Politics aside are you doing anything To contribute to the fight.

I didn't call it a hoax. I suggested it was being overdramitized. I reserve the right to change my position as information develops..
Differing opinions on some aspects bn of politics does not make me a Trump supporter. I am a gun owner but I am not a single issue voter. I would not vote for a 2A candidate if they didnt support gay rights, prochoice, immigration, and the rest of my beliefs. tagging as a Trumper is wrong and untrue but it's a tag that is now permanent. I'll never be let off the hook which is ok because being a centrist opens up Pandora box.
Oh well. Cest la vie
You are a hoax - so are your multiple other accounts.
totally believe that your family owns a 100 bed nursing home and you are relegated to feeding memory-care patients with coronavirus
Sir Napsalot. I'll attach just few photos from 15 minutes ago but I'm sure it's not sufficient evidence for you but maybe someone else will believe not that it matters much. 20200325_144219.jpg20200325_143538.jpg20200325_144102.jpg20200325_143921.jpg20200325_144102.jpg20200325_143135.jpg


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Buck I did not and never under any circumstances support Trump. Everything he says or does runs contrary to my beliefs so please stop putting the trump tag on me. Our beliefs may not mirror each others but that doesn't mean that they are that different.
I did say I didnt think the virus was going to be as devastating as some thought but I also said I try to have an open mind and reserved the right to change my opinion.
My family own a nursing home and we have confirmed cases which my wife and I have to face everyday and for the better part of many nights. So many people are advised to self isolate. I sure wish I could.

You flipped earlier, said you apologized and then went back to ranting about how shitty we were for taking this epidemic seriously. As Buck showed, you did so post how great your President Trump is. Now you say you never would have done such.

Excuse us while we fail to believe you a second time. Why are you even here? Find another place where you haven't insulted everybody's intelligence.

You flipped earlier, said you apologized and then went back to ranting about how shitty we were for taking this epidemic seriously. As Buck showed, you did so post how great your President Trump is. Now you say you never would have done such.

Excuse us while we fail to believe you a second time. Why are you even here? Find another place where you haven't insulted everybody's intelligence.

I pity the people under his care if his story is real, if the relatives of those people had any idea what a piece of shit this guy was he would be out of business over night.
The counties that voted for Clinton make up 65% of the economy

the counties that voted for the racist retard only make up 35% of the economy
They also have the highest dept per capita and huge homeless problems and poor living conditions they’ll only be that for so long with the amount of people flocking from the blue states. Watch trump will win by a landslide this November

by the way I missed debating with you it’s like trying to frame a house with no nails
Trump 2020 is supporting trump.
typing make America great again is supporting trump.

I can’t stand some these guys you’re arguing with and even I agree with them.
The economy’s doing great (he also knows how to play the markets during this crisis, think Obama woulda done the same? The country would be in shambles)
They also have the highest dept per capita and huge homeless problems and poor living conditions they’ll only be that for so long with the amount of people flocking from the blue states. Watch trump will win by a landslide this November

by the way I missed debating with you it’s like trying to frame a house with no nails
Well tell your Red States to quit sending their homeless out of town on a bus ticket and take care of their own people when they are on hard times instead of expecting the Blue cities to subsidize them.

So by 'landslide' do you mean losing by more than 2 million votes again?

The economy’s doing great (he also knows how to play the markets during this crisis, think Obama woulda done the same? The country would be in shambles)
Too funny, you obviously have no clue that Obama had more jobs created, higher GDP average, and many other economic categories better in his last 3.5 years than Trump's time in office. You really shouldn't listen to liars when they tell you how things are if it is in their interests. Trump and his minions are proven liars.

Keep trying.
Well tell your Red States to quit sending their homeless out of town on a bus ticket and take care of their own people when they are on hard times instead of expecting the Blue cities to subsidize them.

So by 'landslide' do you mean losing by more than 2 million votes again?

Too funny, you obviously have no clue that Obama had more jobs created, higher GDP average, and many other economic categories better in his last 3.5 years than Trump's time in office. You really shouldn't listen to liars when they tell you how things are if it is in their interests. Trump and his minions are proven liars.

Keep trying.
It’s easy to build the gdp when you got a full blown war going on in 2 countries, the markets didn’t have confidence with Obama
I don’t understand why you guys are Democrats nor do I want to know because it’s a piss poor round about answer that answers nothing and wastes time.
Everyone hates trump because they don’t. Want to admit he knows what he’s doing and isn’t scared to be criticized over his decisions
Unlike Obama and Hillary who are responsible for the deaths of many soldiers because of the road blocks they put in place for the rules of engagement, trump took over and let the military do their job instead of the White House they went farther in 6 months that bush and Obama combined

I think they didn’t wAnt the war to end because then the gdp would drop and they couldn’t pay themselves on the back for the job creations
It’s easy to build the gdp when you got a full blown war going on in 2 countries, the markets didn’t have confidence with Obama
I don’t understand why you guys are Democrats nor do I want to know because it’s a piss poor round about answer that answers nothing and wastes time.
Everyone hates trump because they don’t. Want to admit he knows what he’s doing and isn’t scared to be criticized over his decisions
Unlike Obama and Hillary who are responsible for the deaths of many soldiers because of the road blocks they put in place for the rules of engagement, trump took over and let the military do their job instead of the White House they went farther in 6 months that bush and Obama combined

I think they didn’t wAnt the war to end because then the gdp would drop and they couldn’t pay themselves on the back for the job creations
Trump's tax break for the rich was going to bring us 4, 5, or even 6% GDP growth wasn't it?

And Trump took 3 years to bring the economy right back to the point the stock market is where it was when Obama left office. The stupid trolling the Russians did for Trump to win stuck hard with you huh.

lmao and Trump let the military do their job?

All he did was give everything in the Middle East over to Putin and abandoned our allies.

You really should quit listening to liars like Trump, I know it is hard to break out of a cult, but you should try.
Trump's tax break for the rich was going to bring us 4, 5, or even 6% GDP growth wasn't it?

And Trump took 3 years to bring the economy right back to the point the stock market is where it was when Obama left office. The stupid trolling the Russians did for Trump to win stuck hard with you huh.

lmao and Trump let the military do their job?

All he did was give everything in the Middle East over to Putin and abandoned our allies.

You really should quit listening to liars like Trump, I know it is hard to break out of a cult, but you should try.
so Hillary isn’t responsible for
Benghazi because she couldn’t make a decision, trump gave the military the powers to make those calls
Trump's tax break for the rich was going to bring us 4, 5, or even 6% GDP growth wasn't it?

And Trump took 3 years to bring the economy right back to the point the stock market is where it was when Obama left office. The stupid trolling the Russians did for Trump to win stuck hard with you huh.

lmao and Trump let the military do their job?

All he did was give everything in the Middle East over to Putin and abandoned our allies.

You really should quit listening to liars like Trump, I know it is hard to break out of a cult, but you should try.
By the way oil was at 100 bucks a barrel for the majority of Obama’s term trump started with it low and it ranked again and there’s a pandemic on his hands, the guys a leader wheathef you like him as a person or not he gets shit done quickly
By the way oil was at 100 bucks a barrel for the majority of Obama’s term trump started with it low and it ranked again and there’s a pandemic on his hands, the guys a leader wheathef you like him as a person or not he gets shit done quickly
MBS did own Trump one for being cool with him murdering one of our journalists and selling him weapons to do genocide in Yeman, also giving him nuclear weapon tech.


it’s way to fun to keep people like you going, sheep’s you are
Right, we are the sheep when you are following a cult leader. Good one.
They also have the highest dept per capita and huge homeless problems and poor living conditions they’ll only be that for so long with the amount of people flocking from the blue states. Watch trump will win by a landslide this November

by the way I missed debating with you it’s like trying to frame a house with no nails
The data says the ten states with the worst living conditions are all red states

it’s not a debate when you just sit there lying

good luck with the re-election campaign during a massive recession and 20% unemployment