This is a little personal but, I shit you not.
Several weeks ago my brother had what I'll call, an episode.
He attacked my neighbor and nearly stabbed him with a shower towel rod that broke off during their scuffle.
Had I not shown up in time it would have ended badly.
After I took the rod from him, I asked why he was attacking our neighbor + friend.
He said that God told him to confront him!
I was so shocked that my own brother had said that.
I looked straight at him to see if he was lying, and I'm pretty good at that.
He did not look like the same person I know and love.
His face was pale and his eyes had a peculiar unfocused look to them.
But, I could tell that he absolutely believed what he was saying!
I just wish he knew that the voices in his head are of his own manifestation.
You know I find it kinda ironic that the only place I have to talk to intellectuals is on a cannabis forum.
All of this happened shortly after my brother stopped smoking weed.

And I remember him once trying to spark a conversation about the link between Schizophrenia and cannabis use.

He didn't tell me he was hearing voices himself.

But looking back I'm positive he was hearing voices for at least a few weeks before the incident mention above.
That's why he all the sudden stopped smoking, and was researching a possible cause.
I just wish he didn't come to the conclusion that it was a fucking deity.