Look, I've tried to be nice PandaRAT, but enough with your BS......stifle it......or show your proof of Christ speaking such CRAP......Enough with the stupidity.
YOU CANNOT COMPARE THE TWO.........DEAL WITH THE "facts" ....oh brilliant atheist, LOL. The only threads I've ever seen you post on you are acting like a madman...CHILL OUT!!!
I'm not trying to take you to Christ, just to open your damn blind eyes......but you have eyes CLOSED.
You are so determined to hate Christians, hate Christ......hate the GOODNESS of His teachings.......so be it. You are just plain HATEFUL......period.
This ALL started because YOU said that Christians were SCARIER than muslims.
It's dhimmis like you that will bring this country down.
"Christianity is terrible, they bomb abortion clinics and murder drs., they're ordered from their God to spread the good word of Christ and dehumanize anyone who doesn't buy into it, it poisons minds and frankly, makes people stupid"
Yeah "p"......QOUTE THOSE VICIOUS WORDS OF CHRIST WHEREAS HE TELLS HIS FOLLOWERS TO KILL IN HIS NAME.........good luck. For the record, no such thing.....it's all about PROBABILITY.......but you wouldn't know about that.![]()
...Well I guess it's not totally unheard of, a "Christian" who doesn't follow half his own doctrine... Though it is almost the same excuse every time... "only the NT matters". But if that were really true, you'd discard it (and have the church officially discard it too). What's the difference? Both were written by the same kinds of men, both claim to be the word of God himself, so why can you throw out the OT so casually, what gives you that authority?
Moving on... Even though I now consider you a troll, as is evident by your recent display of post after post of nonsense with no substance, just racking up a post count, I'm still compelled to reply to this because it's just so stupid, and maybe someone else reading will actually take some of it into consideration, because you clearly won't. Consider your ass ignored, because you're not even worth the time, I'm simply using you now as a jumping off point to address typical fundie fabrications about stuff they know nothing about, so carry on, you're great at that!
I've never "acted like a madman" on any thread I've posted on, like I said before, I couldn't give a damn less what subjective Christian meaning you hold or what unreachable golden standard I'm supposed to live up to in your mind. Believe I'm a madman if you want, I just speak logic and reason, if that threatens your agenda, then change your agenda.
I've had my eyes open my entire life. You know absolutely nothing about me, you can't accurately make such a statement.
I hate no Christians. I don't hate Christ either. If such a man existed, I might even admire the guy. GASP!!! Did that surprise you? That an atheist would agree that Jesus Christ says some things his own moral code would actually agree with in the Bible?! See, it's reasons like that that I know what kind of a "Christian" you claim yourself to be Babs, I've dealt with plenty of people just like yourself in the past... Start talking about equal rights for homosexuals or abortions and they come out of the woodworks!! Would you ever even THINK of admitting that Muhammad had ANYTHING at all good to say?... See the difference? I oppose your bullshit because, well... It's bullshit. It's so clear to me that it is a false doctrine and that there are billions of people living their life based on a lie. You oppose it because your doctrine and dogmatic faith COMMAND you to oppose it, regardless if your natural human instincts, human ingenuity or technology contradict what ancient mans basic mind was able to conceive of. Would you go to a michanic whose only knowledge about motors was from the very first model-T manual?! That's what your doing with reality by reading and following the Bible, or Quran, or any religious text.
I said religion is scary, both Christianity and Islam, mainly because there are so many goddamn insane followers of both religons, not so much because of the religions themselves. Christianity is more prevalent in my own life, which is why I talk about it and study it more than Islam. Also, like I explained to you before, Islam is not nearly as much of a threat to the thinking individual as Christianity is. Any smart person looks at Islam with disgust. It's tougher for smart people to realize the dangers within Christianity until it's too late and their mind is already poisoned with thoughts, and in the case of a lot of people, especially children, actual beliefs of eternal torment and torture after death if they don't believe. That one little bit is enough to keep people shackled to the shit their entire life, similar to how abusive husbands tell their wives how much they love them, but if they ever leave they'll kill em!
It's fundamentalists like you who are the worse part of our existence. Those of us who wish to live our lives day by day with no interference by shit that doesnt' exist or retards claiming it does have a pretty difficult time going about doing that while you spit your nonsense everywhere you can. Part of me wants to say "live and let live, believe whatever the hell you want to believe" but another part of me wants to say "enough is enough, you've kept mankind down long enough, it's time to get rid of this shit once and for all!". We've tried the first way for as long as have been atheists... it doesn't seem to work. You guys keep pushing and pushing and taking more and more. That's why you've seen such a dramatic increase in such outspoken atheists lately, lately being the past 5 or 6 years. More people are beginning to feel like that second option. We've had enough of your bullshit, we're simply not laying down and taking it any longer.
The demise of religion is INEVITABLE if mankind reaches the future. If not, religion will undoubtably be the demise of man.