Proven Deer Repellents


Ill tell you what I use and so far it seems to works.
For strong doses of deer repellant I use, 1 egg, a 1/ cup of milk, a big dash of cayenne pepper as well as a nice dose of garlic powder
Now I make this really strong just to spray my entire area out with, ill make like a gallon of this stuff and spary in plentiful everywhere on your borders of your grow area and even as close to the soil your plants are in, then once i put them in the ground
I use much lighter mix to spray on the plants themselves which doesnt hurt them.
The above recipe is for just 32 ounces, so you do the math and make your spary 1/4 the strength i have for spray on or close to plants, a very light mixture is ok for the plants, but the strong dose i use seems to keep the worst of critters from messing with any of my plots.

Good luck hope this helps!!!


Well-Known Member
I came across this idea in the local paper today . . . lots of deer around here. Worth a try? Must be the clove oil? Anyway.

"Last summer was the first year I was able to have blooming flowers in my gardens without the deer eating them as soon as they came up. This recipe is easy to make, keeps well in the fridge and seems to be very effective. The only thing to remember, is to open up the bottom of the spray bottle tube thing with a knife, so that it doesn’t clog.

Deer repellent for use on flowers and veggies:

Whisk together: 1 egg, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon liquid dish soap and 10 drops of clove oil (this can be found on the Internet, or perhaps a health food store). Add to 1/2 gallon of water. Spray on the plants and new growth, reapplying after a hard rain or once every five to six days. I found this to be very helpful and successful in my gardens."

Happy gardening.


Well-Known Member
I use 1/4 in fencing with root cages, an deer/rabbit repellent.
Its about 100% safe.

Check out my journal in my sig to see how i do it.

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
DUDES...the best thing EVER is skin-so-soft lotion (made by Avon) mixed with water....or a smelly oil body wash mixed with water...have had 95% outcome with them in 3 years