• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Damn that had to be heartbreaking...

Did your brother do more drugs than just weed?
Thanks for the support guys.

I pondered the same question hoping it was a easy answer.
But it just doesn't fit.
You see my brother was a meth addict about 16 years ago.
But after being imprisoned for a 7 year term for stabbing someone a dozen times. He's been clean.
Trust me he came out a different man then the boy who went in.
He's held down a few decent jobs and has now been a diesel mechanic for the last 5 years.But his marriage hit the rocks a couple years ago.
That's where he started blaming marijuana for his problems, not her.:roll:
So he gave up pot and they were back together for a few months,........... before she cheated again.:twisted:
He became noticeably depressed after this. That's when I moved my family in to help with bills and life.
He started smoking pot again after a few months here.
All seemed to have returned to normal with the guy.(Honestly)
Then she tried to come back again.
I told him it was a bad idea but he didn't listen to his little bro.
He slowly stopped smoking again and his attitude changed again.

Of course, they didn't work out and she was gone again.
That's when he came to the revelation that he shouldn't grow pot.
I told him there was no way I was stopping,
especially not after we were both legalized and the police said my plants were beautiful after a failed raid.:mrgreen:
(Police officer said the tip came from a phone call.[His wife, I'm sure]).

The incident with the neighbor happened a few months after that.
When the police arrived at said incident, they too were concerned he was on drugs.
I wish is was as simple as that.

He has since moved out to another family members home.
She found Jesus:peace: in a twelve step program, and now goes to church:evil: every Sunday.

Thanks for listening/reading I needed to bounce that off someone.

Make the best of your chaos.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
So if you believe Adam and Eve aren't real, and neither is the talking snake, why would you believe that God, whose only evidence is that same book, is real?
LOL, you are begging to argue religion. I won't do that in an attempt to prove/disprove the existence of God.
I did not say I did not believe Adam and Eve were not real......"or" specifically the talking snake.
No, I do not take the Bible as the LITERAL word of God, but I do accept the words of Christ to be so.
You mentioned the NT as being a re-write of the OT.....fair enough. I don't care to break that one down. I really HATE arguing and I particularly loathe discussing religion/God with most atheists.
Your goal is to show me how intellectually challenged I am because I do not perceive and rationalize as you do. Your god is science.....kudos to you.
You and I (or any other atheist for that matter) going back and forth with redundant rhetoric makes no more sense than discussing rational law with a muslim.
It's senseless, at least to me. For you, it is entertainment.
Questioning is good. If you don't ask questions, you don't learn. Science has its place of significance as well.
But when you make it rule to demand a "proof" to every single odd occurrence that takes place, you just won't end up with it to hold into your hand.....or pass a simple link online to represent your "logical findings."
If every little thing in life must be PROVEN to you, than I can only imagine with this persona that it is difficult to hang onto a significant other......or at least peacefully.
Let me ask you......if your wife/girlfriend comes home late tonight and tells you that she just had an encounter with aliens driving on the way home........what's your response?
Now, we're taking into consideration that she's not a total nutcase.
Personally, I've never been encountered by the third kind while driving, but does that mean that because I haven't .......obviously others could not have possibly of had it happen to them?
I don't believe "in" aliens.....but, I do believe in their possible existence. In fact, I think it more probable that they do. But, maybe not.
This is where atheists and I lose each other.
You are so taken in with the advancement of Science having answered all, if not most, of your 'rational' questioning.
I'm not.


Well-Known Member
The cannabinoid CBD is supposed to have anti-psychotic effects. I take a pretty hefty dose of anti-psychotics before bed every night and I can tell you my life was turned around completely after taking meds for about a year. Thats how long it took before I started feeling better. I may not be the same person I was before my schizoaffective but I certainly have a better quality life than what I imagined. And if it werent for my meds, I wouldnt be able to smoke. I didnt smoke for 5 years because of the horrible effects that would come with taking just one hit.


Well-Known Member
which also comes out of the bible.... how does that work?
Tip, it's as simple as this.
I view the OT as history documented at that time by the Jewish prophets. The NT is predicted in the OT btw)
Without getting all "Christiany"....:roll:
I believe that God sent down Christ, which was himself---with the "Knowledge" of God, yet in "the flesh."
I believe God did this to show us many things that are key to life.....and that He did so as to serve as an example.
Now, arghhhh...don't ask me to elaborate.
I'll end up with one of two scenarios....appearing the evangelical, or opening doors for atheists to mock.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Anyone see the last temptation of christ? Good movie. Willam Defoe plays christ, harvey kytell judas, david bowie pilate and peter gabriel did the soundtrack collaborating with several world music artists and really made an excellent alblum incedentally titled "Passion" which came out in 1989 some people think it has something to do with the mel gibson movie. Anyway, great film, and can be entertaining to all people no matter what your beliefs may be.


Well-Known Member
Gore? How so? Martin Scorcese directed this film.

Is that movie where Christ doesn't get crucified, goes on to marry Mary, and have kids, live a normal life and in the end Wakes Up? If So, I seen it, yeah I thought it was a pretty cool showing..


Well-Known Member
Your goal is to show me how intellectually challenged I am because I do not perceive and rationalize as you do.
No, I don't think you're intellectually challenged. I *do* think you're rationally challenged, but this is the product of childhood indoctrination.

Science is not a god. Science is a process of understanding the world around you, and a methodology for adapting to it.

Religion doesn't seek to understand the world. It makes up stories, teaches children to believe them, and asks the adults to support the clergy financially.

Science works towards curing disease.
Religion says disease is punishment for sin, or a test of faith, etc. etc.

How many people who questioned the religious viewpoint had to die before scientists were free to advance knowledge without threat of imminent death. (This threat still exists in some places but at least it's no longer the norm).

If you were to say "I'm an agnostic deist. I think there is probably a greater power out there, but I can't be sure what it is." there would be no argument with you. There may indeed be a creative force out there, and if there is I'm sure many scientists would like to know what it is and how it came to be.

Dogmatic faith is dangerous. If you subvert the rational mind for dogma, you make it susceptible to the machinations of those who use it as a tool of politics or a weapon of war.

When people stop questioning you get the Crusades, The Holocaust, and the Russian purge.

When the religious doctrine comes from books as vile as the Old and New Testaments, any rational thinking person is in the right to fear and despise such dogma. Because, like the abusive spouse, it has no concept of justice, no empathy, and tells you how much it loves you but, if you ever resist or consider walking away, it will destroy you.

So embrace your deistic inclinations, and marvel at the universe it created. But turn your back on God and his religion, for they are the poisonous get of man.


Well-Known Member
Anyone see the last temptation of christ? Good movie. Willam Defoe plays christ, harvey kytell judas, david bowie pilate and peter gabriel did the soundtrack collaborating with several world music artists and really made an excellent alblum incedentally titled "Passion" which came out in 1989 some people think it has something to do with the mel gibson movie. Anyway, great film, and can be entertaining to all people no matter what your beliefs may be.
Nice way to change the topic. ;-)
Never seen it.....maybe I'll go rent it today.


Well-Known Member
Anyone see the last temptation of christ? Good movie. Willam Defoe plays christ, harvey kytell judas, david bowie pilate and peter gabriel did the soundtrack collaborating with several world music artists and really made an excellent alblum incedentally titled "Passion" which came out in 1989 some people think it has something to do with the mel gibson movie. Anyway, great film, and can be entertaining to all people no matter what your beliefs may be.

Also, if the said scenario movie was actually one in the Same, I would like to suggest reading Anne Rice's "Memnoch the Devil" vampire chronicles

it gives an awesome alternative view of the relationship between God, Jesus, the Devil, man's evolution, Adam/Eve, etc. etc..

Of course, it's Fictional...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What about this alternative version..Wait!! It's not an Alternative :lol:



Well-Known Member
Seriously, I dont believe in any god whatso ever. But some of these people really make me think about that south park episode where richard dawkins screwed garrison. And in the future thieres 2 different athiest factions that fight over a completely stupid reason and they look just as foolish as the religious people. I would never go around saying Im an athiest. Just as I dont say Im buddhist. I dont take myself that seriously. Moer like a spiritual being having an earthly experience. I wish I had the restraint and dilligence it takes, maby when Im old and wize I'll take up meditation. Smoking pot gives me time for contemplation and reflection though, but really you should be practicing without it. I would like to read more about mixing pot with meditation. Like sadhus.