• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support guys.

I pondered the same question hoping it was a easy answer.
But it just doesn't fit.
You see my brother was a meth addict about 16 years ago.
But after being imprisoned for a 7 year term for stabbing someone a dozen times. He's been clean.
Trust me he came out a different man then the boy who went in.
He's held down a few decent jobs and has now been a diesel mechanic for the last 5 years.But his marriage hit the rocks a couple years ago.
That's where he started blaming marijuana for his problems, not her.:roll:
So he gave up pot and they were back together for a few months,........... before she cheated again.:twisted:
He became noticeably depressed after this. That's when I moved my family in to help with bills and life.
He started smoking pot again after a few months here.
All seemed to have returned to normal with the guy.(Honestly)
Then she tried to come back again.
I told him it was a bad idea but he didn't listen to his little bro.
He slowly stopped smoking again and his attitude changed again.

Of course, they didn't work out and she was gone again.
That's when he came to the revelation that he shouldn't grow pot.
I told him there was no way I was stopping,
especially not after we were both legalized and the police said my plants were beautiful after a failed raid.:mrgreen:
(Police officer said the tip came from a phone call.[His wife, I'm sure]).

The incident with the neighbor happened a few months after that.
When the police arrived at said incident, they too were concerned he was on drugs.
I wish is was as simple as that.

He has since moved out to another family members home.
She found Jesus:peace: in a twelve step program, and now goes to church:evil: every Sunday.

Thanks for listening/reading I needed to bounce that off someone.

Make the best of your chaos.:eyesmoke:
So you confirm he was a meth addict and stabbed someone years ago but didn't say a thing about searching his shit. He just experienced a trauma that could make any addict fall off the bandwagon and his previous addiction was in fact to a drug that can cause crazyness...

You are so sure he didn't go back to meth because why? Because he denies it? Maybe he doesn't want little brother to know he went back to it.

A person can hide things from you while living right in front of you for years and you wouldn't know until they finally lost control...

Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
That's kinda the conclusion I begin to come too... All, the negativity he was going through may have caused a relapse.. Putting him right back in the situation he wasn't able to handle before...., Man, it's so hard for me sometimes to comment of these types of post, I feel for the person going through it, and even more for the person who are close to them, because I know they really care and Love that person.., but sometimes that's what makes it so hard for them to see, because emotional attachment causes blindness..:cry:

Your brothers and sisters on here are keeping you in mind and wishing the best for your family....


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
So you confirm he was a meth addict and stabbed someone years ago but didn't say a thing about searching his shit. He just experienced a trauma that could make any addict fall off the bandwagon and his previous addiction was in fact to a drug that can cause crazyness...

You are so sure he didn't go back to meth because why? Because he denies it? Maybe he doesn't want little brother to know he went back to it.

A person can hide things from you while living right in front of you for years and you wouldn't know until they finally lost control...

Good luck man.
Maybe your right Oregen, I try to look at everything from outside my perspective.
But maybe i can't in this case


Well-Known Member
I have come to the conclusion that I am a reincarnated lesbian living in a mans body.

I intend to make the best of it.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, I dont believe in any god whatso ever. But some of these people really make me think about that south park episode where richard dawkins screwed garrison. And in the future thieres 2 different athiest factions that fight over a completely stupid reason and they look just as foolish as the religious people. I would never go around saying Im an athiest. Just as I dont say Im buddhist. I dont take myself that seriously. Moer like a spiritual being having an earthly experience. I wish I had the restraint and dilligence it takes, maby when Im old and wize I'll take up meditation. Smoking pot gives me time for contemplation and reflection though, but really you should be practicing without it. I would like to read more about mixing pot with meditation. Like sadhus.
Yes, trying to quiet the ever chattering Mind is quite difficult to almost impossible, Smoking when meditating is like using a BullHorn :lol:

I prefer to think of it as Weight Training ;-)


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I wasn't trying to ignore you.
Truth be known, my insides literally churn every time I think upon this topic..all of it.
This only begins to scratch the surface.
Thousands of Muslims Gather in London to Demand a Caliphate : The British National Party

Apathetic-USA.com Intro Movie
I can tell you right now that there is no problem in London. A gathering of thousands in London is nothing, shit more than 2 million people visit football stadiums every weekend in London alone, whats a few thousand Muslims in comparison. You have chosen a very bad source for your evidence on this. The BNP (British National Party) is a racist party, founded by members from the outlawed NF (National Front), these guys say Hitler was a good guy and his rule would have done the world good.
You will find that the BNP's view's would be very very biased.
Muslim law will never take over in the UK, too many non-believers in all faiths and we don't have fuck all control over laws here anymore, its the poxy European Union that dictates nowadays and I don't know the numbers but to hazard a guess I would say that the Muslim influence in Brussels is next to none.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you right now that there is no problem in London. A gathering of thousands in London is nothing, shit more than 2 million people visit football stadiums every weekend in London alone, whats a few thousand Muslims in comparison. You have chosen a very bad source for your evidence on this. The BNP (British National Party) is a racist party, founded by members from the outlawed NF (National Front), these guys say Hitler was a good guy and his rule would have done the world good.
You will find that the BNP's view's would be very very biased.
Muslim law will never take over in the UK, too many non-believers in all faiths and we don't have fuck all control over laws here anymore, its the poxy European Union that dictates nowadays and I don't know the numbers but to hazard a guess I would say that the Muslim influence in Brussels is next to none.
Very lame...sorry.
You do know how to google? "So sorry" that sight isn't your preference.....but honestly, don't be lazy.
What kind of comparison is a football game gathering to jihad?
You obviously read none of the statistics....NONE.

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”.... Albert Einstein

..in this case, "see nothing"
Ignorance truly is bliss.


Well-Known Member
This was in the news over a year ago and was soon brushed aside as we know it would not happen, the church has no political power to change law in England. It could not happen as it would contravene European law, the power in England has left the people of the country more and more through the years and once the Lisbon treaty gets 'finalised' then Brussels will control most decisions. My reference to football gatherings was because the Racist political site you decided to use as your original source wanted to make a deal of there being thousands at a gathering, my point that a gathering of thousands in London is not a big gathering. Also any 'Facts and figures' from the BNP are always warped to fit in with their racist ideals.
Any people should be allowed to gather in such a way as long as they are not inciting hatred. If they were inciting hatred, they would be arrested, plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Religion predates the modern governments. While Constantine did use the religion to subjugate the masses, there hasn't really been a consistent connection of government.
If Germany and Japan & Italy had come out on top after WW2, and did indeed bring about a new world order, for sure the Vatican would be trying to survive in that climate and do whatever it takes. There is proof enough already of the church willingness to cut deals with Hitler.

I'd say it's the other way around. Religion has been using govts.
YouTube - Hitler and the Mufti Of Jerusalem/Nazi-Muslim Connection


Well-Known Member
Any people should be allowed to gather in such a way as long as they are not inciting hatred. If they were inciting hatred, they would be arrested, plain and simple.
Really now? :-?
Keep reading.


Well-Known Member
If the sun disappeared Earth would instantly continue outward on its current vector. (A most entertaining episode of The Universe). The sudden change in gravitational tidal forces would make it a very, very unpleasant place for us to be (understatement).
Neat I found something new to correct something else I'd learned recently that I mentioned in the quoted post.

I'm watching a documentary that dismisses the scenario presented in the episode of The Universe, where they claimed that gravity would disappear instantly if the sun vanishised.

The documentary series The Elegant Universe (episode 1), on Nova refers to that particular scenario as being based on Newtonian physics and that Einstein's Relativity must enforce the light speed limitation on it as well. So the change in gravity if the sun were to vanish (not collapse) would travel outward in a wave across spacetime.

Always cool to learn new things.

I found those episodes as torrents a while back so they're probably still kicking around out there.


Well-Known Member
Any people should be allowed to gather in such a way as long as they are not inciting hatred. If they were inciting hatred, they would be arrested, plain and simple.
Really now? :-?
Keep reading.
Keep reading. Keep reading what ? The racist propaganda that you sourced from. I will not listen to what comes from the BNP or other racist organisations. Find a reputable source that fairly reported on the congregation you have a problem with and I will take it seriously.


Well-Known Member
Keep reading. Keep reading what ? The racist propaganda that you sourced from. I will not listen to what comes from the BNP or other racist organisations. Find a reputable source that fairly reported on the congregation you have a problem with and I will take it seriously.
"Duh".......that's all folks.


Well-Known Member
Quick observation I just now made....that's how you spell in UK.......organisations VS. organizations...HMMM.....very interesting......


Well-Known Member
Quick observation I just now made....that's how you spell in UK.......organisations VS. organizations...HMMM.....very interesting......
Yes thats right. No spelling mistakes. I keep getting people have digs at me for spelling but I am using the queens English. English from England, what a novel idea.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
What can I say?It depends on who's telling the story whether or not Muhammed was such a terrible guy.From what I've read, he's no worse than any other military or religious leader throughout history.
However,Christianity is in no way better than Islam,because it has condoned slavery,rape, misogyny and genocide in the name of God as well.In the beginning,only the clergy was allowed to read the bible and interpret it to the congregation,they kept it in Latin.Sometime around the 1500's,I believe, it was translated for the common man.And BOY was the clergy pissed.
The church used to threaten with fire and brimstone...when that stopped being so effective,they tried the loving fuzzy Jesus.
Fact is, you burn in hell in Christianity, too.If you sin,if you are not baptized, if you leave the faith. Neither religion is better than the other.Christianity just happens to be what we have to deal with on a daily basis around here. And if the church could get away with burning people still, believe me, they would.:peace:
"You guys?" LOL........as if you know for a fact that not even a one of your ancestors was possibly a Christian. :shock:
Leave the dark ages where they are....in the PAST.
Rational thinkers, eh? OF COURSE islam is DANGEROUS.....and of course there are "peaceful" muslims. Understand that those muslims who are peaceful are also clueless to their own religion. (allah states in the quran they are hypocrites--not 'true' muslims) They rely HEAVILY on the imams to translate the quran to them. Muslims will tell you that in order to "get" the quran, you simply MUST know arabic.........BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not going to take this in depth........there is NO comparing ANY religion to islam...........IMPOSSIBLE.
Despite what you believe about Christianity, Jesus Christ is HISTORY.......I don't care if you believe "in" Jesus or what you or others believe "about" the possible fallacies recorded. The fact is Jesus was GOOD. Mo ham mad was an evil despicable SOB. The teachings of that pig lead to the fastest growing religion on earth.
Islam prophecy is to RID of ALL others who do not/will not believe as they do. Over and OVER AND OVER, the quran teaches that the goal is to kill off society as we know it. In case you hadn't noticed, they are pretty damned determined to accomplish this too.
Look at Ahmadinejad. This joker should have been removed long ago. Yet, here he still sits to this day, proclaiming he will wipe Israel off the map. Let's not even mention what his wishes are for America. This IS MAINSTREAM MENTALITY IN ISLAM. "allah" demands they prove themselves not to be munafiq.......hypocrites to the religion. He ordains that they LIE for their cause. Jesus and mo ham mad are two total EXTREME OPPOSITES.
You know what? Americans don't know shit about what their 'cause' even is......they're too busy crying about Christians, LOL.........no, but seriously, it surpasses sad.......surpasses pathetic.
Islam, all by itself, IS EXTREME.....islam brings new meaning to EXTREME.
Dangerous to the point of being examined to the core by every single non believer........oh yes, and we are ALL doing that, right?
In order to even delve into the meaning of Islam, you had better have a much better knowledge of every other faith/religion. There's no way to embark upon learning about it any other way.
Christians today are not going to give you an option to either be their slave and subservient to them........while paying the jizya----or DIE.
Muslims will do this. Muslims ARE doing this. Muslims HAVE BEEN doing this for a LONG, LONG time. It's amazing that so many years AFTER 911 that the majority are still suckers about the facts.
Please don't ever attempt to compare Christians.....there just is no comparison. Sorry.
LOL @Christianity being a spy. You have the choice to ignore Christianity. You will not have a choice to ignore islam in the near future.....but by then, it will be too late.