more cash on hand and not have the value of his portfolio drop to today's values if he kept them in.

Trump is a scam artist, it is not about being smart, it is about him being dirty enough and low enough moral character to do whatever he can to make money, which is what he has done his entire Presidency.

And like I have said several times in this forum, just because some Right wing Trump troll says something doesn't make it true, not everyone wants 'free stuff'.
So none of you pretend liberals sucking off the teat of society are doing anything to help? Seems to me that if you ignore everyone who might question you all that's left is a consensus amongst fools who are best suited to cut and pasting and name calling. Unemployed Buck sits in the bedroom of his mothers hoping the feds don't find the kiddy porn on his computer while he positions himself for a run to be president of NAMBLA and waiting for his benefits to be increased. I would deny I was an atheist and turn my life over to god if only this virus did reach out a grab buck and commit his dead body and soul to Samsari. If you can't bring a liberal to your side of the aisle what the hell are you going to do with the conservatives. I sure hope the Dems surrounding our next president are not as entrenched as the Republicans surrounding Trump or all we'll get is another four years of partisanship and an unwillingness to step across the aisle.
I really do appreciate you guys cementing my lot as a liberal Democrat. You guys are no different than the Trump minions. Shallow dumbfucks who think that when we take the presidency things are going to change. Good luck with that and change the title of this forum from politics to "leftist only". No room for any ideologies other than far left or far right. Goose stepping your way to change.
So really? No one has volunteered or done anything to fight the virus. Like that's a big surprise.
Show me your Bernie bros balls ...drop out ! As an American solution or FO
And Obama earned his millions

oh uncle bucks a unemployed 35 year old living in his mother’s basement achieving the most message board posts ever
I own my own business. I build houses. But I got some leads on decks that need built so I’m probably just gonna do that solo until this coronavirus hoax is finally resolved (no thanks to trump)