Prison Stories

Make some seeds.
I can usually identify a male, even in veg, within 4 or 5 weeks with a scope, before I repot it.
Do I put a female in the yard or a male in the grow house--that is the question. I have two female PPPs inside and that's it left in my grow room and two AK males in the yard. Along with three who knows who's in the yard? Correction 4, one's in the ground.
That's for real. Glad you survived to tell us your story.

Yep, thats a part of my life im very ashamed of & rarely speak of . I was an extremely idiotic young man involved in constant illegal shit & fighting but my wife never gave up on me even when it looked like i was never getting out , i never woulda told her everything cept for the promises i made her & her father when her father allowed me, a non muslim to marry her , her dad made me swear i'd never beat her or allow any man to lay hands on her as long as i was alive & i swore, all she asked was that i never lie to questions she asked of me & i swore, sooooo much shady shit i pulled over 40 yrs & she never asked a single question until she got gravely ill with MS related Pneumonia & allmost died , when she got better & came home she asked if i had ever lied to her , thats when i told her i had to promise her father i'd never allow anybody to put their hands on her & thats partly why i did what i did to the guy who put his hands on her while robbing us .

When i told her everything i had done inside she apologized that she couldnt get me a new trial faster , that fucked me up hearing that , both of us agreed to never tell our sons the things ive done , they knew ive been to prison but only for weed ,the other stuff they've never been told & wont be .

Im not proud of any of the stuff ive done except for making money to provide more than just food & shelter for my family any way i could .
Good story. And you lived to tell us about it, Dang!
I'm actually paying for protection for my son right now. He's in for malicious wounding because, after 4 years, he found the dude that stabbed him in what was supposed to be an unarmed fight. He stabbed my son right through the heart and he was DOA at the hospital. It if wasn't for a keen doctor at MCV ER (Medical College of Virginia ER- my son lives in Virginia) that did a clam shell incision on my son's chest and pumped his heart til he got it back pumping (my son was only 17) my son wouldn't be here. My son was in ICU for 4 months and we nearly lost him 4 times. Because my son didn't die and he was a gang banger with the crips at the time, they gave the other dude his freedom as "self defense" I'm like HUH? My son didn't have a weapon, the other dude did. Anyway, my son nearly killed him (again) 4 years later and is doing 6 for the malicious wounding. He's lucky because my son shot him but he lived. My son is lucky he's not sitting on death row! My son doesn't want to be in gangs anymore and he wants to stay straight because his wife has my two beautiful grand children. He comes home (or Virginia) the end of this year). So I pay for him to pay people to leave him alone and he gets to spend the limit at commissary so he shares and they don't fxxk with him- He's all scarred up like frankenstein on his chest and back from all the surgeries so he couldn't take many fights anyway.
That's my prison story.
P.S. I forgot to add, the original fight? It was over a girl.

Isnt it allways over a girl ! My 2nd bit was over a girl because if he'd of never touched my wife i most likely just woulda knocked him out & not went overboard , it sounds like your boy learned his lesson , it also sounds like he knows how it feels to be fucked by the system with the other guy going free & him being charged because of his association & past , ive been dealing with that bias from leo over 40 yrs & it sucks .

Your doing the right thing by paying for protection for your son , even if his health was good enough to keep fighting fuck all that because thats what keeps people locked up , you keep helping him the way you are now & get him the hell out of their in one piece without having to do his max , or get new charges .

It isnt that expensive to keep a loved one safe & he's doing the right thing by paying instead of all the fighting , it isnt like when i was in where you could fight without getting felony charges nowdays the kids inside get charges for every fight their in , kids are being charged with everything so they can keep them there & continue to collect $30 grand a year for keeping them .

Your doing the right thing by helping him stay out of the gangs & gtfo asap ,when he comes home if he feels bad about using your money to keep him safe make damm sure he knows you think its money well spent & he did the adult thing , which is to get out & watch his kids grow up , tough guys are the ones who get out & come back to a loving family & be a dad , thats what makes ya tough not fighting .

Keep your spirits up & it'll all be over before you know it , he's comming home soon & you helped him get there safely .
Never been to prison but some county jails. Also some camp for adults. Smoked weed and helped some fool inject drugs in his arm. Watched the deputy clean his gun at lunch.

Watched hella movies, learned some more bad shit. Once I slept with my eye open because it was crowded so I had to sleep in the quad with everyone else.

Literally. Some dude tried eyeing me then I never closed my eyes that night.

After that I actually met some dudes that told me "You cool homie. You diffrent. You here but you aware. straighten your ass up. You to smart for this shit."

Made me think about myself. Never went back to any kind of county or camp.

The only reason I'll go now is if I fuck someone up for fucking with my family. But like they say "if you out being trouble then you'll find trouble"
wow Triple, glad you made it out in one piece and got your shit together.
I read about prision rape. Sick sick motherfuckas in there.
Is it true about the mice and cockroaches crawling over you?
and what about solitary lock up.
Were you able to make a weapon like a shank for protection and hide it somewhere. ?
Night in New Orleans jail during new years was actually a blast. Too many drunk fucks to separate the guys and girls, so titties a plenty. I had pulled my pecker out, and they frown upon that on bourbon street. Slap on the wrist and a small fine later. Cash payment got me no record of that incident. Partying again 6 hours later.
u were lucky, I've heard the jail in New Orleans is/was no joke. New Orleans is a fun place, freak city of the south for sure.
wow Triple, glad you made it out in one piece and got your shit together.
I read about prision rape. Sick sick motherfuckas in there.
Is it true about the mice and cockroaches crawling over you?
and what about solitary lock up.
Were you able to make a weapon like a shank for protection and hide it somewhere. ?
Didn't get to make a weapon. I showered once a week. No rape for me. There was a crab infestation that week. I had long ass hair at that time too. I sliced it all of after that. Never made it to solidarity.
I could share more, but it would only be to show off. Which I won't do. The truth is, prison is a depressing place, filled with anxious- angry- sad people. Every person has their own story to tell, but you will find so many similarities to our story's. Some people will see the similarities and shrug them off, as coincidence. Society is designed, unfortunately and some people don't realise untill too late, many more will die not understanding. The day I committed my offence I didn't understand. Now I understand but it is too late for my victim, he will never understand. I still carry my scars from life but I am no longer bitter or self pitying over them because ive found purpose in them. I use them to educate. I use them to push myself harder in the gym. I use them to be a better lover to my partner and a more involved father to my children.
I ended up moving back to the area it happened in, where my name still carries. I want peace in my life but only the other week I had to knock a lad out, which I wont embellish. I am risking prison doing what im doing now, but im limited for options for how to get my family out of this shit.
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