Politics aside are you doing anything To contribute to the fight.

By the way oil was at 100 bucks a barrel for the majority of Obama’s term trump started with it low and it ranked again and there’s a pandemic on his hands, the guys a leader wheathef you like him as a person or not he gets shit done quickly
His response to Covid-19 was probably the worst in the developed world. Instead of showing leadership and acting on the threat, he minimized it and let nearly two months pass as his administration devolved into turf battles and chaos like it always does.

Practically the only asset this fool still has is the army of trolls like you, and he isn't running that show.

Keep posting, you're funny.
Thank you Hanimmal. I'm doing resident ADLs, feeding and bathing them after they've been diagnosed. It sucks but it is my job. You know you can get a list of people who need to be wellness checked on by phone and no contact is required.
Captain Morgan. Karma is a bitch. I'm sure your young and healthy and are doing absolutely nothing. Why don't you step up? I have contact numbers for the American Federation of nursing homes and the state federations as well but I have a better chance of seeing god than seeing you look for ways to help.
So rkymtnman.. Tell me what you know as fact about long care nursing homes and payment structures. Private pay residents paysubstantially more than Medicaid residents but if a private pay client gives away all their assets to family members 5 years prior to admission than they too can obtain Medicaid and we will help them do it. One of the coolest things is that with the exception of a couple office people NO ONE in the place knows who is Medicaid and who is private pay. Everyone gets treated the same.
Unclebaldrick.. I don't know where you got the info that I had a second account. Your wrong.
If you guys have decided I voted for Trump your wrong and it's that simple. The truth has no bearing hear.
You guys are so painfully incorrect that I'm a trump supporter but you've made up your minds so what's the difference.
Yes. I down played the pox that being rained down on all of us regardless of race, religion or creed but admitted that aa time progressed I've become more worried. I can still be taught but so many of you are so attached to your positions the proof will not set you free. No one knows me here not even close.
So all in all it looks like NONE of you are pitching in or at least haven't voiced it. Do something constructive in our countries hour of need.
Thank you Hanimmal. I'm doing resident ADLs, feeding and bathing them after they've been diagnosed. It sucks but it is my job. You know you can get a list of people who need to be wellness checked on by phone and no contact is required.
Captain Morgan. Karma is a bitch. I'm sure your young and healthy and are doing absolutely nothing. Why don't you step up? I have contact numbers for the American Federation of nursing homes and the state federations as well but I have a better chance of seeing god than seeing you look for ways to help.
So rkymtnman.. Tell me what you know as fact about long care nursing homes and payment structures. Private pay residents paysubstantially more than Medicaid residents but if a private pay client gives away all their assets to family members 5 years prior to admission than they too can obtain Medicaid and we will help them do it. One of the coolest things is that with the exception of a couple office people NO ONE in the place knows who is Medicaid and who is private pay. Everyone gets treated the same by rver
His response to Covid-19 was probably the worst in the developed world. Instead of showing leadership and acting on the threat, he minimized it and let nearly two months pass as his administration devolved into turf battles and chaos like it always does.

Practically the only asset this fool still has is the army of trolls like you, and he isn't running that show.

Keep posting, you're funny.
If he would of done it full lock down right away it would of been chaos, you’d have people starving, remember the countries that did do a full lock down right away are more stable people, notice Japan doesn’t have much diversity and they all worked together, can you see the problem with it working in the states, one word diversity ruined it
If he would of done it full lock down right away it would of been chaos, you’d have people starving, remember the countries that did do a full lock down right away are more stable people, notice Japan doesn’t have much diversity and they all worked together, can you see the problem with it working in the states, one word diversity ruined it
What a dumbshit thing to say

maybe he shouldn’t have fired the pandemic response team Obama put in place
If he would of done it full lock down right away it would of been chaos, you’d have people starving, remember the countries that did do a full lock down right away are more stable people, notice Japan doesn’t have much diversity and they all worked together, can you see the problem with it working in the states, one word diversity ruined it
Lol. You are a racist piece of shit.
Ebola is a much deadlier and contagious disease and Obama stopped it dead in its tracks without crashing the economy or causing food shortages

trump sucks worse than your mom does on the day before trailer fees are due
It may be much more deadlier, but the effects were similar in all cases, covd-19 can cause transition in person to person with the people showing no symptoms at all but are carriers
So basically everyone’s at risk, it also react to everyone differently as were finding out
Secondly China let it run rampant for over a month and tried to hide it,
It’s easier to lock a 3rd world country that their only occupation is child soldier to gang banger that can’t afford to travel
China’s the main hub They tried to hide it so they didn’t loose any movement on their economy

next time you try to argue stop using the liberal tactics with so and so did this
Gauge it side by side
3rd world shit hole - manufacturing powerhouse of the world

live in mud huts and starve - live in factory but get to eat and donot have a opinion compared to the country that cries for money but doesn’t have many incomes unless it’s blood diamonds or child brides

call me racist or what ever I know you’ll throw that cause you think your slick but you argument becomes weak
The private message I sent to Buck in good faith failed terribly apparently. I was genuinely trying to make peace and the response and cutting and pasting it on the thread does what.

"Hello Buck. I seem to be bugging you and you seem to be bugging me. I do not now nor I ever supported Trump and that's the gospel.
How about you and I call a truce? I don't really wish you anything serious happens to you or anyone else but we started out by insulting each other which is not benefiting either of us.
It seems our politics are miles apart but I think we have more in common than it looks.
I thing to many well intentioned threads fall apart because we all seem to carry our grudges from place to place.
I think we should make an effort at keeping the peace and rest assured that I am NOT the Trumptard you may think I am.
You have a nice day. I have to go back into the nursing home and accept whatever health problems that head my way. We can't even get face shields or simple masks. Personally I have the feels that as a 60yo cigarette smoking male so I feel like I'm screwed big time
So peace to you and stay home.

Bucks response..


Eat Shit.

That's a great way of fostering discussion But it's OK. I'm not going anywhere.
Actually, you are. It's called the ignore list.
Actually, you are. It's called the ignore list.
Every couple of years when I pop in I make it a point to get him going, it’s entertaining and I like his childish insults, shows his education/social skills, his mom probably still cuts the crusts of his pb&j sandwiches and he’s 40 years old living in their single bedroom retirement home leaching