• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
A Buddha, once the flame of ignorance is doused, will never be reincarnated. Im not religious, but I believe Buddhism and dharma to be the moral path of man. Enlightenment seems a little more "real" as you can see an enlightened master right in front of you, while with other religions you have to die first and they are much more vague. Practicing meditation for 30 years will transform you, where as praying to creator god all your life will only get you so far if you dont have the right intent. For instance Babs has hate for islam. Detests it and offends. Yet praises own in a very naive and slanted way. Very bad to do. Like I said, telling somone how foul thier shit smells, and at the same time cant relate to the smell from thier own foul ass. How could you get so confused. I try to have a better self awareness about me so I dont make that mistake, and I dont meditate, but meditation will bring things into focus that you were never aware about your self before. Just takes time, effort and right intent.


Well-Known Member
Hm.I don't know what I find more insulting.The inference that I need common simple language to understand anything or the insinuation that I don't read the posts I'm responding to.In either case, I say both Christianity and Islam have done their share to thwart the progress of mankind.You're angry that we're down on Christians, and yet you're attacking Islam with nearly every post.I'm merely pointing out that folks who worship in glass churches shouldn't throw stones.
Stoney, I don't know why you even find anything I posted to you as insulting. :confused:
Stating that I would use simple language was in no way, form or manner intended to be an insult. It was only to suggest that I wasn't going to go on some flowery Jesus vigilante.
I guess you don't recall that you and I had a very calm and positive conversation months ago regarding religion.
::can't win for losing on this thread::
LOL, where are all the CHRISTIANS?

BTW, I think you got those statistics from the web site I put on here.
It's kind of silly to compare a percentage of evil verses from the quran vs. the Bible. There is VERY LIMITED writing in the quran as opposed to the Bible.....also not factored in were the Hadiths---which is where a TON of the verses would be sited.
I also did not insinuate that you would not read. At that point, I had already repeated myself over and over regarding some things. By the time I had posted, three more people had "challenged" me.
Nope Stoney, I'm not mad that "you" (or any one else for that matter) are down on Christians. As far as I'm concerned, mock it til your fingers bleed...no one has the right to never be offended.
I say both Christianity and Islam have done their share to thwart the progress of mankind.
.....and I agreed. In fact, several times over.
When I began to post, my stance was ALWAYS only that you cannot compare Christ and Mohammad.......you can't. They are extreme opposites.
I pointed out to "p" that his being scared of Christianity and our supposed need to take away from his values were without merit.
From that moment on......nothing but an attack.
And thus the laughter...beats getting upset.
Look, I already noted some took a whole lot of time to "break apart" my posts.
I'm not even going to read them right now. I DO have a life.
I may come back later tonight and respond. I may not.
One thing is for damn sure though.......I'm not going to be anyone's slab of meat.
Enough of the repeating...like I said, I've got a life. :peace:


I'm not going to be anyone's slab of meat.

Then I'd suggest you keep clear of this thread. Your ''logic'' and reasoining skills have been analysed long enough for us all to realise you have no ground to walk on and your bullshit doesn't hold water.


Well-Known Member
While some wish to hide under the guise that something simply cannot be true--"because" they don't like the web site as its source----and they are given the NY Times to appease them.....and they STILL wish to make it an argument, exactly WHO is being the troll?
I never said sharia became the common law in Britain.....never. But rather than realize it to be just what it was, it turned back to the "Evil Christians."
You started by saying how bad things ARE in London. Your first source from the BNP spoke of one congregations wishes, not what is. You don't like me disregarding their information, well would you believe the KKK views on race matters, as the BNP are our equivalent. You second source was (NY Times) was not about the same event rather it was about the views of an individual Christian leader, not a fact of what is actually happening. If you had read my posts you would have gathered this, if you did read and didn't understand me you could have said so and I would have tried to explain a different way. So your sources were not evidence of sharia law in the UK or of how bad things are supposed to be.

I started out just trying to inform you that things are not bad in London like you believe, but it seems you have taken this as a personal attack rather than a debate. Instead of debating with me you resorted to juvenile tactics and ended up just being patronizing.

I know you repeated yourself a lot, I understand that its frustrating, but why keep repeating things that have been shown to you as flawed. If you think its not flawed, point out where I was wrong, educate me, don't treat me in the condescending way you did.

I hope you can distinguish between who you are arguing with as I never once bought your religion into it or bought up Christianity in any way shape or form. I just tried to correct you on your views of how bad things are in London.

If you took the time to read what I wrote, you may have got some insight into where I was coming from and you may have noticed I was trying to explain to you how your "Sources" did not back up your claim of how bad things are in London. Instead you decided to ignore and carry on with your blinkered views.

I welcome you to debate with me further, but when or if there is miscomprehension, explain better, don't just stamp your feat and repeat repeat repeat. If you think someone is wrong or doesn't understand what your saying, people do get the wrong end of the stick sometimes, repeating the same stuff over and over will not help. Try putting things a different way, explain yourself better.

I look forward to your response so we can have a reasonable debate, as I believe we could. If not then all the best to you.


Well-Known Member
It's funny that it was stated that you can't compare Jesus and Mohammed, for Islam does just that.
Islam treats Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed as prophets.

Of course both religions have a strong dislike for "unbelievers":

Quran 4:89 They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them.

New Testament Acts 3:23
"And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear the prophet, shall be destroyed."

And what unbeliever would want to risk messing with a true believer?
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." -- Mark 16:17-18

With so many true believers running around you'd think sickness would be a thing of the past, as would atheism.

What gives me some relief is the idea that atheism in the US has doubled in the last decade, and the number of individuals that identify themselves as Christian has also decreased.

What scares the hell out of me is that hardcore fundamental evangelicals, the kind that get on youtube and advocate murdering me, my family, gays, people who have sex outside of marriage, etc. are rapidly increasing in number.

Here in Canada atheism, or at least plain unthreatening deism, is pretty strong. But the evangelical right are pouring a ton of money into the country to turn us into Bible Belt North.

To me this irrational dogmatic faith is as offensive as racism, because there is no logic to it, and the end result is destruction. It is power corrupted, and hate refined. It's what made the Nazi's strong, and the Communists implacable. As long as blind faith exists, reason is threatened.


Well-Known Member
To me this irrational dogmatic faith is as offensive as racism, because there is no logic to it, and the end result is destruction. It is power corrupted, and hate refined. It's what made the Nazi's strong, and the Communists implacable. As long as blind faith exists, reason is threatened.
that's good stuff.


Active Member
i seen some shit in my day.

while ive never fallen prey to the cults, ive had friends that have, work tightly with some.
and its almost always pretty fucked up. chock full of people wanting to be told what to do, standing in line even. flocking in droves to have some pontificating douche bag shoves a random story about aliens and the Hebrew alphabet up their ass. took me about till lunch to get it figured out, this guy was building a fucking cabin, and needed labor, and somehow he startin yammerin on about his lizardman conspiracy bullshit, and some dumbass stoped to listen. then another, and another. next thing you know theres 80 teatards doin his chores in the name of god. but godamn they made the best fuckin pizza, and smoked chicken, they even cooked tofu in this marinade that made it actualy enjoyable to consume, i was amazed.

im no fan of religion, and it has definitely slowed progress many times over, but we still needed it. if you look at mankind, people almost always form a religion, ive never heard of a tribe of atheists found in the jungle. so if you have several dissimialiar religions floating around an area, pretty soon people start fightin for whos god/gods are better.

so by unifying by the sword they slowed progress in some ways, but by this unification it opened up trade, and allowed for peace (sometimes) providing time for contemplation and advancement (sometimes).

its all about scale. i read it somewhere. if you scaled an ant up to the size of a human, it couldnt walk, and wouldnt be able to intake enough oxygen to live. if you scale a human up to the size of a moon it would collapse under its own gravity.

religion and government are like this. take communism, it almost works, and it could work, in a society with 100% complete honesty, even 1% dishonesty and it stops working. when we had bands of tribes, chieftains were the way to go, then as we formed cities we needed elders, then we formed nations and needed kings, then we needed prime ministers and presidents and sheiks and all the rest. things work up 2 a certain size, then they must be modified lest they be replaced with a newer faster model.

hell i love religion, re-legion ?, anyway i love religion especially the new kooky ones. Scientology, i mean dang, common, he was a science fiction writer for love of bob.
but generally you can judge a person on their chosen religion, and by that i mean people that suddenly find religion. cuz sometimes they find some funny ones.
whats wierd is, i know alot of folks that found Jesus at the bottom of a coke vial. odd place to find him i thought.
but if someone says hey i just became a hare-Krishna, you know already this probly isnt gonna be a fun conversation.

gave a fella a ride few months back. asked him what he did.
he said he "brought people good news".
i said "so your unemployed then".

you wanna know my stand on religion.
my currant religion is.

everybody need somebody.
some folks need more.

thats about it


Well-Known Member
I think you will find "Deborah 13: Servant of God" just as disturbing.
Possibly even more so, as she has been successfully converted and turned into an evangelist so terrified of hell it's all she thinks about.


Well-Known Member
conjecture, and lies to make your self look important and self justified- ill shoot you down, again, just for old times sake, how bout that. here we go:

1) You amuse me "Iamstoned." Trolling, you say?
An interesting thing to note here(which I am sure will be conveniently overlooked) is the title of this thread.
Normally, I would not have even dropped into a thread with this title.
You know why?...because it's filled with a high percentage of atheists tearing apart something they feel they are experts on.

Response- The title of this thread has nothing to do with the religions of islam, christianity, judaism, buddism, or any other religion. It is a debate about whether or not intellegent design and the purpose of can be proven or not.

2) You attempted how many times to argue with me? I'm not going back to count.

response- this entire thread is a debate. if you cant handle an opposing view i suggest you start another thread more closely related to preaching...

3) When it was I who initially brought up the statistics of 1 out of 4 people in the world being muslim, you used it as an opportunity to attempt to make me look like a fool---as if I had claimed something altogether different.

response- actually, you did say something different:

and my response: sourced from the CIA factbook on percentages of population based on religion, clearly shows that this is not the case.
United States Protestant 51.3%, Roman Catholic 23.9%, Mormon 1.7%, other Christian 1.6%, Jewish 1.7%, Buddhist 0.7%, Muslim 0.6%, other or unspecified 2.5%, unaffiliated 12.1%, none 4% (2007 est.)
perhaps that number has risen since 2007 when this report was assembled, but i still doubt that the us muslim population has reached 25% I didnt make you look like fool, your own words do.

4) When someone attempts to converse with you, try doing just that.
Asking if they are "retarded"...and calling them a bitch is HS mentality.........nope, I take that back.

response- you should take it back, because you are guilty:

the evidence speaks for itself on your high school mentality. you dont even read responses, according you your first post i quoted for this response.

5)If you truly are more scared of what is being taught via the words of Christ as opposed to the teachings of Mohammad, there is something severely wrong with you---believer or not.

response- Im not sure where your going with this, because I never said I was scared of any teachings of christ, or the teachings of any religon. From your posts, its very apparent that YOU are terrified of islam. But if your assuming that there is something wrong with me if did, than that would make you a FASCIST. sieg heil man.... gonna get you some blood laces next? some jackboots, armbands maybe?

5) you are a know-it-all who simply refuses to learn anything......you are determined to believe that you are much too knowledgeable already.

response-I could say the same for you, but I wont. Insults dont validate a point, they subvert the credibility of the person making the insult...

6) I can't make islam or any other religion disappear. What I CAN do is to know better than to invite their way of life into my country.

response- you should remember that this country was founded on the premise of religious freedom... i take the post i quoted from you as sarcasm. Again, i say you are a fascist, or express fascist views and tolerences.

7) People like you use Christians for entertainment. You don't "discuss" anything.

response- your doing the same thing to muslims. welcome to the club, man!

8)You don't get me.....that's fine.

response- thank goodness. i wouldnt be able to sleep at night knowing the evil muslims are going to rise up and take over the world, and dress my children in muslim clothes and kill everyone that opposes them; because thats what you try so desperately to prove here.

9) Intelligent people NEVER stop questioning.

response- which is why i question you. all of your posts are conjecture, you source nothing, and resort to personal attacks when opposed.

10)Buddha must be rolling in his grave.

Well if you had done any of the studying your constantly preaching about you might want to consider the fact that buddha may be reincarnated.. and not rolling in his grave. :lol:

I rest my case.
1) If the title of this thread had NOTHING to do with Judisam, Christianity or islam, why then was it being trashed prior to my arrival? It has everything to do with any thing pertaining to religions and/or beliefs. I'd suggest you re-think that absurdity.

2) This is not a matter of not being able to handle an opposing view. People have opposing views in life in general.....that's just life.
As I said, I don't make it habit to even read these kinds of threads. The only reason I even posted was because of the ridiculous statement regarding Christians.
Furthermore, I spent over two years of my life on a DAILY basis dealing with people who have EXTREME opposing views. Get over yourself.
Oh, and one last time...I just recalled you being the biggest reason I had to repeat myself...I DO NOT DEBATE CHRIST. There's no need to. His words speak for itself.....no need to either debate or defend them.

3)LOL, well, 3 is just altogether ridiculous. I won't be reflecting several pages back to see if I typed that, BUT......if I did, it was SO obviously a typo.......as I had already said the WORLD more than enough times by then.
That wasn't even a defense on your part. :roll: You weren't educating or offering any substance there.....only wasting my time...as you are now.
---pause here for a moment, forgot to address this one--conjecture, and lies to make your self look important and self justified- ill shoot you down, again, just for old times sake, how bout that. here we go:
Who is trying to look important here? YOU. I just realized that it was YOU who was going on ad nauseam and making me repeat myself. I think I may have jumped on someone else thinking it was you as a matter of fact. You were posting the same damn question every few seconds. If I did ream someone for your action, I'll have to go back and see who it is I should apologize to.
You'll shoot me down again? I wasn't aware you had shot me down the first time......NOR was I aware that you and I in some way are old-timers. LOL, "ill shoot you down, again, just for old times sake.
I can't even take you seriously. You are proving yourself a liar.
4) What am I guilty of here that you say I should apologize to you? I was envisioning that for a fleeting moment. What kind of jerk post every few seconds the same question? Then while you were working on posting the same ridiculous question, "P" is busy with his rants about the evil Christians. I'm still waiting for his addressing my point. He never did post all those evil verses from Christ. It impossible to stay on track under such ridiculous circumstances.....which NO ONE ever did. Not a one of you was ever able to acknowledge the truth of what I said.......that Christ is peace. Mohammad is destruction. This was reference to the very simple DOCTRINE. Forget about the stone ages for crying out loud. We don't live in them any longer. Islam will have you reverting back to them, as should be evident.
Originally Posted by Babs34
LOL, save it dude......I'm envisioning you making bets with your bud Panda on how long you can keep me commenting......I didn't get past the first three words....."hadith" for ya. :mrgreen:

Laughter is wonderful medicine. I should apologize to you for it? Nope, won't do it. I was saying that I was ignoring, at least for that time, either yours or P's post because it was either lengthy and obviously a rant (or a repeat) I didn't wish to address immediately....or ever for that matter, LOL.
Apologize for it? Surely you jest.
The "evidence" goes SEVERAL pages back. You instigate by repetition. It is YOU who does not read responses. HAD YOU (or p)DONE SO, the repitetive back and forth BS would never have taken place.:roll:

5) I never specifically said that you did. It was the ever so very sweet pandabear that said Christians and Christianity are both scary.....sigh, here I am repeating myself yet AGAIN.
MY CASE AND POINT.......finally take note
By doctrine ALONE, what is there to be scared of, Christians or Muslims? The fact you don't know concerns me...as well it should.

5) You had TWO fives, so "5".......AGAIN, lol.
If insults don't validate a point, then why do it? I find it VERY insulting that you wasted so much of my time already, and here you do it again. My time is very limited and VERY valuable to me. You want me to apologize for laughing because that insulted you? :roll:

6) response- you should remember that this country was founded on the premise of religious freedom... i take the post i quoted from you as sarcasm. Again, i say you are a fascist, or express fascist views and tolerences.
Big correction here: YOU should remember that this country was based on FREEDOM.....period, POINT BLANK. Islam offers no freedom. You, along with so many, don't realize JUST HOW MUCH SO.
Mohammad is considered to be the PERFECT man in Islam....as Christ is in Christianity. You don't understand that this IS mainstream Islam. This isn't my opinion. This is FACT. The misconceptions you have of islam are DANGEROUS.

When a muslim regards their religion as peaceful, they are referring to the peace that comes when the whole world obeys islamic law.
We are in danger of losing and having islamic law imposed, which denies every last right you take for granted. This is already a very real possibility in Europe in the near future.
Islam means SUBMISSION. It is divided into two parts.One is dar al islam...world of islam. Then there is dar al harb--the world at war. If you're not under islam, you are at war with the unbelievers. War with the unbelievers is MANDATED by allah.
The Jesus of the quran has their (Isa) aka Jesus....obviously as a muslim. :roll: Isa is coming back to kill me according to islam. (because I am a Christian) When you hear of muslims worldwide calling for a caliphate, be ALARMED. You just don't understand that is not a mere "religion." Until you realize how MAINSTREAM Islam TRULY operates, don't defend what you don't understand. Terrorists are not practicing any other form of Islam. They are just TRULY practicing it. No religion hijack theory...no leg to stand on.
You and P, among others, are adamant in believing Christians threaten your lifestyle. I merely pointed out they were the least of your concerns.
BTW, Christians have progressed since the 11th century. :roll:
That was yet ANOTHER thing I was made to repeat. What didn't you understand the first time around? While "P" is sitting there ranting about the past of Christianity, what does he really think he's proving? He has as much chance as I as having ancestors during that time claiming to be Christians, but doing the work of the devil. STILL, he has not acknowledged what I asked him to do. He can't claim Christians evil today because of the past....I guess you don't and will never see just ridiculous that is. The "christians" of that time were NOT acting under Christianity. The jihad taking place NOW is not to be misconstrued as "extremists." They are mandated to war with non-believers. Not one single muslim doesn't realize that in order to come to that "peace" that it will come by any way other than war. When you hear muslims worldwide calling for their caliphate, BE WARNED. You just have no idea how they view what is passing before your eyes in the news. In fact, I don't care which news does it for you......cnn/fox. Neither one of them is broadcasting the ugly truth as it needs to be shown. To do so, WOULD cause mass hysteria.
Why else would Bush say Islam is a peaceful religion right after 911? That was nothing short of a LIE.

Damn, what number am I on? :roll eyes:
6) response- you should remember that this country was founded on the premise of religious freedom... i take the post i quoted from you as sarcasm. Again, i say you are a fascist, or express fascist views and tolerences.
And I say you wake up and smell the coffee and go read. And for the time(s) when I was called a "racist", guess what? Islam is NOT a race. :roll:

7)response- your doing the same thing to muslims. welcome to the club, man!

What I have done is to more than analyze Islam/Muslims. I studied it because I just didn't really believe that the quran I was reading online was legitimate. I thought SURELY once I got the "real" quran, I would understand it differently. After COUNTLESS hours of studying and interacting with them, I realized what had initially shocked me only became more shocking through the course of research. I don't debate their religion simply because I think it's goofy. It is a danger to the entire world. The whole world just doesn't get it......"yet."
A better way to expend your time would be to obtain the resources yourself instead of wasting valuable time being scared of Christians. I know there are some goofy people out there claiming to be Christians. Some of them scare me too....but only briefly. I find it hard to even take them seriously. Save your time with proving they exist. The subject was mo/islam vs. Christ/Christianity. If one or the other were to be indoctrinated upon society, it's beyond obvious which way would bring world peace vs. world chaos.

8) And wouldn't you know this goes all the way to 10? :roll::roll::roll:
Know this is the last lengthy response you'll ever get from me.

response- thank goodness. i wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing the evil muslims are going to rise up and take over the world, and dress my children in muslim clothes and kill everyone that opposes them; because that's what you try so desperately to prove here.
You probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night if you fully understood the doctrine or their beliefs. You obviously don't care to learn either. I suppose it's more convenient not to know the truth for you. I don't have to DESPERATELY try to prove anything here. Islam IS EXTREMELY dangerous......to EVERY LAST NON-MUSLIM. Don't believe me? Get back to me after you've done your homework. It proves itself.
It's not up for debate.

9) response- which is why i question you. all of your posts are conjecture, you source nothing, and resort to personal attacks when opposed.
I believe I already addressed that.......YET AGAIN.

10) Thank GOD you stopped here. HUGGGGGGGGGGE EYEROLL
Being I don't view Buddha as being God, I see him rolling in his grave.
Every thing I do know of Buddhism is good. I honestly haven't studied it. I know they aren't at war with us..they sure don't seem like they will ever pose a threat to my freedom. That's good enough for me. I don't care "where" you find God, so long as it doesn't threaten society as a whole.

Well if you had done any of the studying your constantly preaching about you might want to consider the fact that buddha may be reincarnated.. and not rolling in his grave. :lol:
You have proven yourself to be a liar more than once now. Never did I preach....on the contrary.

I rest my case. You mean to say you had one?

Since I have wasted my time responding to "this"......I'll have to read the others later.
Gee, I can't wait. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
I'll end it with this...
Originally Posted by Babs34
Will that suffice as your final answer?
Damn, you guys just need to start a Christian bashing thread. You're working overtime, but you'll never EVER.........EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR be able to claim Christ EVIL.

someone getting a little frustrated?




Well-Known Member
I posted quotes from the New Testament, but I'm not sure if they were in this thread.
One addressed Jesus advocating the murder of children who talked back to their parents, condoning the Old Testament approach.
The other said that unbelievers would be destroyed.

Peace, my ass.

Did you know that Mohammed also preached peace and harmony? Theologians dating the writing of the Quran put the chapters in the approximate order they were written, and it appeared that the peaceful dialogs took place when the religion was just starting out, and that as it gained power they became more and more violent.

It doesn't matter if a religion promises nothing but fluffy bunnies and tootsie rolls for eternity. If it's selling dishonesty, get rid of it.


New Member
I'm not surprised at Christians outrage at Islam. they are on the Christian hit list with the Jews.... and anyone else who stands in their way of global cultism.

Islam also is used this way, but only by the extreme fringes. The Christians get their pattern of cultism straight from the Church..... mainstream church.


Well-Known Member
I'm not surprised at Christians outrage at Islam. they are on the Christian hit list with the Jews.... and anyone else who stands in their way of global cultism.

Islam also is used this way, but only by the extreme fringes. The Christians get their pattern of cultism straight from the Church..... mainstream church.
"the church" ??? "mainstream".....sorry, you lost me. Every last thought I have regarding religion stems only from the teachings of Christ....what I willingly read. I didn't have to memorize and recite it either for what that's worth.
I also don't have to every time mentioning the name Jesus follow it with peace be upon him. His name IS PEACE. Even mo knew at times he was possesed. Now he has a billion plus muslims praying for him, LOL.....THAT part is comical to me. Mohammad was one egotistical sob.....even from his grave.


Well-Known Member
I posted quotes from the New Testament, but I'm not sure if they were in this thread.
One addressed Jesus advocating the murder of children who talked back to their parents, condoning the Old Testament approach.
The other said that unbelievers would be destroyed.

Peace, my ass.

Did you know that Mohammed also preached peace and harmony? Theologians dating the writing of the Quran put the chapters in the approximate order they were written, and it appeared that the peaceful dialogs took place when the religion was just starting out, and that as it gained power they became more and more violent.

It doesn't matter if a religion promises nothing but fluffy bunnies and tootsie rolls for eternity. If it's selling dishonesty, get rid of it.
Would you care to show me where he preached the peace and harmony? I already know of the only couple of sources you could possibly get that. But guess what? You can't proclaim yourself peaceful by saying "there is no compulsion in religion"...while endlessly declaring jihad and teaching your followers to fight/subject/kill those who refuse to believe. Kind of hypocritical, wouldn't you say?
And you are wrong. The quran has NO order, NONE. It's read by order in length of the surah (chapter)
Every last "revelation" Mohammad had was taken from the Jews. He just switched everyting up to his liking....historical fact.
Jesus said murder children who talk back? Wow, you're tripping. Go look that one up. You're really lost there.
Are you referring to spare the rod, spoil the child? If so, what kid have you ever known that didn't need a good ass-whoopin in one way or the other at SOME point in their lives? I can't wait to see how I'm accused of abuse now, LOL.

You think it's because they were becoming more powerful, that they were being victimized for it? LOL, now come on. I don't know where you got this version of Islam, but you are off 100 percent already.

They had already been attacking the Jews at that time.


Well-Known Member
A Buddha, once the flame of ignorance is doused, will never be reincarnated. Im not religious, but I believe Buddhism and dharma to be the moral path of man. Enlightenment seems a little more "real" as you can see an enlightened master right in front of you, while with other religions you have to die first and they are much more vague. Practicing meditation for 30 years will transform you, where as praying to creator god all your life will only get you so far if you dont have the right intent. For instance Babs has hate for islam. Detests it and offends. Yet praises own in a very naive and slanted way. Very bad to do. Like I said, telling somone how foul thier shit smells, and at the same time cant relate to the smell from thier own foul ass. How could you get so confused. I try to have a better self awareness about me so I dont make that mistake, and I dont meditate, but meditation will bring things into focus that you were never aware about your self before. Just takes time, effort and right intent.
I have the right intent alright. I intend to protect my right........to live.
For instance Babs has hate for islam. Detests it and offends. Yet praises own in a very naive and slanted way. Very bad to do. Like I said, telling somone how foul thier shit smells, and at the same time cant relate to the smell from thier own foul ass. How could you get so confused. I try to have a better self awareness about me so I dont make that mistake, and I dont meditate, but meditation will bring things into focus that you were never aware about your self before. Just takes time, effort and right intent.[/QUOTE]
HOW did you get so confused?
REPEAT: Christ is good, mo isn't. Try proving otherwise. As much as I know you desperately wish to debate this topic....you CAN'T.
Mo's shit REEEEEKS. As far as my ass is concerned, I never claimed myself to be perfect, your point? And I certainly never tried to take any one to Jesus.
Too many in here keep trying to throw things in that are coming from nowhere.
On that note, you just plain stink.


Well-Known Member
Get back to me after you've done your homework. It proves itself.
It's not up for debate.
you assume that your point of view is the only one... again your a fascist.
good luck proving your point using that logic.

i LOL at you


Well-Known Member
Then I'd suggest you keep clear of this thread. Your ''logic'' and reasoining skills have been analysed long enough for us all to realise you have no ground to walk on and your bullshit doesn't hold water.
You don't intimidate me..:roll:
even if you are half as ugly as your avatar with that lovely personality of yours.
Re-think loosely calling others retards. There may very well be parents on RIU who have retarded children....obviously they can't help it.
You insult the word with its use.