Politics aside are you doing anything To contribute to the fight.

You are really grasping at straws.

Trump fucked up badly and you are blaming diversity. Hilarious.
I’m not blaming diversity, it causes unease’s with people it’s been proven time and time again, look at Denmark,Japan they All work better together because they have the same disciplines, stick A Mexican and African side by side pay them 100 bucks a hour see who works harder/longer
It may be much more deadlier, but the effects were similar in all cases, covd-19 can cause transition in person to person with the people showing no symptoms at all but are carriers
So basically everyone’s at risk, it also react to everyone differently as were finding out
Secondly China let it run rampant for over a month and tried to hide it,
It’s easier to lock a 3rd world country that their only occupation is child soldier to gang banger that can’t afford to travel
China’s the main hub They tried to hide it so they didn’t loose any movement on their economy

next time you try to argue stop using the liberal tactics with so and so did this
Gauge it side by side
3rd world shit hole - manufacturing powerhouse of the world

live in mud huts and starve - live in factory but get to eat and donot have a opinion compared to the country that cries for money but doesn’t have many incomes unless it’s blood diamonds or child brides

call me racist or what ever I know you’ll throw that cause you think your slick but you argument becomes weak
20-30% unemployment ahead
How’s it racist? It’s a comparison, go grab your moms Webster dictionary and look up the definition. What about a Eskimo and a Indian side by side? Is that racist
How are you gonna defend trump when gdp is cut in half and we have 25% unemployment
The private message I sent to Buck in good faith failed terribly apparently. I was genuinely trying to make peace and the response and cutting and pasting it on the thread does what.

"Hello Buck. I seem to be bugging you and you seem to be bugging me. I do not now nor I ever supported Trump and that's the gospel.
How about you and I call a truce? I don't really wish you anything serious happens to you or anyone else but we started out by insulting each other which is not benefiting either of us.
It seems our politics are miles apart but I think we have more in common than it looks.
I thing to many well intentioned threads fall apart because we all seem to carry our grudges from place to place.
I think we should make an effort at keeping the peace and rest assured that I am NOT the Trumptard you may think I am.
You have a nice day. I have to go back into the nursing home and accept whatever health problems that head my way. We can't even get face shields or simple masks. Personally I have the feels that as a 60yo cigarette smoking male so I feel like I'm screwed big time
So peace to you and stay home.

Bucks response..


Eat Shit.

That's a great way of fostering discussion But it's OK. I'm not going anywhere.
Your message is exactly how he wants you to react. Ignore those tards this is all they do. One word for him KARMA
Where the fuck do you get your numbers?
Did you look at the most recent since the pandemic?
I read several articles this morning from reputable sources about the estimated impact in the economy that trump killed through negligence dishonesty and bungling

all just a hoax though
How are you gonna defend trump when gdp is cut in half and we have 25% unemployment
You forgot to add temporary, and us isn’t the only country facing these problems so stop trying to point it out....

you sir just don’t like people who are successful and not a sheep unlike you
I bet before you say anything you get people’s opinions first
You forgot to add temporary, and us isn’t the only country facing these problems so stop trying to point it out....

you sir just don’t like people who are successful and not a sheep unlike you
I bet before you say anything you get people’s opinions first
successful people don’t bankrupt casinos. Or countries. Or defend those that do

shit for brains racist
successful people don’t bankrupt casinos. Or countries. Or defend those that do

shit for brains racist
Bankruptcy in business happen, unpredictable things can happen, look at Sears, toyrus USA closed Canadian side still are open (who woulda thought)
You start a business to make a profit and it’s risky theirs no guarantee. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. If you think failure is something to shame someone on you’ll never be much in life, did he not learn from those failures? And what he about 30 years old when that happened? Yes he got a helping hand from his father, but he also had to convince investors/banks to lend him multiples of that. And he proved he could do it, yes he got a gravy deal in Manhattan but anyone with a business sense of mind sees nothing wrong with that, he didn’t threaten them he negotiated and got what he wanted, yeah he’s probably hard person to work with/for but most successful people are that hard headed. So the casinos flopped he wasn’t scared to jump into something he’s never been involved in and put all that money up just to fail, he took the risk it didn’t pan out, I respect the guy for not sticking to one thing and play it safely he’s not scared to say I can do that better and most times he does on the first try some he doesn’t but at least he holds his head up high and builds off of the opposition instead of letting it bring him down he uses it for his success. Why not just admit he’s a hard worker and one of the few presidents that actually cares about the working class and doesn’t play identity politics (the most favorite tactic
Of the left)
Everyone is equal to him, doesn’t matter if your a janitor or a scientist he’s working for everyone for once

by the way, if you were asked you probably would say you’ve never failed at anything and your perfect, truth is your scared of what people will think/judge you on and it’s holding you back stop being so narrow mined and a sheep (follower) just because the loudest ones are being heard doesn’t mean they make the majority
Read this as well


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Bankruptcy in business happen, unpredictable things can happen, look at Sears, toyrus USA closed Canadian side still are open (who woulda thought)
You start a business to make a profit and it’s risky theirs no guarantee. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. If you think failure is something to shame someone on you’ll never be much in life, did he not learn from those failures? And what he about 30 years old when that happened? Yes he got a helping hand from his father, but he also had to convince investors/banks to lend him multiples of that. And he proved he could do it, yes he got a gravy deal in Manhattan but anyone with a business sense of mind sees nothing wrong with that, he didn’t threaten them he negotiated and got what he wanted, yeah he’s probably hard person to work with/for but most successful people are that hard headed. So the casinos flopped he wasn’t scared to jump into something he’s never been involved in and put all that money up just to fail, he took the risk it didn’t pan out, I respect the guy for not sticking to one thing and play it safely he’s not scared to say I can do that better and most times he does on the first try some he doesn’t but at least he holds his head up high and builds off of the opposition instead of letting it bring him down he uses it for his success. Why not just admit he’s a hard worker and one of the few presidents that actually cares about the working class and doesn’t play identity politics (the most favorite tactic
Of the left)
Everyone is equal to him, doesn’t matter if your a janitor or a scientist he’s working for everyone for once

by the way, if you were asked you probably would say you’ve never failed at anything and your perfect, truth is your scared of what people will think/judge you on and it’s holding you back stop being so narrow mined and a sheep (follower) just because the loudest ones are being heard doesn’t mean they make the majority
Read this as well
Takes someone real special to defend bankrupting a casino
Takes someone real special to defend bankrupting a casino
Didn’t the us hit a recession when he decided to open 2 more? The first one was a money maker so he built 2 more that were gonna be the biggest in Atlanta but shortly after opening them the economy fell out from under them, why bleed all that cash for the possibility of recouping it 4 years down the road, I bet he would still have them all of the economy didn’t tank, I wouldn’t feed millions of dollars to keep something open that’s not even turning enough profit to pay the electric bill.

you must be about 18-20 years old and think your so damn smart.(being a sheep isn’t smart)
Didn’t the us hit a recession when he decided to open 2 more? The first one was a money maker so he built 2 more that were gonna be the biggest in Atlanta but shortly after opening them the economy fell out from under them, why bleed all that cash for the possibility of recouping it 4 years down the road, I bet he would still have them all of the economy didn’t tank, I wouldn’t feed millions of dollars to keep something open that’s not even turning enough profit to pay the electric bill.

you must be about 18-20 years old and think your so damn smart.(being a sheep isn’t smart)
Im not the smartest guy around but I’ve never bankrupted a casino or defended someone who did
Im not the smartest guy around but I’ve never bankrupted a casino or defended someone who did

I respect someone who isn’t afraid to go big and when they lose it all don’t drown in their sorrows, he gets right back up and says, well that didn’t work I’m going to try something else that’s completely new to me. That’s what I really respect about him, heteynsome for the first time and do itbetter than those who have been in that particular area for 20-40 years and he figures out how to do it faster/better in 6 months. Is he arrogant? Yes? You need that attitude to be able toachieve the things he has,most would call it arrogance it’s confidence. He said back in the 80’s I’d I may run for president one day and I will win, guess what he neverlost that confidence. He also said he would when someone was running the country into the ground he’d campaign, guess what he kept his word
Who ran the country into the ground? Bush? Bush was handed the best economy to be handed to a president and he tanked it in 8 years to the worst in history.

This is the second corporate bail out in the last 12 years. Who did the last one? You guessed it
I respect someone who isn’t afraid to go big and when they lose it all don’t drown in their sorrows, he gets right back up and says, well that didn’t work I’m going to try something else that’s completely new to me. That’s what I really respect about him, heteynsome for the first time and do itbetter than those who have been in that particular area for 20-40 years and he figures out how to do it faster/better in 6 months. Is he arrogant? Yes? You need that attitude to be able toachieve the things he has,most would call it arrogance it’s confidence. He said back in the 80’s I’d I may run for president one day and I will win, guess what he neverlost that confidence. He also said he would when someone was running the country into the ground he’d campaign, guess what he kept his word

you respect a guy who bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children

Im not the smartest guy around but I’ve never bankrupted a casino or defended someone who did
read my attachment,trump follows that to a tee, did you know Henry Ford went bankrupt 2 or 3 times before he succeeded.

trumps very smart, he captivates audiences and doesn’t talk in that rambling and twisting of words like every other career politician he is short and sweet but gets his points through he doesn’t talk like he’s on another level he speaks to them on a personal level

ill say it again, make your own decisions, influence your own life, don’t be scared to have a differing opinions. The people that will mock you/try to bring you down need those followers/groups to feel confident.

try it. I used to keep a opinion similar to the people I hung out with, you know what people like that are weak, will hold you back because they are not going anywhere
I walked away from all those people like that 12 years ago, life was way better, I like having my own voice and trust me I use it all the time even if I don’t get my way at least I gave my opinion on how to do something

I can tell by the way you argue your posts your young don’t be a typical millennial


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