Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
I'll go even more slowly this time......
it has been ADOPTED by the muslims.
OK, think now..........go take a tylenol first.:roll:
Only by those that choose it. The parties involved have to agree to use a sharia court. It is not imposed upon anyone. Even then the law of the land supersedes it, if a Muslim murders a Muslim, it is not dealt with by a sharia court, it is dealt with by the British courts of law.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
It all started with a desire seed. Once watered, turned into a desire tree.

In this case, the desire was to know what it is like to either a) be god or b) have no god at all.

This is only possible in a Supra Verse made from Maya. So here we are.

All other information is Scientific Dribble.

Remember what science is without religion, and what religion is without science.


Well-Known Member
You lowered your blood pressure yet.

Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve said: 'Mediation verdicts which are incompatible with our own legal principles should never be enforceable. One of the key aspects of our free society is equality. This should be understood and respected by all.'
The Ministry of Justice said: 'English law takes precedence over any other legal system. The Government has no intention of changing this position. Alongside this, it is possible to resolve civil law dispute by other systems.'


New Member
You NEVER know it VERY personally CJ, UNTIL you HEAVILY embark upon conversation actually regarding Islam on a PERSONAL level with them.....don't take my word, find out for yourself. And I do mean IN DEPTH.

And for the rest of you atheists who choose to continue to challenge the Bible........don't waste your time with the OT with me..........I DON'T SEE IT AS THE WORD OF GOD.........HELLO, WAKE UP.
Seek an argument elsewhere.:peace:
Well, let's see... Ive read the qaran as well as the bible. Both are bloodthirsty, but that is not surprising since both religions were invented in hard scrabble areas of the world.

I've been to Morocco on more than one occasion and with a native friend as a personal guide. I have been allowed into the mosques even though they knew I was not Moslem. I've been during Ramadan twice. I think I've seen quite a bit of the inside world of Islam in Morocco.

In Morocco, one does not have to worship if one doesn't wish to. They consider it to be between you and Allah.

I've got no problems with that. Not all Moslems are the same.


Well-Known Member
:peace:CJ, you met a peaceful attended a mosque And?? Are you truly telling me that you EXTENSIVELY studied this religion?
If so.....educate, please....starting with HADITHS.
And stay on beliefs are of the NT, not the OT.:peace:
The comparison was Christ vs. mo.
Don't make it your goal to mock Christ.....just tell me what you KNOW the message/history of Mohammad to be.


Well-Known Member
I could break every bit of this down to you common, simple language. And it would appeal to you as WOULD make sense once discussed.
Question is, would you bother to read it? :peace:
I thought the Same, it would've been pointless though, and yes they would've agreed with all of that scripture...Even if not admitting to it...

Actually, Paddy already quoted that scripture in simple modern times in a thread/post a while ago....and he probably has a understanding of that scripture as well, since he didn't reconfirm it in the context of it being evil / hatred...

and he was Right in A Sense, as I told him others should abide by it as Well...


Well-Known Member
I thought the Same, it would've been pointless though, and yes they would've agreed with all of that scripture...Even if not admitting to it...

Actually, Paddy already quoted that scripture in simple modern times in a thread/post a while ago....and he probably has a understanding of that scripture as well, since he didn't reconfirm it in the context of it being evil / hatred...

and he was Right in A Sense, as I told him others should abide by it as Well...
You know Braz, I believe it too.
Did I mention RIU is becoming less fun by the day?
It's one thing to discuss, but irrational and insane disputes don't suit me. I simply won't take my time out for them. Life is way, WAY too short.
:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:Actually, Paddy already quoted that scripture in simple modern times in a thread/post a while ago....and he probably has a understanding of that scripture as well, since he didn't reconfirm it in the context of it being evil / hatred...


New Member
:peace:CJ, you met a peaceful attended a mosque And?? Are you truly telling me that you EXTENSIVELY studied this religion?
If so.....educate, please....starting with HADITHS.
And stay on beliefs are of the NT, not the OT.:peace:
The comparison was Christ vs. mo.
Don't make it your goal to mock Christ.....just tell me what you KNOW the message/history of Mohammad to be.
No, I'm saying (for the second time now) that not all moslem societies are the same... :roll: Some are quite liberal.
Again, it wouldn't bother me if that style of Moslem observance became dominant here in the states.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm saying (for the second time now) that not all moslem societies are the same... :roll: Some are quite liberal.
Again, it wouldn't bother me if that style of Moslem observance became dominant here in the states.
No need to repeat yourself with me CJ.....I hear and see things first time around (unless people are posting to me every 15 seconds :roll:)
I've said the same thing several times over.......but the message I've been trying to send keeps losing some.
...oh well.


Well-Known Member
I'm really going this'd still be sorry if even that kind of observance became dominant. It serves as nothing less than an opportunity for extreme muslims to build upon.
Don't say it's impossible...far cry from it.


Well-Known Member
Well, the way the USA works is, if enough moslems come to the usa or enough usa citizens convert to moslem to make it the dominant religion in USA society.... SO BE IT!!!

The US constitution was not set up to make Christianity dominant.
Only posting because I've been attacked at every end for the past hour....and yeap CJ........I DID overlook this one.
CJ, be prepared to clothe your babies in burka then. Also be warned of sharia law being instilled. No, the goal is not they alone practice it. You will be the dhimi. Dhimitude is nothing to accept gracefully. I'm so sorry, TRULY SORRY for this country for the shock they will soon be embarking upon.
No, it won't happen all at once.
Such a VERY SAD DAY IN THIS COUNTRY when you would truly PREFER muslim rule over our current law.


Well-Known Member
Where's ur tolerance...?
hehehe CJ.......I hope NUMEROUS take the time to read how many times I alone repeated that 1/4 of the world were already islamic.........and actually take the time to read the links.
My tolerance is on empty now. Those who take the time to go back and read (and are intelligent) will get that........believer or not.:peace:
Enjoy islamic law!!!


Well-Known Member
oh hell........I never even expected tolerance for my "faith"........just expected you and others to actually read.........GOD FORBID!!!


Well-Known Member
What about this alternative version..Wait!! It's not an Alternative :lol:

looooooooooooool, I'm CRYING here, It takes A LOT to make me laugh!!!!!!! That was HYSTERICAL........thanks for the happy ending......:peace: