• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
Yikes, did you just repeat yourself again. Why yes you did.
well since you seem to be doing such a good job of posting your fascist views over and over and over again i figured i might as well hop on the bandwagon and point out every time you make a fascist remark.
keep it coming, this is actually quite entertaining for me, i love using logic and fact to disprove your obviously biased points. :lol: <~~thats me, still laughing at you


Well-Known Member
"the church" ??? "mainstream".....sorry, you lost me. Every last thought I have regarding religion stems only from the teachings of Christ....what I willingly read. I didn't have to memorize and recite it either for what that's worth.
I also don't have to every time mentioning the name Jesus follow it with peace be upon him. His name IS PEACE. Even mo knew at times he was possesed. Now he has a billion plus muslims praying for him, LOL.....THAT part is comical to me. Mohammad was one egotistical sob.....even from his grave.
You've never seen nor heard christ and he didn't teach you anything at all about anything let alone being a cristian. How do I know this? Because he never even knew anything about being a cristian period all he knew and all he ever practiced was Judaism.

Men made up cristianity after his death when Jesus supposedly didn't ever condone starting a new religion in the first place. Had he wanted a new religion, I think we'd have heard about him starting it and practicing it and giving up being a Jew and that also didn't happen.

Another thing that didn't happen, is nobody wrote down one single word of his verbatim ever. He didn't create a single tradition in the catholic church, it's all bullshit. Eat his flesh and drink his blood you think that was his idea it's not it's from previous pagan religions.

Men made up all the words and all the stories in your bible. (men that were writing those words for previous religions before christ even existed, your bibles words aren't even original they are mostly stolen and have not even a hint of any actual christ in them.) The words that aren't directly stolen, like say anything having to do with jesus, are by your own accounts descriptions that were handed down word of mouth from some dude with no education to another to another then supposedly written down when it finally got to someone with an education. How many stories more than two words long could you accurately pass through two or three generations of uneducated ignorant people and a third educated one and spanning over a hundred years before they were written down and then get on paper correctly?

So let me ask then by what method have you learned anything from Jesus? And how do you figure you can laugh at muhammed/Islam when your own story has more holes in it than that one?


Well-Known Member
oregonmeds... and this is the same guy that confesses to be a devout christian. :lol: <~~~ still laughing at him


You don't intimidate me..
even if you are half as ugly as your avatar with that lovely personality of yours.
Re-think loosely calling others retards. There may very well be parents on RIU who have retarded children....obviously they can't help it.
You insult the word with its use.

Every last "revelation" Mohammad had was taken from the Jews. He just switched everyting up to his liking....historical fact.
You can't proclaim yourself peaceful by saying "there is no compulsion in religion"...while endlessly declaring jihad and teaching your followers to fight/subject/kill those who refuse to believe. Kind of hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

And obviously, you must be retarded if you can't understand the difference in context I've been using the word in. Not to mention I am honestly (whether you believe it or not) concerned with your mental state. You ring a lot of warning bells Babs, just so you know.

To your claim that everything in Islam was coppied "from the Jews", which according to you is "historical fact"... (source?). Are you trying to tell me that Christianity is completely original? Is that what you're saying? Also, if it was coppied "from the Jews", then shouldn't you be bitching just as much about Judaism??? Telling all of us how insanely wrong and crazy Jews are? How dangerous they are? How they wish to take over the WORLD?!

If you can look at the teachings of Christianity and not see the hypocricy involved, then what on earth makes you think I would think you even understand what that word means?
You wanna know what is the BIGGEST most epic piece of hypocricy I've EVER come across?... Ready?... Wait for it.... ..... .........

"Thou shalt not kill" - BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Good one God!


Well-Known Member
You started by saying how bad things ARE in London. Your first source from the BNP spoke of one congregations wishes, not what is. You don't like me disregarding their information, well would you believe the KKK views on race matters, as the BNP are our equivalent. You second source was (NY Times) was not about the same event rather it was about the views of an individual Christian leader, not a fact of what is actually happening. If you had read my posts you would have gathered this, if you did read and didn't understand me you could have said so and I would have tried to explain a different way. So your sources were not evidence of sharia law in the UK or of how bad things are supposed to be.

I started out just trying to inform you that things are not bad in London like you believe, but it seems you have taken this as a personal attack rather than a debate. Instead of debating with me you resorted to juvenile tactics and ended up just being patronizing.

I know you repeated yourself a lot, I understand that its frustrating, but why keep repeating things that have been shown to you as flawed. If you think its not flawed, point out where I was wrong, educate me, don't treat me in the condescending way you did.

I hope you can distinguish between who you are arguing with as I never once bought your religion into it or bought up Christianity in any way shape or form. I just tried to correct you on your views of how bad things are in London.

If you took the time to read what I wrote, you may have got some insight into where I was coming from and you may have noticed I was trying to explain to you how your "Sources" did not back up your claim of how bad things are in London. Instead you decided to ignore and carry on with your blinkered views.

I welcome you to debate with me further, but when or if there is miscomprehension, explain better, don't just stamp your feat and repeat repeat repeat. If you think someone is wrong or doesn't understand what your saying, people do get the wrong end of the stick sometimes, repeating the same stuff over and over will not help. Try putting things a different way, explain yourself better.

I look forward to your response so we can have a reasonable debate, as I believe we could. If not then all the best to you.
Krust, bear in mind I'm not likely in the same region of the world as you. That was LATE LATE night for me. I would have to go back to even see what I posted.
Regardless, muslims are calling for a caliphate.....they are desperately attempting to instill sharia around the globe. They are succeeding too. They will not stop until islam rules the world. To try to bring the numerous examples would be SO tiring and time consuming. I've actually stopped reading the news, watching it AND studying islam. I've learned more than enough to know what I need to. I've no intention of becoming a scholar.
I swear I still don't have time to go back and rehash this thread.
But I do think it's you that I probably WAS rude to...if so, I apologize.
Where my intention was only to respond to how ridiculous it is to fear Christian doctrine, it turned into a headache and a waste of my time.

If sharia law "exists" in Britain, even if just for muslims use, it has been incorporated into that society, like it or not..as a cancer getting ready to take off in full force.

I realize you see everything I'm saying here as "dramatic"....I've no wish to debate. As I said, I EXHAUSTED myself with muslims who DID know the quran/religion.....and some who did not. You have no idea how strong their resolve is and what they are willing to do to obtain it...some simply on a more quieted level.
No one here has truly read it as is evident.
I WON'T debate Islam...if you can read, it's all there. The problem is no one wants to take the time to figure out what they are defending.
That frustrates me....
You don't know what you are saying when you say you will tolerate it........NO IDEA how you are inadvertently helping them with their cause.
I have no "desperate" need to prove it as "iamstoned" accused me of. Society has a desperate need to SEE it, for THEMSELVES.
So, in short, I'm not going to debate what people have not even actually studied. Life is too short to waste more time in my life with that.
Looking back at the thread, you are fair in saying I came across as being condescending.....and for that, I will apologize. I believe it got to the point where I couldn't even keep up with the name of who was posting.
It was completely ridiculous for others to keep the focus where it didn't belong. I may have at times been posting to the wrong post for all I know. As I said, I should have been in bed...not acknowledging particular others posts.
There was a time where I would have had no problem with discussing whatever you wished regarding Islam. I've said it on another thread. I'm ashamed of how much time I put into studying it.....I don't wish to even admit to it.....
Without going into detail, studying and following it took a toll on me. "Iamstoned" wishes to make a mockery out of losing sleep at night. The truth is that is the very reason NOT to study it....it's very convenient to stay in la la land and pretend islam is not imminently endangering their freedom.
I wiped my computer completely of that evil shit......ALONG with all of my notes. It would make it so much harder to debate without them.
Every person posting to me has proven they have been sold a version of islam that just isn't real.......and every last one of you is capable of reading it for yourself. Buy the quran, hadiths.....or choose to ignore it. If the time is actually taken to do so, I definitely will not be accused of being an alarmist. Obviously your choice. Mere words just don't describe it and I just won't take the time to debate it, because honest to God....it would be reliving evil having to even acknowledge it.
A part of me was so frustrated I had rid of those notes......but I keep remembering why I did. I knew if I had them, I would use them TO debate.
Some things you just don't debate. Islam's one of them. You just learn about it...that is if you truly have the stomach and patience to.
I realize I probably just rambled right now and could have said more with less....the truth is I am going on little sleep. The truth is "iamastoned" is right. I lost sleep.....not because I was some shivering little paranoid girl as he would pose it......but because I consumed SO much of my life for a period of time learning ABOUT it. Coming face to face with what it is will change you. For that reason, I'm certain many will not take the time to find out for themselves.
Even addressing the topic briefly, it sickens me and I become literally nauseous. It sucks the life out of me acknowledging the truth of islam.
So read it.....if you dare. Study what it is that you or others are defending and inviting not only to your life, but your children and all their future generations.
I'm accused of being an alarmist.....obviously I am frustrated. A huge part of me wishes to go back and take the time so as to have the notes at hand.....but I just can't.
It will make any remotely sane individual lose some sleep. Make no mistake about that "iamstoned."
Again, I apologize for having been condescending. I just wished to explain where my frustration stemmed from.
That's just entirely TOO much to address on a forum and when I don't have the necessary notes at hand, makes it exceedingly difficult to do.
I fear that by the time I have posted this, several more responses will be in order. I'm sorry......no time.
In the mean time Krustofskie, I wish all my best to you as well. :peace:


Well-Known Member
And obviously, you must be retarded if you can't understand the difference in context I've been using the word in. Not to mention I am honestly (whether you believe it or not) concerned with your mental state. You ring a lot of warning bells Babs, just so you know.

To your claim that everything in Islam was coppied "from the Jews", which according to you is "historical fact"... (source?). Are you trying to tell me that Christianity is completely original? Is that what you're saying? Also, if it was coppied "from the Jews", then shouldn't you be bitching just as much about Judaism??? Telling all of us how insanely wrong and crazy Jews are? How dangerous they are? How they wish to take over the WORLD?!

If you can look at the teachings of Christianity and not see the hypocricy involved, then what on earth makes you think I would think you even understand what that word means?
You wanna know what is the BIGGEST most epic piece of hypocricy I've EVER come across?... Ready?... Wait for it.... ..... .........

"Thou shalt not kill" - BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Good one God!
And low and behold as soon as I post...what do I see?
Pandaboy, look.....you are a LIAR too. You said you were going to put me on ignore.
Thou shalt not kill.....exactly....as if you have a point either.
Quit projecting ...you are slow, repetitive and ignorant.
Hey genius.....you still can't back up anything you claim.
The OT is nothing but a recount of history according to prophets. They royally screwed it up. How slow can one be? I DON'T TAKE THE OT AS THE LITERAL WORD OF GOD.
Muslims DO take the quran as the LITERAL word of God.
You are such an angry person. Take your negative energy and expend it elsewhere.:roll:


Well-Known Member
babs-- if you had come off like that in the first place you would have avoided most of the drama that followed after your first post.....................

its easy to understand the emotional response that follows when someone attacks your point of view if thats how you feel, but it doesnt justify the insults and condenscending attacks you made when people rebuked your claims.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7 KJV)


Well-Known Member
well, almost, LOL......Good God, you are always there LURKING and posting non-stop when I am here IMMEDIATELY responding. If it's not you, it's your buddy "iamstoned."
That's eerie......and you both call me a troll, LOL.
You're one to speak of hypocrisy dear.


Well-Known Member
babs-- if you had come off like that in the first place you would have avoided most of the drama that followed after your first post.....................

its easy to understand the emotional response that follows when someone attacks your point of view if thats how you feel, but it doesnt justify the insults and condenscending attacks you made when people rebuked your claims.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7 KJV) ,___I believe this one.. take the hint.


Well-Known Member
Oregon.... good post.... and that's been said about ten times now off and on..... :lol:

It's like logic quicksand...
Well they say it takes most people hearing something 7 times to learn it. For crisitians that number might be a lot higher. :) Not that I'm saying cristians are stupid (I keep that to myself usually) I Just think they have a supernatural ability to only hear and consider whatever suits them.


Well-Known Member
I think Christ would be cooler if his sacrafice was instead of suffering through a mortal body, which can be trancended, he should have been the only being who was to suffer an unimaginable torment for time and eternity, hell, so that no other being could ever be in such a state. But its still completely impossible.


New Member
Hey, adult Christians.... I was one.... meaning I wasn't raised to be an atheist.... it's not an issue in the family today....

Adult Christians as with most religions, have been indoctrinated practically from birth. I would bet a hefty percentage have many doubts, but for the sake of family and/or parents/elders find it easier to simply play along.


Active Member
I think Christ would be cooler if his sacrafice was instead of suffering through a mortal body, which can be trancended, he should have been the only being who was to suffer an unimaginable torment for time and eternity, hell, so that no other being could ever be in such a state. But its still completely impossible.
Christianity couldn't have that because then how would they indoctrinate you?


Well-Known Member
You've never seen nor heard christ and he didn't teach you anything at all about anything let alone being a cristian. How do I know this? Because he never even knew anything about being a cristian period all he knew and all he ever practiced was Judaism.

Men made up cristianity after his death when Jesus supposedly didn't ever condone starting a new religion in the first place. Had he wanted a new religion, I think we'd have heard about him starting it and practicing it and giving up being a Jew and that also didn't happen.

Another thing that didn't happen, is nobody wrote down one single word of his verbatim ever. He didn't create a single tradition in the catholic church, it's all bullshit. Eat his flesh and drink his blood you think that was his idea it's not it's from previous pagan religions.

Men made up all the words and all the stories in your bible. (men that were writing those words for previous religions before christ even existed, your bibles words aren't even original they are mostly stolen and have not even a hint of any actual christ in them.) The words that aren't directly stolen, like say anything having to do with jesus, are by your own accounts descriptions that were handed down word of mouth from some dude with no education to another to another then supposedly written down when it finally got to someone with an education. How many stories more than two words long could you accurately pass through two or three generations of uneducated ignorant people and a third educated one and spanning over a hundred years before they were written down and then get on paper correctly?

So let me ask then by what method have you learned anything from Jesus? And how do you figure you can laugh at muhammed/Islam when your own story has more holes in it than that one?
Of course Christ was not a Christian. :roll: I can't take this seriously from here...sorry. Christ is Christ. Christians are followers.
What does it take for any of you to realize that Christ will not be debated by me. Quit wasting your breath.
If I want to chime in at some point, I'll let you know. :rolleyes:
LOL, really,,please stop.
Why does it matter to you if it's real or not? And who are you to say I've NOT had encounters with Christ?
Why would this even POSSIBLY "concern" you. At least if it's a fairy tale, it's a nice fairy tale......and it doesn't affect you in any negative way.
Geez...people don't read.:roll:


Well-Known Member
well since you seem to be doing such a good job of posting your fascist views over and over and over again i figured i might as well hop on the bandwagon and point out every time you make a fascist remark.
keep it coming, this is actually quite entertaining for me, i love using logic and fact to disprove your obviously biased points. :lol: <~~thats me, still laughing at you
And I'm done with you. You just keep proving how asinine you truly are.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Of course Christ was not a Christian. :roll: I can't take this seriously from here...sorry. Christ is Christ. Christians are followers.
What does it take for any of you to realize that Christ will not be debated by me. Quit wasting your breath.
If I want to chime in at some point, I'll let you know. :rolleyes:
LOL, really,,please stop.
Why does it matter to you if it's real or not? And who are you to say I've NOT had encounters with Christ?
Why would this even POSSIBLY "concern" you. At least if it's a fairy tale, it's a nice fairy tale......and it doesn't affect you in any negative way.
Geez...people don't read.:roll:
It's as if you have some uncanny ability to ignore things that don't fit your beliefs...

It's like dejavu I swear I said you'd do that before you did. Maybe that makes me a psychic athiest.


Well-Known Member
Another reason Buddhism allures me is because you can acctually see somone, through eeg, shutting down ALL of thier brainwaves. I forget what thats called, but alot of practitioners can do it. Another example is the tibetan practice of tumo, where usually monastics sit outside in the snow draped with wet sheets and through intense meditation will heat thier bodies until the sheets are completely dry. Also the circle of melted snow around the practitioner will show the intensity of thier meditation.