Sure Shot
Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support guys.Damn that had to be heartbreaking...
Did your brother do more drugs than just weed?
I pondered the same question hoping it was a easy answer.
But it just doesn't fit.
You see my brother was a meth addict about 16 years ago.
But after being imprisoned for a 7 year term for stabbing someone a dozen times. He's been clean.
Trust me he came out a different man then the boy who went in.
He's held down a few decent jobs and has now been a diesel mechanic for the last 5 years.But his marriage hit the rocks a couple years ago.
That's where he started blaming marijuana for his problems, not her.

So he gave up pot and they were back together for a few months,........... before she cheated again.

He became noticeably depressed after this. That's when I moved my family in to help with bills and life.
He started smoking pot again after a few months here.
All seemed to have returned to normal with the guy.(Honestly)
Then she tried to come back again.
I told him it was a bad idea but he didn't listen to his little bro.
He slowly stopped smoking again and his attitude changed again.
Of course, they didn't work out and she was gone again.
That's when he came to the revelation that he shouldn't grow pot.
I told him there was no way I was stopping,
especially not after we were both legalized and the police said my plants were beautiful after a failed raid.

(Police officer said the tip came from a phone call.[His wife, I'm sure]).
The incident with the neighbor happened a few months after that.
When the police arrived at said incident, they too were concerned he was on drugs.
I wish is was as simple as that.
He has since moved out to another family members home.
She found Jesus

Thanks for listening/reading I needed to bounce that off someone.
Make the best of your chaos.